Comments: The Other Side of the Mirror

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Chapter 64: YES. HAPPY ENDING. <3333333
Chapter 64: YES. HAPPY ENDING. <3333333
Chapter 64: lol I thought "the Devil Sehunnie" would... change (I still hope XD) and yaaaaaaaaaaas, I finished this AWESOME fantasy fic :D YAY!

author-nim, you could make another fic about the " Devil Sehun being in love with the Charming Jina " back there >.< I couldn't even contain my feels about the Devil turning to an "Angel" (I still hope right? :P nothing we can do about it XD) a way that "Charming Jina"would visit "Devil Sehunnie" everyday and knock some sense unto him and *bam! Another ship sailing ~~ (but I really wanted D.O. to be the captain also though... XD) Just gonna have feels in my dreams ;D

Still, this fic is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G :D SunHun couple *very thumbs up* <3 <3 <3 I LOVED everyone in this fic, gonna ask to have brothers like EXO-K now T.T still, GREAT story author-nim ^^ ~
treasurelove #4
Chapter 64: Best fiction i ever readdd! Thankyou author-nim for writing such an awesome story :) xo
brulian #5
Chapter 64: This is really one of the best story i've ever read authornim...and ur style of writing is amazinnn..and i really love the ending.Thank u for sharing this beautiful story with us.......
Chapter 64: WOW You really creative!!! Great story for make someone shock!!! Daebak!
saguilar #7
Chapter 64: I wish the nice version of Sehun's friend was able to trade places and be in the nice world.
exiAkim #8
Chapter 64: WOOOOooooooW!!
and I thought "The Devil" Sehun will change....

well, It's ok though...
He deserves it. XD

Anyways, ur story Author-nim is really DAEBAK!
It ended good!...<3
Hope to read ur next story ;-)
Demilee_16 #9
Chapter 64: Omg you scared me so much through out this story! It was amazing! I love this story!
Chapter 64: Asdfghjkl
I finally fin7shed this story!
thank you for sharing a great story authornim!
Chapter 64: Effing Good if you ask me... it's a mixture of everything!! I love every bit of it!!
mindyminho #12
Chapter 64: Ahhh.... There's nothing more greater than justice! :3
sone2010 #13
Chapter 64: daebaaak /throw confetti everywhere & cries happily

finally i finished reading this great story. i love your story very muuuch. this is so cute.
i randomly picked a story to cheer my mood yesterday and now i dont regret it anyway. i'm so satisfied. i really enjoyed your story. i read this with full of my emotions. sudden cries and laughters. my mom and sister, tbh, thought i was just too depressed after facing exams so i acted that way.
i love the ending.

anyway, i love your story authornim-- eh didn't i say this before? ㅋㅋㅋ keep going with your beautiful stories. hwaiting~ i will always support you. ^o^)9
Chapter 64: awww I really enjoyed reading this story. so cute. thanks for writing this story
weird_fellaf #15
Chapter 64: Heol... I was like 'Aww man, it isn't even 20 chapters, but why is it already finished?' when I read the 'completed' status of this story. Way to go to dumb-founding myself a minute later when I see more than 60 chapters... The forgetful me =.=

Anyways, it has been another nice story, Author-nim! Anticipating your next works~ I hope to see you healthy (if you're planning to do a new story) in your next stories! :D

Off to Ariel and Chae~ >v<
Chapter 64: Another very beautiful story! I love love love every part of this amazing story. Thanks for sharing this with us Author-nim! Good luck to your future/other stories. Merry Christmas! :)
Deaniratfn #17
Chapter 64: Haigoo i just really enjoy reading every part of this story. this is just to much feeeeels,cant handle it×") i love it! and thankyou for a cute and sweet ending♡
Chapter 64: Niceeee! I love e ending!