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About Me


Hello everyone~ How are you? I hope well. Let’s get started!
My name is Brittany, and I’m a high school student that dreams to one day teach English in Korea/literature in America. Born on April sixteenth, I have an obsession with languages, adorable things, and tea, and my life is surrounded by Kpop, books, and anime/Japanese things~ I want to be able to speak at least four languages fluently, English being my first. So, for the moment, if you speak German or Korean(though I'm better at German than Korean. WAY better) talk to me in those languages! Help me learn?
Hobbies: reading, drawing, anime watching(?), gaming, baking/cooking, and obsessing over Kpop. Obviously.
I'm a multifandom kind of girl, as we all usually are~ Though that's true, my heart and soul is revolved around being an ELF. It's home to me. But if you want to talk about other groups/fandoms, or recommend me songs, that'd make my day a happy one!
My other interests that you may see briefly:
Homestuck, anime, games, books, Gorillaz, American Horror Story, Jpop, and art.
When not listening to Kpop or Jpop, you’ll see me dancing and singing to Gorillaz, who have a home at my heart forever.
Ah, this is so boring! I’m sorry. TT Drop by any time! I’d love to talk to you lovely readers!
Personal/contact me:
Skype: BrittiBratt
Kakao: BrittiBratt
Tumblr: Britt-I-Bratt
Gaia: Mystic Moment
GASP. A username not BrittiBratt!
Goodbye my sweets. ^^