Personal Message

"I won't be a rock star, I'll be a legend"

About Me

The most important thing about me is that if I'm not writing, I'm reading. I feel a little bad when I'm reading, because I don't write too much, and I feel bad when I'm writing because I don't read. There is no happy medium for me, and that's one of the main reasons why sometimes I don't update a lot, but then update a lot in bursts.

I spend a lot of time running around the internet, and probably have accounts on most major social networking sites, though I really only use Twitter and Tumblr.

I come up with more storylines than I can write, and probably have ten or more stories hidden away that no one will ever see, and I like it that way.

And: I like making friends, though most people outside of the internet rarely bother to even talk to me. I am invisble. Unless they need the last homework assignment.