Comments: Lunacy Fringe

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Chapter 18: Omg ... I went just finish reading and..... You have such a lovely stile and your stories are so full of charm. Thank you.
Chapter 15: im crying soo much woth siwon and sungmin is very sweet of siwon try to comfort sungmin saying those words that hurt him ten times more hommfor then sungmin a real gentlemam really
Chapter 12: that ____ing bastard bully my poor baby againg grrrr im glad that his out of the schook.just like the peaseof____ of his friend hyukkie ur my hero i wish there will be more man just like the word not the gay part obiously haha it would be a losf gor us but man.can respecr the other way to life they
re life, we are nobody to critisise how people live there life ,what there likes ,religion music or uality ,they can do whatever they want because is their body right? soo why critise or get involved that something thag u should never even care....if peolpe dont like other people get involved in their thing ,well.i hope that the same people dont botther other with their ____ or idealism of life because not everybody hell no one think the same not even when their are twin......sorry it just that this story is very good to discusse in matter of human rights XD and i found it very good tk disscuse in talks :)
kwangmineunhyuklover #4
Chapter 19: have i mention to u that u r really good at writing psychological effects?? it feels so real that i m having goosebumps all ove the body!!! keep that up!!! however still an advice as a writer myself (not in AFF): do not get too carried away n focus on wt u decide writing!!! still cant believe i stay up till 1 just to finish your story!!! really daebak!!! i going to finish the sequel when i hv time. anyway, fighting!!
Chapter 19: Wow. This really is one of the best fics I've read. Seriously. You should write a book or something.

And btw, I absolutely love your long chapters. There's nothing better than a long, well-written chapter.

I'm just...speechless. I couldn't go to sleep last night 'cause I just couldn't stop reading. Really, amazing job.
kwangmineunhyuklover #6
Chapter 18: well written!!! really daebak!!! but still your chapters r way too long!!! get straight to the point if u know it will be a long fic!! anyway thats just my opinion!!! fighting
Chapter 9: aaaawwww this chap make me cry "( i love how hyukie describe donghae ans when he said he's worth it k cry
Chapter 8: uuuu nari is a strong women yayyyy go nari :D
Chapter 7: i cry soooo hard in this chap with all of them :"(
Chapter 6: my donghae my baby....what a _______ those two grrrr i hope they die »a
Chapter 5: aww donghae is soo sweet :) i love that part that he says his cudler :) kyaaaaa n hyukkir such a cutie in love in love author what are u doing to me? Xp
Chapter 4: in love :}
Chapter 3: im falling in loveee with this amzing storg
y i cant stop reading it *-* my eyes look like the ship of alines have XD
Chapter 1: ooh no is.not crap is very good i love it :)
wow that was one of the best foward i ever read :)
Chapter 19: Awesome.... I can't let my phone down for a minute just because I can't stop read this story.. In the end I'm thinking that would be so great if there a movie based from this story. Love it... (Sorry if my english not good)^^
Awesomness #17
Chapter 6: ____ing hate chapter 6. Just ____ing want to kill everyone in this fanfic. -_-
Chapter 18: Actual review:

I like the summary at the beginning. I like that Hyukjae can confide in Leeteuk and Kangin.

Peter Pan \o/ Donghae’s too adorable xD

I love Donghae and Hyukjae’s response to Shindong talking about it being hard to remember anniversaries XD

I like the way you wrote them enjoying their intimacy without it being outright lustful.

I like how you expressed Sungmin’s thoughts towards Siwon and his parents.

I like the way you wrote Leeteuk and Kangin's search for the right one, and their stresses about it.

Hm. Kyuhyun’s introduction was interesting to me, since I haven’t read Miseria Cantare yet.

You did a great job with this story! I enjoyed reading it, and it was fun to see the characters develop throughout it. I like the way you ended it ^^

Why is this review so short? Ugh. Just know that I loved this story, the way you ended it, and I love you!

~Wishes of health and happiness,
Chapter 18: Review reply response:

Buying multiple versions isn’t weird at all XD Definitely! His physical position isn’t that important; his dominance regardless is just feel-inducing XD Yep, Siwon’s clearly a victim xD I’m happy to see that he’s able to move on. It turns out one of my friends is terrified of wide-eyed twins too XD I had fun showing her my room xD My friends laugh at me for writing gay p.orn and then they ask to read it xD You see nothing wrong with it because there isn’t anything wrong with it! I always find your writing interesting to read because I haven’t experienced love, relationships, breaking up or sadness in general. Speaking of Min wanting to care for others rather than focus on himself, that came across with Sungjin. Break Down did funny things to me XD Siwon’s intense stare cuts make me laugh ._. I should really watch Skip Beat. I’ve got it but haven’t seen it xD I’m going to another city this weekend for my friend – it was for a K-pop concert which got postponed (;A;) so it’s just a weekend trip now~ We’ll watch it in the hotel room there ^^ It’s too expensive for travel and accommodation again, so I won’t end up going to the concert ;A; Some of them get ‘interesting’ looks during different eras XD Hyukjae’s bowl-cut OTL My friend has drawn it so much that it’s grown on me, but the back irritates me XD Your hair is really good! I don’t risk doing it myself xD Yay, you can see them~ You don’t have luck with computers XD One day you’ll have a good one! The epilogue was good~
Chapter 18: OMG... I've read this for about uhhhhh 10 hrs? Not straight actually, but I manage to finish it for about to days and... IDK what to do with my life anymore but luckily you have a sequel so I won't be so problematic on what to read again :P

I swear, I have read your foreword many times but I refuse to read it since it's long and I don't feel like it... so now I hate myself for not reading this earlier... uggghhh but still, I'm thankful for encountering your story here :D

I REALLY love how Hyukkie and Hae went up together... it's not slow nor fast, just perfect^^ And about the ____ scene... It was horrible since I could imagine things... (my brain could imagine almost anything) So I got a hard time sleeping but then, my heart felt at ease after I finished it^^

Oh, thanKYU for writing a great story author-nim!!!