Personal Message



pooped out on october 24, 1994 with the name jung soojung, is then given the name krystal and

made into a flower together with my 4 mates, creating f(x). is also given the position of the lead vocalist.

tumblr_m95m8tMG671rsjc34o4_250.jpg tumblr_m95ikqkx9A1resc5ho1_500.jpg

taken by byun baekhyun | straight | baekhyunual



hurt them, i'll personally cut you for the fishes.


family and lovelies.


blue - nephew & nieces | red- grandfather&grandmother | grey - aunt&uncle | orange - siblings | bold - partner for life | underlined - father | green - daughter&son

 } sohee | naeun | sulli | chorong umma | jiyoung | luna | hyosung | suzy | nicoletia | soyu | yull | seohyun

 }  baekhyun | daehyun | l.joe | minho | luhan | sungyeol | lay | baro | sunggyu | nickhunyonghwa | gongchan | jinyoung | dongwoochen | sandeul


picture cr to baekhyun. ouo


me+you = supa luv.

depolarized:。゚(゚ノД`゚)゚。 tumblr_m8vkbyrz4t1qlv0dfo1_500.png tumblr_m8t0gkgOZE1rto225o1_500.png

my one and only bb boy. baekgiya. 8D

special message under construction! ouo

About Me





tous les jours affrp


roleplaying as → { jung soojung }