Personal Message




♦ First you can call me whatever you want, I mean any name is okay. Except from meanie things (∆)

♦ I'm a still student, so I can't always udpate or something like this. But I write always, on my phone or on letters when school is boring 

♦ I'm a shy person to be exact *HAHA* but it's true. I'm kind of awkward and weird. I have always this gummy smile when I laugh. And it looks not normal for some people I know ⌐⌂⌐

♦ I get really emotional when it's about comments and subscribers. I mean I nearly cried once. And I love it to answer you too.

♦ At school some of them calls me Pikachu , because I can imitate the sound of it :D

♦ From my family they calls me siopao-face ( For non filippinos: BAOZI)

♦ I suffer from mood swings since I was born, so I can be happy seconds later angry XD So sometimes it's not good to talk to me because I would throw you a chair. hoho

♦ You can ask me everything you want :) I love to listen to you

My Biases:

Super Junior: Eunhyuk, Dongahe, Heechul
Block b: I think all of them, I'm new loving them ^^


My first otp I wrote at old account was Eunhae and Kyumin.

Krisyeol- the mrpeg...unf SO GOOD.
Kray- also the Mrpeg is so good and they are a funny couple I think ^^

I don't know why is it wrong to write Mpreg, sure it's maybe impossible for a male. But this is fanfiction, your imagination your mind of it. And seriously don't give a shi** what people would think. I know many people who likes it. And I think here or in many fanfiction sites you can be you, because you want to share them your fantasy and stories in your mind. I love this site, because:

everything you write, someone would like it. So don't worry about that People hate it. Honestly I think this too, but I keep doing it.
It makes you more creative by writing and just writing your emotions. Because of this I was good at writing stories at school, seriously I became a good grade and actually I'm horrible at writing stories (In german)


I respect you all and I hope you respect me

I'm a secret fangirl at some of here :D I always wants to write them that they are awsome and I want to be good like them. I always try my best to make it better.





and many many more. XD Just look at my subscribtion haha


hope you like it ^^ love and hug






About Me

Well about me...
I'm Meng aka. Cocoball or right now Angelic_