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About Me


Birth Name: Shin Yoon Jo
Nicknames/alias: Yoonjo
Birth date: December 14, 1992
District: district 9-Medicine
Weapon choice: Bow and arrow- because she is Sagittarius  
               Needle and thread- She usually uses that for urgent reasons(refer to background story)
Strengths:Beauty-Using her beauty to fool people. When people start to fall for her, She would make her move in a second. So don't be fooled by my looks.
          Quick reflexes- She's fast in curing. But also fast in hurting people.
          Smart enough to be fooled- She graduated 2 years earlier. 
Weaknesses: Lack of faith- Once a member is injured, She immediately loses faith. Due to her memories from the past.
            Weak on the inside- She easily pants when she runs. Giving other people a chance to injure her.
            Easily Distracted- Once she hears a sound, You will know that it's a chance to injure her.
Trivia: She was born with a "doll-like" face.
Personality: She immediately loses faith. That's because her brother and sister died when she was young. They joined the Hunger games as well. That's why when a member is injured, she's scared of what will happen to you. Remember this. She's only weak on the inside. But tried to stay strong on the outside.
Background: She is born to fight. Her family is. But when her siblings died when she was young to join the hunger games, They said she was born to kill by her looks. That's why people from the other districts, always want her to join. To kill that innocent face.