I answer your Questions! | 26 Interview Questions For Authors

So, today, I decided to bring together some questions you guys asked me and I added some interesting questions too!


  1. What inspired you to start writing? I started writing when I was a kid. I always loved creating stories but I always ended up keeping it for myself. Recently, I decided to write seriously so I could escape my thoughts, escape the real world, travel to a imaginary world where everything is possible. At first, it was just for me, but then, I discovered this site and decided to share my stories.
  2. Why Fanfiction? Fanfiction is amazing. One of the hardest things for me is to create a character with a logical and realistic personality and psychology. Fanfiction spares me that work. Also, in Fanfiction, there's feedback and that motivates me so much!
  3. Have you always wanted to be a writer? I remember that I dreamt of becoming a writer when I was just 6 years old, since then, I wanted to do other things. But now that I think about it, I always loved writing and, now, I want to write. Maybe not as my principal job, but, for sure, I'll write professionally in the future.
  4. How do you handle writer’s block? Writer's block was my misery before starting writing Fanfiction, I ended up dropping the whole story. I have so many unfinished stories from my 8 to 11 years era. Now, even if it happens a lot, I can get over it reading the comments of my readers. It really makes my day!
  5. What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing? Personal experience. If you didn't feel something, even on a small scale, you can't authentically write about it. Then, the writing style is really personal, you can't judge it. So, my personal experience is the most important thing.
  6. What comes first, the plot or characters? I write Fanfiction, so, it would be obvious that it's the characters first. But it's always the plot first, the character's personality is the last thing I think of.
  7. How do you develop your plot and characters? It comes out naturally. I sometimes dream about my characters, I sometimes daydream about the story and take notes immediately. You can't imagine how many paper notes I use for FFMP.
  8. Why Minayeon? It's a hard question because I can't really explain it... In Twice, I don't ship any of them, but Mina and Nayeon together give me a mature and dramatic vibe that completely inspires me.
  9. How do you come up with the titles to your books? Honestly, I think that my titles are lame. I need help with that. Usually, I think for the title, something that represents the story and makes the reader curious.
  10. Describe your writing space. I usually try to make myself comfortable on my couch or my bed. But, sometimes, when I want to write something more serious, I end up being on my desk or the kitchen table with some tea in hand.
  11. What time of the day do you usually write? I usually write in the afternoon when I have some time.
  12. Do you listen to music while writing, and what kind? Sometimes, I listen to music when I'm going through a block or just want to relax. I usually listen to classical music when I write: Chopin, Satie, Debussy, Bach, Beethoven, Schumann, Brahms, Fauré, Saint Saëns,...
  13. What is the most difficult part about writing for you? Angst or fluff, all the capital moments of the story are difficult for me to write because I want it to be perfect. Sometimes, I already know the end of the story but I don't know how to reach the end without being absurd. That's so difficult!
  14. What is your work schedule like when you are writing? I sometimes write a paragraph in half an hour and sometimes I write pages in a couple of hours. It completely depends on how I feel. But I usually take an hour or more per week to write. In an hour, I usually write around 2000 words, it's not a lot because I'm used to read and reread, correct and recorrect each sentence. I'm a writing maniac XD
  15. How do you do research for your books? Internet. I always do some research for making my story a little bit more interesting. From culture and modal codes to the business world passing by psychology, I always try to add something interesting for me and the reader.
  16. What are the tools of the trade? I use a small laptop and write in WORD and then correct the eventual mistakes and typos with Grammarly.
  17. Are you on social media and can your readers interact with you? I'm on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/studiovoyagyriam/?hl=fr  readers use to write comments that I always answer and sometimes PM me too. I love it when they do that, it really helps me.
  18. When you’re writing an emotionally draining scene, how do you get in the mood? Classical music is the key for me, it makes me remember things that help me to write.
  19. How do you handle criticism? I love it. It makes me improve. I need it as much as I need positive comments.
  20. How much ‘world-building’ takes place before you start writing? I usually associate my stories with colors, it's a sort of way for me to define the ambiance of the story. For example, FFMP is blue and silver.
  21. Are there lots to do before you drive in and start writing the story? Yes, I ask myself if I like it so I know if I can keep it up till the end, I take lots of notes and get mentally ready to dive into a new story.
  22. Describe your perfect book hero or heroine. A good friend. A generous person. A noble and full of values and honor type of person. A truthful person. A trustworthy person. A person who lacks confidence but can totally trust someone he/she loves or appreciates... I think it's my favourite kind of character. A beautiful person but with a lot of insecurities. It allows me to develop those insecurities and create angst etc. It's, somehow, a way for me to understand myself and others more.
  23. Do you have a favorite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them so special. I love Kurt of FFMP. He is my ideal of the best friend. Someone who is always with you no matter what. Someone who loves you. Someone who knows to wait and listen. Someone you can trust your life on. He's so precious.
  24. Where do you get your inspiration? Isn't it obvious: Twice. Books. Classical Music.
  25. Where can readers find out more about you and your books? Here, in my blogs, on my Instagram and also PMing me. I love it when my readers message me (I don't bite guys!)
  26. Which of your books is the most enjoyable to write? I think it's one that is not out yet. I'm working on it... Also Minayeon...


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