Personal Message

i honestly don't know why but i miss this place so ing much like orz. this is one of my fave rp. well, this rp sits (lmao sits) on third place in my heart, but still this is my favorite okay. i seriously miss you all like hell. sobs. especially ristal i miss it so much. and i miss my kitty. lolololol. sadly, this rp is closed since like forever. i guess this is stal's last message for you all. adios, and te amo. <3 o/ ( 04262013 )

i might write more though. you will never know. 

i'll write for each one of you tho i know you will never read this. i have no life okay go on and continue. i'll come here (when i have free time) again and make a better letter. orz.

to my bby, the ri to my stal, the bob to my pat. why do you always top in here. orz.

hey baby, i know things have change these days. we are busy, and we don't talk to each other that often anymore, it really saddens my heart to know that we changed. i don't think we love each other like we did on fdn days. we had the most fun here in this rp. do know that my love for you grows every second okay. idk tbh. i'll copy and paste the important letter to you soon bc it's in my ipad and i haven't charge it since ages. i loveeeeee you. <3

i really want to make a better letter but i'm never good at long sweet speeches so. orz.

to uncle taejun.

uncle taejun where are you i miss you. homaghad. sobs. 3 i don't know what to write her. orzay. but do know that i love you okay. and and you scare me at times idk. hohohohoho. bread means pain. i'll remember that forever. <3

to dimwit.

idk why i bother writing this one to the dimwit when i know he won't even read this. buuuuuut i hate and love you. meh. i really miss our shut up and down arguements. what happened to us okay. i like arguing with you because you sound so funny and all. lmao. and everytime we argue i sound so dumb because i am dumb. idk. things change since things happened. but i love you okei. <3

i'll come here when i have time now i gtg make me math homework. hopefully you read this but sobs. i think you all won't even bother go here anymore. i love you all. ;u;

About Me

ham was here.

hai dimwit.

#lustal wait no #kryhan since the ham bottoms. fdn's half year anniversary is next thursday, btw. // 070613

how about no. #hunhan forever tbh, aha. < 3

i miss all of you so much. orz. maybe i'll have to start working on more long letters for you guys. oho. btw this font is so cute idek why i'm going crazy without my phone. // 170813 - barely surviving 40 hour famine. i should've given up food or talking instead.

nine months in six days. ( y )

one year in one day. (y) - ham.