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About Me

Name: Yoon Bora

Age: 22 years

Race: Vampire

Status: Single

Orientation: Straight

Friend or Foe: Friend






--Her Story


 Bora lived with her mother, just her mother.Her father left when her was 7, barely left her or her or her mother anything.When Bora was 14 her mother became ill, she began to care for her mother, until one night Bora returned home late at night to find her mother in a pool of blood on the cold tile floor. Bora ran to her mother and held her dead ice cold body in her arms, making her white t-shirt red with blood.She sat there crying her eyes out, not knowing what else to do.Bora heard someone enter her home, the person who killed her mother, a vampire. Bora sat there frozen not moving a muscle, the vampire had meant to her dry of blood but didn't realize he had turned 14 year old Bora into a vampire.Now 22, Bora works at a small cafe as a waitress, doesn't talk to many people, mostly stays quiet.She seems cold when you first meet her, but after a while she opens up and comes out of her shell.






Extra Facts about Bora



She has a small tattoo of a moon crest and a star on her neck

Drinks animal blood, even though she doesn't like to

Doesn't mind Elves

Drinks alcohol when stressed

Has the ability to erase and read people's minds

She is able to run really fast, faster than normal vampires

Sun magically branded on her ankle




Things Bora would like to accomplish 


Find her Father

Date someone

Move in with her partner

Have a child

Go visit her childhood home

Lose her ity

Have her first kiss

Get a friend that understands her




Special Ones





Minho (Deactivated)

Bora and Minho became close friends after bumping into each other on the street. They were there for each other when they just needed someone to talk to, there for each other no matter what. When one of them fell, the other was there to pick them up.






Hyorin (Deactivated)


Bora and Hyorin have known each other since their third year in high school, losing contact with each other after graduation, until they bumped into each other in an ally. Now catching up with each other, they noticed their fathers looked the same. They had a blood test and found out their sisters.


