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Personal Message

Roleplaying @ Avengers First Class as Kim JaeJoong as the Headmaster.


As the headmaster of the Xiaver Institute for Gifted Youngsters, I was the main beginner to creating the X-men and creating this school. It all started with Yoobin and then Ga In and now I'm trying to get as much mutants as possible to help them and teach them to be themselves and to also teach them things they would learn in school.

My ability is Angelic Manipulation. I basically have the characteristics and the abilities of an angel. I have celestial bow and arrows, wings, a halo (but that I turn invisible so you can't see it, but I use it as a weapon sometimes beacause I can kkk), and I even can call other angels and use them for my own will to fight. Cool, isn't it? I'm a class 10 mutant, the highest mutant class that you can have really.

About Me

As the headmaster of the Xiaver Institute for Gifted Youngsters, I was the main beginner to creating the X-men and creating this school. It all started with Yoobin and then Ga In and now I'm trying to get as much mutants as possible to help them and teach them to be themselves and to also teach them things they would learn in school.

You wanna know about me? Well.. That's a story to tell. You should check my stories then. There will be a time where I'll write certain parts of my life. Consider it... a journal, but a story to you. If you have any more questions like.. my favorite food or something just come and ask. There will be a good time where I'll tell you anything you ask for.