Personal Message


"Only can the Mind can
Make the right Decision
But undeniably the
Heart decides for your
Own Happiness"

About Me


Roplaying at Rilakkuma AFF Roleplay


Yo! Ex-member of DBSK and current member of JYJ Kim Jae Joong-imnida.

Also known as Hero ;)

Relationship status  . . . . .
Birthday  The 5th of January
Current mood  Lazy but yet Happy
Song on my mind  CHAOS - Last Night



A little about myself:
I'm Good-looking, as you can see LOL
I sing and act, which in fact i'm really good at
If you say I have a big ego, I totally understand
I don't usally get mad but don't try piss me off x)
^ don't be scared for me mentioning this

If you want to know more, chat with me :P

Peoples I Love ;]
I don't make special list cause it's not me, but I'm just going to make one because I'm bored.
You should feel lucky that I put you in this list XD

Jo Hyunyoung >> My Valentine ;)

She's the first one to call me funny and silly, which I agree with her :)
She's silly herself and is a sweet amazing girl.
Trust me, get to know her and you'll think the same way... maybe.. x)


Nam Woohyun AKA My Bunny =]

Just talking to him will make my day cause he's so cute with every sentence he say.
Reasons why he is in my special list is because
he's very adorable,
Loving, Fun to talk to, I own him and a Kind person.


Hurt Them, and I will END you.