Personal Message

Hi. I don't know what to put for this part so let's just go straight to 'About me'.

About Me

So basically, my name is Jo Mi Yun. You can call me Claire.I'm from Korea. English is not my first language, so bear with my grammar mistakes. I have a sister,Mihyun and a brother, Dongmin. Apparently, me and my sister loves k-pop and my brother loves J-pop. I've studied in Canada before thus, I know English. My dad is half-Chinese and half-korean. So he forced me, my sister and my brother to learn Chinese, which is a pain. I think I at singing even if my parents say it's nice. I think my rapping and dancing is like, 100000000 times better than my singing.I'm in love with VIXX. :) But my sister likes EXO instead. I'm a very laid-back person. My international age is like, um, 15? I guess.If you guys want to know, I'm from Busan.


Time for you to know my babies~

1)Han SangHyuk (My favorite baby)

2)Lee Hongbin (My favorite artwork)

3)Kim Myungsoo[L] (My favorite piece of handsomeness)