Personal Message

Hi people, My Name is Osi, I'm from Mexico and I on English but I love EunHae... and Kyuhae ... (so what? they are real!!!) for they I am here reading such beautiful stories and trying to improve my English... or trying to be an expert using google translator xD



About Me

I'm in love of Donghae for already 4 years, loving Donghae I fell in love with Kyu and Hyuk, but no because  I love Hae I love these idiots, no, I really love Kyu and Hyuk for what they are, they are my biases on SJ, but hey, if you are an ELF that means that you love the 15, and my heart is completely pearl sapphire blue 7u7


I really love reading fanfics, but because I on this lenguage I rarely send a message, I sorry T^T It's the same with comments, I feel much stress when I found great stories and I cant write a proper comment and much less an entendible comment 7n7




So yeah, thats all... this the only thing that I will post in my wall :D

Peace and love...and a room for EunHae!!!!! ...and KyuHae >:)


ps. Hyuk is only for Hae, Hae can have Kyu, but the monkey is only for his fishy :3