Personal Message





oh hayoung
july 19 1996



 talk to me.

Okay, la dee da. i feel like writing a huge about me, just beacause. you all should come talk to me, seriously. even though i'm a lazy , you takes years to reply sometimes. i'm still friendly. ask anybody. actually-- okay. maybe they'll all tell you i'm a bully, but they still love me, heh. i'm extremely touchy, hyper, odd short tempered cheeseball. i just adore talkative people, seriously. if you're talkative then i'm sure we'll be tight right off the bat. i used to have a ton of friends, what happened. sobs. this is what i get for barely replying. gosh, i'm so weird. anyways! this what you need to know. sumin is my best friend, i love her to bits and pieces, mess with her and i'll rip your ugly face off, then throw you off a cliff. juniel is my lovely daughter. i get mad at her a bit too often, but she's still a special person to me. so don't you dare screw around her. if you do, i'll hunt you down and you could get aquainted with my little friend, mister bat. my parents, jessica and kyuhyun. i don't care what anybody says about them. they are my precious family with too many kids but woo, i'm not lonely. oh, don't mess with anyone on my friends list for that matter, not acceptable.  okay, i'm done. now come talk to me, lovely people. i'm sorry if i sounded a bit too violent. still you haven't gotten to know me, you've only read the back cover of this awesome book. time to flip the pages and learn about me through this complicated story, heh. coughs. pm me, wall scares me to death. sobs.





About Me

Sorry, only my special friends are
allowed to hack me~... or if you think you're special pm me for my password~!


simiya hacked you again

february 15, 2014

whoa whoa do you see that

goddess over there ➩

look at

my precious

baby rio

rio loves jr very much. she is always happy to have a playdate with him.

it's time for another hack, my precious naya. you know that no matter what i'll always come back because you're someone that i hold very dear to my heart. so, i could go on and on about mushy things, but, i don't think it woud be appropriate to, even if you are just my best friend. thank you for everything and you truly are an amazing female who i would trust with my life. just think about all the times you've instantly made me feel better whenever i would see you online. you're great, always remember that. i'll always be here for you, naya. i'm not someone that can be easily shaken from you, so count on me with anything and i will happily bare it with you. i won't ever let you go through anything on your own, so please, allow me to carry some of the burden along with you. with that, let's talk about how much i love you and such. speaking of love, did you see my adorable rio up there? she still has her cute little black spot on her eye and she's just as fluffy as ever. she often misses jr. i can tell because she sits alone like she wishes for someone to play with. it's strange, it's like rio love jr like simiya loves naya. our bunnies reflect our friendship and it makes me really, very happy. we still need to go to adopt a lion cub - if that's what you wish for. then we can really fulfill our roles of lion king, haha. it would most definately match us, huh? let me dedicate a special song to you, okay? it's really a very good song that i love and i feel it's very sweet and such. so i'll just hyperlink it here. anywho, thanks for letting me get close to someone like you. i always smile whenever we speak and you can easily brighten my day with your personality. never change for anyone. i hope you remain to keep smiling through everything, okay? ohman my fingers are very cold. was that random? ahah i feel it was. enough of the seriousness of this hack. let's get to the jucy stuff. ahh~ i really have nothing jucy to say .__. i'm so lame, ahhh! ohman, so i read your other hacks to see what else i should put and i saw joepom's hack. /flips tables/ ohmy do you remember when i first hacked you? i felt that took forever to finally post up haha. i'm sorry i'm a bit slow at times, but this time was pretty fast, right? wouldn't you say so? i wold most def say it's my fastest work!! we have so much more time to create more and more memories, so don't ever forget that! let's grow old together so i can make your future husband jealous, ahah. nahh, i wouldn't do that to the poor lad ;D oh and don't you dare think this is the end of my hack. i merely ran out of room on this layout so ima come back with another so be prepared!!! MUAHAHAJHFASDHKJD /CHOKES AWAY/
