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Personal Message

If your bored with nothing to do come join Neverending Paradise Roleplay ^^

If your reading this, you must be a stalker 8D



I asked you if I was Pretty, you said No
I asked you if I was fat, you said Yes Of Course
I asked if you wanted to be with me forever, you said No
I asked if you would cry if I walked away, you said No
I heard too much, and needed to leave and,
as I walked away ...
You grabbed my arm and told me to stay
You said ...
Your not Pretty, your Beautiful
The only thing Fat, Or Big is your Heart 
I dont want to be with you forever, I need to be with you Forever
And baby, I wouldn't cry if you were to walk away
I would Die







Choi Jinri (Sulli), Thats me ^^
Basically on NPRP, I'm just your ordinary wall stalker :3 Not only that but the people close to me would also know that I'm quite the detective wannabe 8)

Park Jiyeon, My Precious Twin
Thats my twin, The Flawless Jiyeonnie ^^ Despite being born on different years as well as looking nothing alike, our minds think alike. I guess thats why we like to call each other twinnie ^^. During my whole time with her, I had my shares of embarressment >///< laughter ^^ teasing >:) and even sharing my sadness and laziness :') . I'm proud to be able to call her my twin, as not only is she pretty but shes also thoughtful, kind, ambitious and well lets just say shes good at all sorts of things, after all she is my Flawless Twin Jiyeonnie. Honestly, I'm really grateful to have met her and to be called Twinnie and call her Twinnie ^^ , I wish her happiness wherever she goes and whatever she does ^^
And I mean this when I say this but, I LOVE YOU TWINNIE 


(Lee) Choi Sooyoung, My Loveable Choi Sister 
Its just like what it said above, shes my one and only loveable Choi Sister Sooyoung ^^ , shes basically been with me since forever. From the moment I first joined, she treated me nicely and cared for me. Although I cant say I know her from inside out, like what she really thinks and feels about me, eversince I met her, I just always feel like saying Thank You For Being Here Beside Me. If I were to be in a foul mood, she would cheer me up, if I was feeling happy, she would be happy with me ^^, if I was feeling down, she would share our sadness, even in fear, she would comfort me. Not only that but she would always praise me :3 If I could, I always wished I could do the same back to her :) I'm really quite the dependent sister arent I ^^? But yeah honestly, I dont have a sister in real life, although I already have an awesome little brother, I still wished for an older sister, but now whenever I imagine of an older sister, someone like you would always come into mind. I love you my one and only Choi Sister ^^


Hwang Tiffany, The Pillar
Keke I really hope Tiffany doesn't misunderstand what I wrote at the top ^^ But its just like it says, to me and many others apart of the NPRP family, Tiffany is basically like an admirable Pillar that stands within the centre and holds us all up. If she were to break, our family would come tumbling after, if she were to be in a happy mood, although we might be feeling envious at times, we are still happy for her as we can not feel anything but gratefulness towards her. Although she warned us about being Bipolar, she has always been kind to me, and have not once, brought any kind of pain to me nor anyone else of NPRP. I think she had always treated everyone fairly and despite having different interest. She is still one of the best. For that, Thank you for letting me meet you and talk to you ^^


Woo Ji Ho (Zico), my umma
keke, like I said, thats my umma ^^ isnt he cute? keke :3 So here starts off my long letter :3 *cough cough* Dear umma, for the few weeks that you have been with us could be said as nothing more, then a privilege to be happy for ^^. During this time, I learnt many things about you, stuff about your life, your living style and most importantly your way of thinking and how you feel about certain things. Not only that, but once upon a time long long ago, I never even knew about Ji Ho (Zico)'s existence, and after just a few days being with you and talking with you, I've become a fan ^^ For the weeks, months and if possible years to come, I hope I can always be with you umma ^^ so for now, Don't go anywhere as I'm not yet ready for another disappearance :') I know I might be sounding like a little dependent kid to you, and that you might be annoyed because of this, but I cant help it since you are my one and only trustworthy umma :') 


Choi Minho, a simple minded blockhead
keke if he was reading this, he would badly scold me afterwards :3 but its true ^^ he really is a blockhead that it isnt funny .__. LOL anyways, during this time being with Minho, yes just Minho, no honorifics :3 has been great, from the time I met you until the time Minstal was in the proccess of creation. Yes until that time x) Why? because afterwards my scolding and competitive oppa, became soft and mushy. Mushy Mushyy~ Its alright though, seeing you like that is cute :3 though sometimes me face goes from ^^ thinking " Kyaa so cute " to -> @-@ because of your mushinest. You were also the beginning of messing up my family tree :3 tsk adopting my twin. Anyways, I love Minho, my Choi Sibling ^^ you dont have to change, your perfect the way you are :3



About Me

Basically, I'm a simple blank mided K-POP addict and AnimeFreak who also likes to roleplay. 8)


I am a....

  INSPIRIT  A+  MIRacle  Kiss Me  B2UTY  BANA  Boice  Hottest  IAM 

  Aff(x)tion  Diadem  Black Jacks  Everlasting  Sone  


After many years of suffering TT^TT I finally found my ultimate bias :'D
My Love TT^TT 




Right Now I Am Also Deeply In Love With NU'EST's Ren TT^TT 



My Top Biases Include:

Mir From MBLAQ

Dongho Of U-KISS

Yoseob Of BEAST/B2ST

Sungjong of INFINITE

Hyunwoo The Actor




Pandora Means It Will Last Forever




Song Of The Month

( in my head )


B1A4; Sesame Player Logo Song


Song Of the month history 

January 2012: 
           Infinite; Can U smile


February 2012:
           NS Yoonji; The Reason I Became A Witch


March 2012:
           B1A4; Sesame Player Logo Song



profile credit.

One thousand cranes, for One single wish
Sometimes, you’re like a blanket that envelopes me
You’re like home, you’re like a friend, sometimes you’re like family
Please stay forever by my side
When you are in love you cant fall asleep because reality is better then your dreams.
