Comments: Oppa's Not My Style

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Chapter 2: CRAP WHY IS THIS SO GOOD??? HAHAHAH damn, feels all over and yeah, too many lines from taoxing hahahaah

i love luhan here though... good words. amd damn, he and sehun are so funny. i cannot even
Chapter 1: BAEKHYUN I WILL KILL YOU! hahahaha

man, this is so interesting... and so long~ i wanted to sleep early but i can't... i need to finish this!!!
Chapter 4: I starved for the whole day and didn't leave the room just to finish this. (cuz I'm a slow reader) heheh

I loved it! it was so realistic, I really fell in love with the story and their characters, what surprised me the most was the xingtaoris relationship, I was sure that Tao and Yixing would develop feelings for each other, but sadly they didn't, meaning that maybe their relationship as a trio will soon come to an end, but hey, thats what makes this story unliched and meaningful. =))

really great work, i wish i could write as beautifully as you. This is really one of my rare drama fic favorites (because I usually read crack and comedy ones). xD
LeeAegi #4
Chapter 4: gosh this is a masterpiece!
the plot is perfect, everything is so detailed and natural. i hate baekhyun for being a selfish annoying bastard in the beginning and in the end how he changed his mind so easily after hearing who chanyeol truly was from luhan, but you've made the most understandable reasons not to judge him, you've made me understand the feeling if i were stepping on his shoes. and hunhan.. and the family... omg this is the best. this kind of storyline would normally make story become so cliche, but in your hand, it's far from that. you know what's bad from these all? that i didn't find this story earlier. glad that i found this eventually. thanks for writing this amazing story.
Chapter 4: Man I think a relationship would hurt so much less because at least Tao and Tixing will be connected rather than just being friends who happens to love one person, yet that person is unable to choose between the two. I don't know, I think it was cruel of Kris to leave the decision to Tao because it was him that fell in love with someone else. In a way it's like forcing him to break up because he didn't wanna be the one to end it in other words he didn't want to do the dirty work (I assume its fair for one to put it that way), I understand that it's not his fault that he fell in love with someone else but what I can't understand is how he could make space for someone else in his heart yet still feel the same amount of love towards Tao. I can't imagine myself being in Taos position I don't think I'd be able to handle it because in a way, it would feel like the other person fell in love with someone else because I'm not enough kinda thing. Kris should've just chose one of them or none at all because look at them, they say that they're okay with their relationship and that they're fine, yet I can't see a more broken home and more broken people, well at least Tao and Yixing. It broke my heart when Tao was recalling his thoughts and emotions on Kris and Yixings first night together, and i could see them tormenting him. Sigh. But I love this story, I love the characterisation and the plot, I love the twisted relationship of Tao, Kris and Yixing no matter how much I can't seem to agree with it...if that makes any sense. The way Tao loves kris enough to share him with somebody else I just.. I don't think there's any kind of love greater than that. And Yixing.. he must feel terrible for not being sorry because he still has Kris in his life, poor thing :( Imagine when all ghis has to end, for the one that's left behind..The dynamic of their relationship really had me thinking and I thought I'd share my thought here :) ugh I'm babbling too much, good job author-nim !
me12345 #6
Argh love love love how realistic this fanfic is,like how Baek and Chanyeol is not perfect.And TaoKrisXing relationship is just so..bittersweet and angsty.Gotta admit that I cried a lil bit at Chapter 2.Good job author-nim!
Chapter 2: Why does it have to eeeeend? TAT

I didn't care about the long lines.. TAT I got lost in your fics... Why do I have to read so fast.. ugh...

hwaiting! TAT

<3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: WOW. Tao, Yixing and Baekhyun talk too much. Hahaha! And I wanted to hit Luhan for acting like that towards Baekhyun. I don't know what to call him exactly but he sure was annoying. AND I HOPED FOR KAIBAEK... kind of (A LOT!) because in some ways, Kyungsoo was the third party so I thought Kai would appear and be with Baekhyun first before the story sways to Kaisoo and Chanbaek. Bwahahaha. And I really really ranted in my room, threw some stuff, punched some pillows and walls when Kris didn't talk to Baekhyun when he first almost ran into him. I want KrisBaek too but I had KrisYeol instead, ugh. T^T Anyway, this work is incredibly long and it took me two nights (yes, nights because my system is crazy. I sleep during daytime and stay awake at night, doing anything that won't wake anyone up but fun.) to finish this. I read slow, I take everything to the heart and I lost all control when Luhan threathened Baekhyun. I was all like, "THEN LEAVE. Tsk!" But then when they made up, tear chambers broke and let all tears fall. I'm sensitive when it comes to friendship for personal reasons and being a Cassie, I hope you know why. Okay so I rambled a lot, sorry. >< I'll stop now. Thanks for this wonderful story.
Chapter 2: It was sure a long and beautiful story! I don't regret that I took my time to read all this!

I don't know what I feel right now... This story's just Amazing!
ah baekhyun makes me angry in this's so well written~ love it. probably one of my favorites
Chapter 2: I really love this, seriously! Baekhyun and I have the exact same personality so it was really enjoyable to read, though I might be worse xD But ohmygod, for Chanyeol, I'd totally forget about my pickyness, haha! Thanks for writing this, it's definitely a favourite of mine! <3 :')
CandyJar #12
Chapter 4: hohphp i'm a super pedo now
beautiful writing style! and great story line with good characters!
I enjoyed reading it~ looking forward to read more of your stories~
autor hwaiting!
ticctacc03 #14
Chapter 4: Thank You Dear,

My Character Just Like Beakky In This Story...I'm To Worry To Make A Move n Play Save..And Now After i Read Your Wonderful Story i Know I Need To Open My Mind n Heart ... We Didn't Know The Future So Enjoy Our Life Today...^^

Thanks Again
Chapter 4: LOL i've just written on your wall... ;)
but i think that a comment is always really important anyway... ^^
if i'm not wrong, i've already told you how much i had appreciated the TaoRisXing relationship: cause it's described really gracefully, with care and love... i would never be able to survive to a situation like this, but i truly think their choices are full of courage and strength... sharing the person you love for the love you have for them is one of most brave (and difficult) actions a human being can face...
and i loved your analysis of having to share the person we love with someone or something else... it's soooo true!! *.*
so, once again, thanks for writing something so beautiful and filled with intense emotions... <3
Chapter 4: T_T
yixing you beautiful conflicted human being
This is such a long and touching story and I love how it's not extremely fluffy or angsty but just nice in a slice of life sort of way <3 And I think Taorisxing's side relationship was beautiful in its own way, you definitely made me more open to unconventional relationships like theirs. Thank you for the amazing story <3