Beomtae (20 beomtae stories)

SpartAce Marital Bliss - Their treasures.

The days following the SBS Entertainment Award Ceremony were a whirlwind for the Kim family. While the girls’ performance had been nothing short of spectacular, it also attracted more attention tha

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By Me1ody Updated
Tags  taehyun   txt   beomgyu   beomtae   beomgyuxtaehyun 
Characters 崔杋圭 姜太显
With 29 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 2610 views, 12 words
Status [M], Members Only

【奎现】Password 486

By LucreziaW Updated
Tags  beomtae 
Characters 崔杋圭,姜太显
With 6 chapters, 120 views, 18 words
Status Completed, Members Only

HPparo 双向暗恋,勉强算竹马竹马 Summary:和暗恋对象订婚了。


By LucreziaW Updated
Tags  beomtae 
Characters 崔杋圭,姜太显
With 4 chapters, 1 subscribers, 50 views, 26 words
Status Completed, Members Only

Summary:从一而终的理想主义婚姻也可以很幸福。 双医生婚后日常,婚姻虽然很平淡也不至于岌岌可危:双双置身于出轨率33%+的外科,双方却有300%+的自信心他是绝对不会出轨的,故事的本质不是挽救破碎婚姻,而是让原本就没消失过的爱情重新凸显出存在感。

【奎现】Formula of Love

By LucreziaW Updated
Tags  beomtae 
Characters 崔杋圭,姜太显
With 4 chapters, 60 views, 92 words
Status Completed, Members Only



By LucreziaW Updated
Tags  beomtae 
Characters 崔杋圭,姜太显
With 6 chapters, 30 views, 28 words
Status Completed, Members Only

Summary: 你想度过怎样的青春? 第一人称叙事 依次是🐿️🧸🐿️🧸🐧🐿️ 翰林z的野猪大改造,部分情节来自原剧,太显和祯元亲兄弟设定 读前需知:时而日时而韩很混乱的一篇,各种意义上都很矛盾也有很多ooc,情节非常散漫到后来我也不知道自己在写点什么了


By Me1ody Updated
Tags  taehyun   txt   beomgyu   beomtae   beomgyuxtaehyun 
Characters 崔杋圭 姜太显
With 1 subscribers, 580 views
Status Members Only

2023.3.11 我本就是不该出生的。 但是我爸不觉得。他倒是愿意养我。 我经常看见他站在窗台抽烟。仅在窗台——那里风大,烟味飘不进来,更不会被我闻到。 我倒是好奇,他不让。 他说我妈不让他抽烟。 哦。 我容易长疹子,很痒,为了不挠破皮肤只好拿指甲盖轻轻刮一下。 我发现我爸好几次看着我发愣。 他说要把我头发染成褐色的。我骂他有病。 他爱捣腾他那些旧相纸。我看见过,是两个穿着校服的男孩,一个是我爸,另一个我在我那群叔叔里找了又找。 找不到。 看到一张信纸的时候被他抢走了。 我问另一个人是谁。 ... 他最后跟我说那是我妈。 ... 好。 我爸好几次看着路边的狗发呆。 就是那种流浪狗。 有一次他跟我说我妈觉得他是狗。 他说我妈第一次见他的时候下雪了,他在雪地里打滚,跟狗一样。 他很受用。 在公交车上他会跟我讲他上学的事。我总觉得故事里有另一个身影。 “我妈呢”


By Me1ody Updated
Tags  taehyun   txt   gyutae   beomgyu   beomtae 
Characters 崔杋圭,姜太显
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 2070 views, 5 words
Status [M], Members Only


By fragilcaesar Updated
Tags  beomtae 
With 2100 views
Status [M]

The River: Origin

By Skyful_Poof Updated
Characters Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun, Choi Beomgyu, Kang Taehyun, Kai Kamal Huening, etc.
With 26 chapters, 2 votes, 10 subscribers, 930 views, 1 comments, 66023 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Three years had passed since the disaster by the river. However, strange events and incessant warnings force the team to leave behind their seemingly normal lives and reunite at the university campus, where they are given the chance to make everything right once again, but when they learn that they must face obstacles vastly different from last time, they are burdened with doubtful thoughts – with missing members, fading powers, and painful extraction of their wors

The River

By Skyful_Poof Updated
Characters Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun, Choi Beomgyu, Kang Taehyun, Kai Kamal Huening, etc.
With 43 chapters, 3 votes, 87 subscribers, 1980 views, 36 comments, 145696 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Five undergraduates simply wanted to live their life focusing on themselves - academics, friendships, love, happiness - but it all went downhill when mysterious creatures came crawling out of a river like a story out of a book, demolishing the city. However, when these five boys, along with many others, obtained the opportunity to put an end to the violent chaos, they put themselves and their newly gained powers to the test. It was up to them to save their city and the people they cared about

奎现 ‖ 太显啊我爱你

By A-flac Updated
Tags  beomtae 
Characters 崔杋圭,姜太显
With 1 subscribers, 950 views, 2 words
Status Completed, Members Only

总之根据顺序来,先彼此喜欢。 ​

奎现 ‖ 门厅

By A-flac Updated
Tags  beomtae 
Characters 崔杋圭,姜太显
With 490 views, 2 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only

奎现 ‖ 咨询

By A-flac Updated
Tags  beomtae 
Characters 崔杋圭,姜太显
With 1 subscribers, 2210 views, 7 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only


By omona-mark Updated
Tags  taehyun   taegyu   txt   beomgyu   choibeomgyu   kangtaehyun   tomorrowxtogether   beomhyun   beomtae   taebeom 
Characters Choi Beomgyu, Kang Taehyun | TXT
With 2 chapters, 6 votes, 186 subscribers, 2440 views, 4 comments, 7602 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

There were a lot of things Taehyun was worried about as a nursing intern, but falling in love had been the least of his concerns.  


By vankogh1119 Updated
Tags  beomtae 
Characters 崔杋圭,姜太显
With 2 subscribers, 1320 views, 24 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only


By vankogh1119 Updated
Tags  kaibin   yeontae   beomtae 
Characters 崔杋圭,休宁凯,崔秀彬,姜太显,崔然竣
With 2 subscribers, 1840 views, 34 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only

sweet song

By vankogh1119 Updated
Tags  beomtae 
Characters 崔杋圭,姜太显
With 1 subscribers, 1100 views, 52 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only

as time passes || x

By hollyhockhana Updated
Tags  boyxboy   taehyun   taegyu   txt   beomgyu   choibeomgyu   kangtaehyun   tomorrowxtogether   beomhyun   beomtae   taebeom 
Characters Choi Beomgyu, Kang Taehyun, TXT
With 20 chapters, 1 votes, 166 subscribers, 1540 views, 5 comments, 7325 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

"i wish i could tell you how i feel before time runs out."