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About Me

HEY~~~ I am new to this :DD I might not be writing any fanfics but will be reading a lot~ haha 
if you haven't noticed, I am a HUGE! EXO fan <3 they are my losers and derps LKSDJGLK haha I love them.. I seriously have no bias when it comes to EXO omg.. whenever I try to have one, another climbs up the bias list so I gave up /)____-
besides EXO, I also like SHINee, U-Kiss, B.A.P, etc. and my fav girl group is GIRLS' GENERATION MAKE 'EM FEEL DA HEAT~~ or should I say I GOT A BOY~! 

haha it would be nice to have some friends on here who would recommend good fanfics :DD I've read about 3-4 so far and am reading Paper Mache right now <3


I will change my profile pic according to age <3 haha