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Personal Message

my favourite quotes;

'beneath the make-up and behind the smile, i am just a girl who wishes for the world'- Marilyn Monroe

'when i hear your cries, praying for light, I will be there.'-Black Veil Brides; Saviour

'as we grow up, we learn that even the person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once. and it gets harder every time. you'll break hearts, too. So remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend, blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love, so take many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is one minute of happiness you'll never get back'- Andy Biersack

'Photograph each memory so we can live forever'- Automatic Loveletter

'It may be cliche to say 'just be yourself'. But if you live your life any other way, it won't be you achieving everything you wish. It'll be the person you're pretending to be reaching those goals.'

'Sometimes you need to hit that lowest point of being sad, the point where you can't take it anymore and you completely lose yourself to finally get back up on your feet again. Without fear, there would be no accomplishment, no testing of our limitations.'

About Me




Oh. Me?
Well, I'mmm just another girrrll~ (2NE1 referance :D)
no. But seriously...
to begin with, I'm fourteen years old. 97-er(: born march 15th .
the name's Cat. It's not my real name, no, but i'd rather not tell anyone my real name since I don't like it. D: But please do call me Cat, or unnie, dongsaeng, noona, whatevs. okies?
i'm a writer; i don't write as much as i wish i did due to the fact that i have to go to kid jail school everyday, but i do enjoy writing a lot. :3
I mostly like to write angst, romance, & cute, fluffeh thingss<3
besides writing, i also enjoy dancing & photography. i'm a very art-sy person and I adore the arts. <3
I think that's it about me for now. Hopefully, I didn't bore you to death. Add me as a friend, i like meeting new people; write on my wall i like talking to new people, too! :D
kaykay, bye<3