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Personal Message

Let's be friends and talk all day, let's share and kpop and be gay~!xD

About Me

Hi! I'm Fishcaek, or if you're truely curious my name is Heather~:D

Hello there you little scamps~!

Just a Shawol with too much kpop to love and not enough space to contain it all! I love y asian men in general, and I love music, so Kpop is just the best place in the world for me!xD 

I'm pretty savey with everything that goes on in the kpop world, so let's be friends so we can giggle and gossip about all the latest Kpop news~~heart

I write fics, so be prepared for fantastic one-shots and long sweet lemony tales as well~c:

So basically, I'm awesome.

I lie, I'm really just a derpy little fangirl. OTL

I'm lyk alwaaayyss on Tumblr, let's be friends there too gosh darn'it!!

Go read my stuff!!