Personal Message

Hi I'm ChiHoon.


❒ Gay ✔ Bi.   ❒ Straight.

✔ Married.  ❒ Single.

Taken By: Tiffany aka ert.


She is MINE.

Sorry guys, cry all you want. Touch her i will destroy you. You really were the person that caught my eye. Your like a innocent child and yet a mature y woman at once. I really want to be with you forever, you are perfect. I know you doubt me at times but i really am happy that you are mine and i am yours. I want to say something, but i dont want the first time you hear it to be here. There is so much i want to say to you, to express my feelings, But im not very good at it....Sorry heaven, shes my angel and youll never get her back.


I Like to play, With My girlfriend~~~~


Do you?


I do what i like, I don't like being told what to do.




Talk to me.





My heart want's someone, I just haven't met her yet


Now stop stalking me.



About Me





You were my first friend here, You mean so much to me and i really enjoy talking to you. I know i've been a jerk to you at times and all, but i'm glad i met you, i'm glad you understand me so much. It was really funny when we met. Your the most important person here to me. You acted all innocent but i knew secretly you were a great ert.






Are a very evil child. We get on well and im glad i met you, Your fun to talk to and i enjoy your company. I hope i can be there for you when you need. She may look cute to you guys, But she is the most evil person i've ever met.





Hyeri, you always say you'll be alone, but trust me a great girl like you will find a great guy. I don't know you that well, but you listen to me and help me when i need it. I hope i can do the same to you. I hope i can be the great friend to you that you are to me.


Miss forever alone.



I really don't know how to explain how much you've been there for me. I only met you the other day and yet you feel like a sister to me. I honestly can tell you anything and your so honest with me.

Thanks foreverying. Miss alone forever.

[Just Like That] AFF ty Roleplay