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Comments (7)

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salmafatiaa #1
top tae please... anyway, your story is so cool author nim!! can't wait for your update soon~~
SparklesCake #2
I think top TaeTae is da best ! Remember what he said when he saw jungkook for the first time? "Very very pretty like a girl" xD
It has been decided! jungkook shall top but i decided to give a slight interchangable feel because different situations call for different plans~ It will be mostly jungkook topping, though. Thanks for voting! The margins were slimmer than skim milk im just saying (donthatemeplease) dont worry ill have taehyung top somewhere in there too~ YOU CAN TAKE MY WORD FOR IT~ please anticipate the next chapter! loveyouguys
top jungkook fit with the story better
irmayama #5
I Like it when Tae being y and Kookie was so adorable~` so Top Tae d'best LOL
AkaReikou #6
it's hot for tae to top since kookie'a like somekind of sophisticated cutie here and tae should definitely lead coz kookie's still an adorable baby ;')
bottom taehyung is the cutest asjhkjdfh