Personal Message



175cm and 50kg || Making noona's turn pedo since 1993 || Seoul || Blood type B 

Star sign cancer || Lead dancer || sub-vocal



I'm a dancing boy...


I have the mindset of an 8 year old child...

I can be cute...




Single || Taken || Crushing

Straight? Biual? Gay? Guess.




He was there for me from the beginning, my charismatic bodyguard/loyal friend. Then i woke up one morning; my mind filled with his charming smile, his voice echooing off the walls of my heart as i started to fall for him.

I know nobody's perfect but to me you are; your persona, your body, everything is so perfect..

Im not the biggest pro when it comes to love but when i look into your eyes i dont ever see us breaking up. I love you more than anything in the entire world, and its the simple things that you do or say that can easily put a smile on my face,there isnt a second that goes by when i'm not thinking of you, you've completely changed me for the better and i cant imagine life without you because i know now that i've found the one i wanna be with forever- saranghae, Kim Jonghyun.



-Leans in closer-

If noona buys me ice-cream i will love her forever~

I will give her roses and buy her candy~

If hyung buys me ice-cream i will love him forever~

I will give him a piggy-back ride and tell him all my secrets~



About Me



You were my first friend here, you're nothing but kind and always energetic.

My happily- crazy and over-charismatic noona.

Saranghae, Seo-hyun <3



You're kind, smart and fun to talk to; and you allways give me lots of candy!

- hands you a rose-

You're gone, but far from forgotten, you will allways have that special place in my heart-

Saranghae, Sulli-noona. <3



We started off pretty bad, and mian for that; but i like that i can open up to you and tell you whats bothering me without the fear of being judged.

Even though were more close outside of this RP, im happy were friends- you have helped me greatly in my bad moments.

And i like how i can be all derpy and crazy, call you names (you fhaeg) and youre still cool with it. hehe

You're gone now, and although we still talk in RL, you better make sure Ukwon doesnt forget mah Taemin!

Saranghae, Ukwon-hyung <3



Youre cute, cool, funny and down to earth.

You always make me laugh whenever im chatting to you and you have the uncanny ability to know my mood. (Despite my constant cover-ups hehe)

Just talk to me more kay ! 

Saranghae, Amber <3



Youre cute,cool and EXTREMELY funny.

The stuff we talk about is hilarious and always brings a smile to my face.

You're one of the only people I can actually completely open up to, (Hence why I always tell you what bothering me :') )

And its crazily funny how young you look despite being 25 :P

Saranghe, my crazy- loving noona <3



NotKidding; IWillRipTheFleshOffYourBonesWith



I am an epic person rp-ing at House of the epic as Lee Taemin;;

Please be my friend , Im a nice adsfghjkl asian boy :3