L Y R A ★ sirius | han jae-seong wip!

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birthname Han Jae-Seong (한 宰誠)
birthdate 10/01/96
birthplace Jeju Island, Korea
hometown Jeju Island, Korea
ethnicity Korean
nationality Korean
languages Korean(10/10), English (7/10), Japanese (4/10)

faceclaim Joo Chan (golden child)
backup n/a
height & weight 5'6" & 175lbs
bloodtype B



△ Jae: just a shorted version of his name that his friends have used in the past.


han jae-seong

SENCONDARY GENDER omega or submissive.

SCALE COLOR mint green

WINGSPAN 12ft, 6ft per wing.

POSITIVE diplomatic, gracious, fair-minded, humorous, driven, empathetic.

NEGATIVE nonconfrontational, indecisive, unforgiving, forgettful, selfless, blunt.

personality Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada. Quisque non mauris vitae diam viverra dignissim eget sed velit. Quisque sit amet sapien accumsan, hendrerit metus sed, porttitor arcu. Cras commodo mi nec tellus ornare bibendum. Morbi vel leo sed augue fermentum consectetur vitae in nunc.

background jae-seong was born to a very large family. his mother's first mate died due to a robbery before jae-seong was born and had already had two sets of twins. taking on a new mate due to loneliness and not wanting to keep her  new mate from having children, his mother had another set of children. jae-seong is the youngest with his twin being only five minutes older than him. she never let her brother forget it either, something jae-seong both loved and hated about his sister.

for being a family of drakens, they were raised in a humble manner. they were taught about their heritage and advised about instincts and dealing with humans. he went to human public school, attended volleyball practices, and took vocal lessons. the only difference in his upbringing from a normal family were the vocal lessons he had begged for at the age of twelve. he had enjoyed music, enjoyed singing, and had wanted to become as good as he could in hopes of his future opening up to a musical career. if that didn't pan out he put all his extra time into becoming a good libero for his volleyball team.

LIKES rock music, gardening, food, heights,

DISLIKES bugs, chickens, swimming, sour foods,

HABITS bounces on toes, pull on earrings, bobs head to most music, slouches.

HOBBIES volleyball, gardening, hiking,

FEARS drowning, small spaces, being alone.


  • owns a maine coon that weighs fifteen pounds.
  • has six earrings, three in each ear.
  • sometimes dresses as his sister and stands in her place in hopes of fooling others.

love me not

sister - dominate/alpha, his twin named ji-eun. despite their arguments they are very close. she has been his biggest supporter, his closest confident, and his best friend. she can be very mischievous.

mother - submissive/omega, his mother is named hana. she is fifty-five and very strict. she is the one that jae-seong always worked the hardest to make proud and impress. fc narsha.

mama - dominate/alpha, his mama is named chae-yeong. she is goofy and fun-loving. she often taught her children pranks and how to be themselves no matter what anyone had to say. fc bom.


love interest

faceclaim kai
backup n/a
birthdate 01/14/94


personality jongin is a silly, forgetful man. he is passionate and loyal to his friends and members. he strives for greatness and to improve himself often.

love story jongin is a draken himself, but keeps it hidden from everyone. not even his talent agency knows what he really is. however, jae-seong being a draken himself, could smell exactly what jongin was. he never called the other out or said anything in front of others, but he would watch and listen. he was caught watching many times and finally, jongin approached him to question what his problem was. honestly jae-seong had found the other attractive and was curious, but he feared telling jongin that. his fear, his nerves, and being confronted forced jae-seong to blurt out how he thought that other was beautiful. confused jongin left but they began talking more and eventually ended up together.

blank says and does (4+)

"What's that? I can't here you over the sound of my not caring." Proceeds to eat what he wants whenever he wants.

Sarcastically, "Make me." Get's up and completes requested task regardless.

"Fight me."

"Can I help? I'm bored..."


jae, a shortened and familiar name for him. he suggested it and it was accepted.


main vocal.



talent twins

onew from shinee.

talent twins backup


trainee life

Cras commodo mi nec tellus ornare bibendum. Morbi vel leo sed augue fermentum consectetur vitae in nunc. Nam non tincidunt eros, vel cursus odio. Suspendisse tellus erat, lacinia eu tempor sit amet, vestibulum non metus. Fusce diam nulla, placerat rhoncus libero nec, dapibus efficitur velit.

trainee years

two years.


here. did they get the chance to do anything while training?


here. before or after debut.

love me or hate me

last words Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada.

scene request Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada.

password Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada.



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