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About Me



  1.                 ❝ — HARU
  2.  ↷ jongdae
  1. Hi! Call me Emerysia or Krystal, my given English name! If I had to describe myself in three words, I would have to say artistic, creative and considerate. In my circle of friends, my nickname is'Mom' because I fuss about my friends and their health and eating habits and if they're hurt or not etc. Also, I'm a language enthusiast and I'm quite fluent in English; definitely a lot more fluent than in my own mother language. I'm also currently learning German and Spanish soon after I finish my French GCSE. The languages I want to learn though are Korean, Japanese and Chinese and when I'm older, 16 or 18, I want to go on a 6 week long trip around all of Asia. Also I absolutely love the Derp Squad aka Exo! My ultimate biases are Sehun and Chen-probably can tell with the picture above. These are probably the only interesting facts you need to know about me. Tar Tar! Annyeong! Zaijian! Sayonara! Au revoir! Auf Wiedersein! Adios!                                                                     春夏秋冬。