Comments: Lunacy Fringe

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brattygurl #1
Chapter 18: I forgot that this story actually started with Hae looking back to how they met and started their relationship. All of them went through so much and will probably go through a lot more considering they still have their entire lives ahead of them. I can't even imagine what Hae and Hyuk's life would've been if they didn't get together. They need each other like they need air to breathe.

I like how you've closed some loops on one hand and connected this story to Miseria Cantare to start the next stage of their lives on the other hand. Leeteuk and Kangin searching for the child that they will cherish and help, and Kyuhyun hating the world and people for letting those horrible things happen to him. Such a hard life and story, but you read it with hope in mind.
MrJheanie #2
Chapter 18: Thanks for this nice work, I'll definitely wait for your next stories and updates :)
eunhaekaisooftw #3
Chapter 3: change of place ? wellwellwell //smirk

gahhh hyuk is super nice ! and hae , I felt super sad when I read his wishes . dont worry dear , ur dad is rite ! u'll find that special someone ! actually u already met him ~
jhee86 #4
Chapter 19: Yayy, I enjoyed your story! Thank you very much for sharing such talent! And... Now I'm off to reading 'Miseria Cantare' ;D
Chapter 18: AWWWWW :/ This story is OVER . It was soooooooo GOOD I love Eunhae relationship progress and I loved how you portrayed it in this story. The good things and the bad things everything made me feel SOMETHING whether it be sadness, excitement, happiness, anger, shock, etc. I cant believe its over. I was sorta a silent reader though *bows repeatedly*
haleeann #6
Chapter 18: Sorry, my phone keeps posting Herrera I finish! D: I really like how you made Sungmin's brother :) it was adorable!!!! And how he would play with Donghae XD bringing Leeteuk and Kangin's decision of who to choose and the little section with Kyuhyun was a great opener from miseria cantare! Love lunacy fringe, and will be rereading it!!!
haleeann #7
Chapter 18: P.S: the epilogue was still as amazing as I expected! :D
haleeann #8
Chapter 18: I can't believe it's over D: it seems weird to see "completed' next to the title...
Oh man I loved it, but I can't wait for miseria cantare :)
LeLeMain13 #9
Chapter 18: I think I would still read that. It would far more interesting than a textbook! :D Honestly i'm like a fish out of water in my family. I'm not like anyone else. I kind of wish people took an interest in me but since I'm rather young nobody cares much. I don't mind though. How do you scare your family? xD Ugh I'm like 130 pounds I want to loose weight but I don't have any motivation! That's happened to me too! My parents take advantage of it. Whats funny is at the end of a school day I end up cleaning up my teachers room because I can't handle how messy it looks xD But he thanks me for it. Yeah I'm sure YeWook will be good and I'm gonna prepare the barracks now! D: Build up a wall of armor just to have it crash down with feels! And honestly I loved Donghae's Skip Beat hair but I liked his Knockout one too. While I think now he would be to tan for hair like that, back then he looked fine! Though all their hair was crazy back then. Anyway I'm sad this is over but I'm looking forward to reading Miseria Cantare again >u< By the way,I'm gonna print this whole thing out and keep it like a novel because I always end up coming back to read your stuff and I like to read on long car rides or something. So when I go on my school trip this year I can read your stuff! Any who, looking forward to Miseria Cantare!
Chapter 18: Love love this fic!!! it's so unique and realistic. Seriously you are awesome!
Now I can finally read 'Miseria Cantare' and I cant wait... yes I have been waiting for you to finish this fic for me to start read 'miseria cantare' I think it make more sense idk.
And I have to thank you to make such a wonderful story like this and I appreciate that you made a eunhae version since my number one otp is eunhae. I never read a Kyumin story only as side couple but I definitly gonna read miseria because it has eunhae in it but mainly because I think the story will be very interesting and of course I wanna see Sungmin to find his other half...
So let's meet in the other comments zone!
eunhaekaisooftw #11
Chapter 2: ohohoh trust me u spark my interest enough even without the snippets . and yes I understand , realistic story is sooo much better :)

Chapter 18: I'm really gonna miss this fanfiction... It's one of the best I've ever read and I loved every single chapter of it! The relationship between Hyukjae and Donghae is one of the most beautiful and sincere I've read about in a fanfiction.
You really did a fantastic job with this, just like always (btw I'm addicted to your storys... I've read most of them several times).

I think I'll just start reading Miseria Cantare once more ^.^ And after that I'm going to read this one again... or whatever story you're updating next XD
Chapter 18: omg can't believe that this awesome fluffy fics ended already (sobbing) :'( I still don't want to let go of eunhae uhuuukk ㅠㅠㅠㅠ super awesome job, just.... wow. (speechless) (standing ovation) will keep up with your other fics too now ^^ your fic's plots are just my favorite ♡
Chapter 19: it's finished *tears* thank you very much for writing this amazing fic despite all the obstacles you faced along the way. this fic will always be one of my fav eunhae fics, the undying love Hyukjae has for Donghae and vice versa, it's so beautiful beyond words. wish you all the best with miseria cantare! and other eunhae fics. I'll be patiently waiting for ur amazing lengthy writing! haha stay healthy and thank u again you awesome girl!
eunhaekaisooftw #15
Chapter 1: woahhh I sense some childhood-eunhae . is it ?

EXCITEDDD fo the next ~
himebadweather #16
Chapter 18: First may I say I love the chapter image ! It is so cute >.< It make me wanna shove them both into the hair salon. LOL those were my big fandoms too T_T it's weird cause now my little brother ha discovered my piles of green day, good charlotte, living end (an aussie band) and simple plan cds and is rocking out to them with his guitar. I'm always like naaaaaaaw I've taught him well!
This chapter was so cute and sad! On one hand you have smexy eunhae dancing and then poor Kyuhyun. Sunjin is such a cutie and i guess it's bad that Sungmin's parents remind me of mine =_=
LOL and poor Shindong, at least hae is getting his own back for him constantly teasing him.

I know there is Miseria but I'm going to miss this ! Honestly it was one of the bet fan fictions I've ever read and I've never felt such a connection to the characters before. Thank you for writing this, I've look foreword to every single update and was never let down with any of them. It takes a lot for writing to make me cry but you managed it (which is a good thing because it means you're a fricken good writer). Honestly, I've only ever cried once when reading a book and I blame that on the fever I had and the abnormal connection I had with the character who died lol. You must be so excited to see your dad, don't feel pressured to update during that period ^_^ Take it as a well earned break.
eunhaekaisooftw #17
gahhh I guess I'll start my journey then :) let's go !

coming here after reading MC definitely is different when I first found the story .
stormyskygrl #18
Chapter 18: to be Shindong right now... hope he didn't suffer too much xD and Donghae gets a little revenge for all the teasing he endures...hehehehe
awww...Sungjin is so cute~ but yeah, I really hope that he doesn't end up resent his parents like Sungmin does. but highly unlikely... >_<<
so very happy with this fic!! I'm looking forward to the rest of Miseria Cantare. Your updates are totally and completely worth the wait. and it's completely understandable that you are busy!!
Chapter 18: This whole fic was awesome :] Thank you for writing this ^-^ <3
Chapter 18: And here I am fangirling every single paragraph I read. What can I say?

Incredible... Author-nim, you never fail to amaze me. You're just so- ASDFGHJKL;'\ I can't even describe how immensely wonderful you are! ;W; Stories like this need more publicity... I wish I had the karma to advertise this.

Anyhoo, this was an amazing end to a beautiful story. Though it's a little saddening that it's ended, I'm glad that there is a continuation... An another one. ;W; ERMEHGAH. I LOVE YOU. Thank you for being such an inspiring author!

I thank you as well for taking your time to write these stories as joy to us.

That Sungmin and Sungjin scene was heartfelt as well as the KangTeuk one.. ;b Kyuhyun~ My poor bb~ I'm actually rereading Miseria Cantare and waiting for your next update on that... EunHae was so fluffeh here... I just love them!

Ohsh, ShinRi... >W< Did they make up? Anyhoo, good luck with your other stories and the visitation from your father! Happy almost Valentines day!

Happy Kyuhyun Day too~! ;b
