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Personal Message

Some day I will eventually write a story that I believe is worth reading or worth even looking at. But for now I leave for you an empty space that will soon be filled. Must wait a little longer for the story to connect in my head.


About Me

I'm getting older by the minute...

I won't give out my real name, but by this letter you'd guess what it is but if you want to call me something different that'll be ok. To make it easier for you, just call me J. You can always give me a nickname if you want :)

 3years ago, I wrote a Justin Bieber fanfic with someone from a different country. It did really well, but I lost contact with her. Don't excatly know what happened, but I'd rather leave that mystery unsolved. 

So now I'm back to writing, and by the looks of it, I'm rusty. I don't mind if people don't read my stories, as long as I put something out there, someone might stumble across it. Just a glance is all good for me.

I don't have anything else to say really.

If I find more things about myself, I'll tell you. 

Have a good day/night whever you are.