Personal Message

Hello everyone!


We are a group of Blackjacks who come together on the Line app to chat, write and spazz about our love for our ultimate 2NE1 OTP: ChaeRa! The fics that are posted on here are a result of our creative collaboration, all written live in Line chat. We welcome new writers, readers, and friends to come and collab and spazz with us! Help us all improve our writing, enjoy every ChaeRa moment, and find the results here on AFF!

About Me


~* coming soon *~


Send us a private message if interested in joining!


To join the Line group, there are a few simple rules you need to follow:


Rule 1. Be kind, respectful and friendly to others in chat
Rule 2. Spazz to your heart's content; 'calm down' is not in our vocabulary
Rule 3. This is a ChaeRa group. We all have other interests as well, and it's ok to  talk about other interests; however, spamming these interests and/or being rude is  frowned upon. You will be given a warning by a senior member and if you continue, you will be  removed from the group.
Rule 4. Do not enter if you are uncomfortable with the [M] tag
Rule 5. Constructive criticism and comments for authors are welcome, but no bashing or significant disruption of the flow of a live fic.
* rules are subject to change and/or addition