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Comments (4)

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Joe040297 #1
Thank you for the comments ^^ I know my writing isn't that good. I'm not really experienced in writing such things because I can't express my thoughts into words very well. But I think being a silent reader here is just not fair. I'll try my best to do more with my fic. Thanks for the reactions. I really like seeing people comment on my work rather than they just look at it and skip it like it's trash or something. Your reactions are much appreciated. I'll try and put your suggestions in mind while redoing my fics.
also, a lot of us hate the dreaded _____. shows lack of creativity. if you are going to write in that specific point of view, use the classic "you". also, lack of a character name and character, that's where the lack of creativity comes in, or it just simply denotes you are lazy. but i figure this is why: if you create a story and put the effort into creating a world of your choosing, why not fill it with a main character of your choosing?
Just skimmed through a few of your stories.

So, they're not vomit-worthy. Your grammar isn't horrible, but it's very simple, and that causes your writing to feel stilted and childish. Use of capslock and excessive exclamation points also make the writing feel more childish.

Plot seems generic and moves too fast. The thing about "plot" is that it's possible to turn an overused, boring plot into a dynamic story - it just needs good writing, good characterization, good pacing, and a lot of extra stuff. There's a couple good metafics that do that. Yours doesn't - as I said before, the writing feels stilted and that can throw off even the most engaging plots.

Characterization and dialogue seem unnatural - your characters talk like characters on Barney or Dora the Explorer. It's very "active, telling" - you say what they do, sometimes out of the blue. Try to make them more reactive and show - don't just say "___ was angry", make ___ yell at someone or throw something against a wall. It keeps the reader more engaged and makes the story easier to read.
don't post polls like this; the internet is full of trolls. maybe next time make a blog post of what people think of your writing etc.