vernon blue hair
FULL NAME seo hyunwoo (서현우).
general ones like mail hyun, woowoo, woohyun, or seohyun if feeling particularly mean by his friends growing up to . does not like any of them in particular but won't complain.
ace bridge mail s by other trainers during his journey to get his attention because his general "popular-like" appearance and "cool kid" attitude.
my little prince bubble mail a personal one that only his mother uses and only when she's emotional.
BIRTHDATE seventh of july (twenty-three).
BIRTHPLACE lovedale town, glacidea.
ETHNICITY half-gracidean, half-other-region
(half-korean, half-american-equivalent).
HEIGHT & WEIGHT 178 cm & 75 kg.
FACECLAIM chwe hansol vernon (seventeen).
choi seungcheol aka s.coups (seventeen).
kang seungyoon (winner).
blue hair and grey eyes. no ear piercings or other jewelry minus a lone ring on his left index finger, a simple silver with an outline of altaria indented into it in black. a few scars - arms mostly - from winning over hurt pokémon who lashed out.
comfortable, monochrome clothes with random splashes of color via t-shirt designs. multipurpose sneakers. blue bag. pokéballs slung on his waist. best described as neat and simple - unmemorable.
b2w2 ace trainer
POS unflappable, capable, steadfast
NEU taciturn, observant, forthright
NEG guileless, vicious, pedantic
#lookslikehecouldkillyou #isacinnamonroll
#willschoolyouifneeded #inknowledgeandattitude
neutral good
intj-a: the architect
stranger rawst berry you watch as the pokémon battle in front of you heats up, the ace on the left pushed against a corner. his expression, however, does not shift from the stoic neutrality he had from the very beginning. where others might panic, he keeps his head cool and does not miss the opponent's opening, left by overconfidence. at the end of the battle, you go up to compliment him, and his previous silence turns from attractive mystery to awkward anxiety. it's a good thing, you muse, that he's pretty.
acquaintance yache berry your current, temporary travel buddy (aka the person you met going towards the same place) sets up camp, waving off your attempts to help. he works with practiced, efficient movements, so you zone out until he hands you a bowl of food, deliciously made. you provide conversation, joking that there's nothing he can't do. as if to prove your claim, he offers you medicine for your cramps he noticed. you wish he noticed less when he accurately gives you period-specific pain pills.
friend apicot berry you stare open-mouthed as your friend stands between you and adversity, a metaphorical blade wielded with the precision of a scalpel and the lethality of a gun. he guides you away as you struggle to breathe, worry in his grey eyes as he sits you on a lone bench. he asks permission and talks you down from your panic attack with little more than a warm, firm arm around your shoulders and words in a soothing and kind tone, so unlike the one from earlier. you relax finally, knowing you can trust.
mother kelpsy berry you hide a grin as your son continues to speak, educating all those within listening distance on the origin of pokéballs. a little girl, no older than four, comes up to him to ask what they would use the information for. your son replies, detailing how not for much unless she wishes to go into the field. it is honest and without a hint of deception unlike most past teachers who frame things for "when you're older." you whole-heartedly laugh at the indignant expression of the girl's father's face.
tl;dr oran berry an awkward child who, despite his charisma and looks, is actually a big nerd who loves pokémon and wants people to know about them. believes honesty is the best policy and adores kids, especially their candor. has a sharp tongue if provoked, can't tell a lie to save his life, and knows more than he should. however, a good role model who has all the traits necessary to learn, to teach, and to grow. in other words, the "bad boy"-vibed boy next door who gets perfect scores and camps on weekends.
likes inquiry mail sky, food, children, history, pokémon, traveling, learning
dislikes bridge mail t lies, coffee, bullies, ists, erts, cursing, boredom
hobbies harbor mail reading, training, museum-visiting, sky-watching, lesson-planning
habits wave mail observes the sky while walking, messes with hair always, chews on bottom lip when upset, tilts head slightly when confused, blinks rapidly when embarrassed
early to bed and early to rise.
"curses" in evolutionary stones.
coffee gives him headaches so he prefers tea.
has a strong internal clock and can wake up without an alarm.
took parkour and will unrepentantly runs around places with his pokémon.
if he didn't want to become a teacher since young, may have become a historian or explorer or professor assistant because he just likes learning and things new and old.
ACT ONE, CHAPTER ONE: a widowed queen
four minutes past midnight, seo jihyun holds her first child in her arms, sweat on her forehead and with the knowledge that this child will be her only. she passes her son to the arms of her husband seo woojin and smiles at how his stoic features soften as her child cries from the rigors of childbirth. she wants to hold this moment forever, to freeze time at this second with her family together and whole and happy (her altaria hums in an excited soprano when she comes home, baby giving a gummy smile at her partner's soft and feathery touch.) she gets four blessed years like this - in bliss - before a sudden and devastating landslide steals the life of her husband and his team.
she cries, clinging to her son and struggling to answer his innocent questions in a way that is honest yet kind. she takes a step away, taking a moment to grieve before she knows she must support her son. it is only minutes later, however, that her son comes out, holding his hand out to her. autopilot bades she take his offering, and she bursts into tears anew at the glint of her husband's wedding ring - silver and the shape of her poképartner engraved - that had been recovered from the accident. her son's eyes remain dry, but she is hit with the understanding in his eyes and she knows: her son knows his father is not coming home, but he grows strong when others are weak.
ACT ONE, CHAPTER TWO: a quiet prince
by the age of seven, seo hyunwoo knows what he wants from life and tells his mom so. he is, he informs her with all the sobriety of a mature seven-year-old, going to go on a journey to sinnoh to see the sights that his parents once did. he paints a map of his future path from sinnoh's gyms to alola's trainers' school and then all the way back to gracidea where he'll either work for an existing pokémon school or create his own. his mother tells him his dreams are lofty and that she wouldn't want to change a single thing. she gives him a ring that he hangs on his neck, a momento and promise.
he turns the metal on its string as a reminder, letting it occupy his hands as he plans or worries or simply reminisces. he never takes it off and takes better care of it than even his own father did - or so his mother says. he checks on its condition and feels the smooth metal every time his finger runs over its surface, turning it round and round and round as time passes by and by and by. he feels as if the years turned faster than the ring on his necklace before he is fifteen and old enough for his own journey. his mother takes him to professor kim's laboratory, sharing in his joy when he picks his first pokémon - a froakie with a bubble mass like his mother's altaria's feathers.
ACT TWO, CHAPTER ONE: an archival adventure
it has been a week since he has stepped onto sinnoh land - boat ticket paid for by his mother and told to pay for his own return one (and warned if he could not, then he would simply have to settle in the new region) - and seo hyunwoo feels his breath catch in his throat at the sight of a lucario in the distance. he has the faint impression of a large, warm hand and a deep, rumbling voice, but it slips away faster than he likes, a sudden urgency in his veins to cling to that memory. froakie, by his side, is ready to attack, but he calls the frog pokémon back when a riolu appears, leaping into the embrace of the lucario. he takes a shaky breath in, lets it go, and walks away.
he thinks back to this moment two months later with bittersweet irony, a riolu by his side and a nidorina alongside his frogadier. he wonders about the role of fate - if any - behind their companionship, but he eventually decides it is an answer he may never know as he travels across sinnoh, gathering more members of his team and slowly making his way through the various gyms via experimentation, trial and error, and a touch of luck. along the way, he visits places from his parents' stories and history: their hometowns and schools, the café from their first date, the museum they were both banned from, and so on. through this journey, he learns about them and himself.
ACT TWO, CHAPTER TWO: an enlightening erudition
five years in sinnoh pass before the eighth and final gym badge shines in the hands of seo hyunwoo, a testament to the journey made by him and his team. his decision to go to alola is one that he has set for years, and instead of the expected hesitation, a silent anticipation lines his steps instead. his mother jokes that he'll never come home at this rate, but her smile is one of teasing rather than one of complaint. he takes a plane this time, turning the ring around the chain once more during his first ever take-off. he pauses. he removes the ring from the chain, the metal warm from his touch against his palm. he tests it on his finger. it is, he wonders mutely, a perfect fit.
the principal of the alolan pokémon school is more than happy to accompany him after correspondences over time. for three years, he acts as a teachers' assistant for all the instructors, at first only observing but later helping as they make lesson plans, tutor struggling students, and give then grade different assignments. it is everything he had hoped for and more. his pokémon, too, learn. they balance the edges of battle and kindness of their trainer to emulate an instructor, being firm but not overbearing nor naive as they pass on their knowledge to his students' teams and, at times, the students themselves. they learn their strengths and cover for each others' weaknesses.
ACT THREE, CHAPTER ONE: an eventful night
it has been eight years when seo hyunwoo steps onto glacidean land once more. it is, he discovers, poor timing (or perfect timing depending on perspective). following the death of his mother's poképartner, he gifts his mother with his meowstic, a reminder of his presence - and because she is most like his mother - and his mother gifts him with an egg that had appeared amongst her team the week before. it is at the moment that the water pipes in his home burst. his mom, with exasperation (understandably), books a room at the hankala resort for a week while the pipes are fixed - a restful vacation and time for some long-awaited mother-son bonding in one fell swoop.
(during that week, he and his mother go drinking together for the first time. he has vague memories of his mom's voice starting to ring across the room and the slightest slur to his own words, the way everything seemed to be funny and how the two seemed to build off of each other with the amount of alcohol in their systems. he wakes up the next morning with sky blue hair - a contrast to his usual dark brown - and the hangover of all hangovers. for an entire day, his team take care of him with various amounts of sympathy while his mother's team do the same but with more exasperation and a surprising touch of apathy. the two firmly agree: never again.)
sky background
ace trainer overworld sprite bwlucario spritegreninja spritemetagross spriteluxray spritenidoqueen spriteegg sprite
FACE ONE: a tactical sovereign
as a trainer, seo hyunwoo generally had a calm, smooth journey. he traveled alone, but he never felt lonely given the constant presence of his pokémon. in fact, he felt as if there wasn't enough time in the world as he visited "landmarks" of his parents' lives, sharing in these stories with his team and taking pictures to send as postcards to his mother. he spent a lot of time observing wild pokémon when on the road and, as needed, trained his pokémon so that they'd be up to par when they challenged the various gyms. he tried a contest but didn't find it to his taste; he competed whenever rea wanted to do one in the area. if asked, he has a strategic approach to battles.
FACE TWO: a flexible instructor
as a teacher, he mostly worked with teens who wanted to become better trainers. he was definitely more popular with his female students - though he had no idea why - but had a talent for connecting with the rebellious or eccentric students. he found that his favorite moment was when a student beamed after understanding a concept they had been struggling with but his least was when they didn't even wish to learn and wouldn't accept any help. if asked, he has a clear plan as to what he wants to teach and a general idea of how. with every class, he seeks to find an engaging and informative method his students enjoy, because learning should never be a chore.
FACE THREE: a filial prince
as a son, he never felt unloved nor anything missing though he barely remembered his father. his mother had always taught him to unrepentantly be himself instead of what the world told him to be, gender stereotypes especially. his mother took him seriously even when he'd been detailing his "life plan" to her as a child - complete with a timeline and images done in crayon - and even ensured that he wanted to go to sinnoh for himself rather than for his mother's sake. (it was, ironically, a bit of both.) if asked, he was an independent and quiet child with dreams already drawn and a determination to either get him to where he wanted or to the moon and stars beyond.
night cave crystals
lucario: the aura pokémon. it's said that no foe can remain invisible to lucario, since it can detect auras. even foes it could not otherwise see.
type: fighting, steel
height: 1.2 m
weight: 54.0 kg
gender: male
nature: lonely
ability: inner focus
paura sphere
pextreme speed
pswords dance
pdrain punchtm
item: focus band
a hyunwoo's second pokémon.
a has a noticeable scar over his right eye from when hyunwoo found him.
a strongly prefers not to be in his pokéball and is usually in hyunwoo's general vicinity.
a due to his past experiences, is wary around rough trainers who pick fights or focus solely on brute force battles.
a gets embarrassed whenever his time as a riolu is brought up because of his lack of grace and need for a lot of help.
found gravely injured at the end of the first three weeks of hyunwoo's journey as a riolu. while mostly healed, had an eye injury to monitor. had poor depth perception and needed a lot of help. as he was injured and left for dead after battling a trainer, was understandably wary of humans but slowly didn't hate hyunwoo, who watched him for the monitoring week with warm hands. couldn't be released to the wild due to the extent of his injury and inability to protect himself so hyunwoo offered to take him, and he agreed (grudgingly). initially was not going to be a battling pokémon but after he evolved, found his eye was better despite the lingering scar. after the evolution, hyunwoo also offered to release him since he could take care of himself, but ri wanted to stay. by that point, hyunwoo could've chosen another partner since ri needed less help, but they were too used to each other by that point to change.
moon lake
greninja: the ninja pokémon. it appears and vanishes with a ninja's grace. it toys with its enemies using swift movements, while slicing them with throwing stars of sharpest water.
type: water, dark
height: 1.5 m
weight: 40.0 kg
gender: male
nature: modest
ability: torrent
pwater shuriken
phydro pump
item: mystic water
a hyunwoo's first pokémon.
a prefers to travel via trees or walls and ceiling out of sight.
a tends to lean on things with his arms crossed while standing.
a very much like a real ninja who is deathly loyal but prefers staying out of the limelight in everyday life.
a communicates wordlessly via looks and head tilts, which hyunwoo is able to understand clearly somehow.
given to hyunwoo as a froakie by prof. kim at the start of hyunwoo's journey. acts as the reliable older brother of the team minus with rea, to who he's the rival, and rel, who is everyone's dad. as a frogadier, won a local, water-type battle tournament early in hyunwoo's journey. was gifted the prize - a mystic water - which he cherishes to this day, tucked in his "scarf" out of sight.
moon cave
metagross: the iron leg pokémon. metagross has four brains that are joined by a complex neural network. as a result of integration, this pokémon is smarter than a supercomputer.
type: steel, psychic
height: 1.6 m
weight: 550.0 kg
gender: -
nature: adamant
ability: clear body
pmeteor mash
pzen headbutt
phammer arm
item: leftovers
a hyunwoo's fourth pokémon.
a "laughs" (morse code "h") at puns.
a enjoys compliments and nuzzles the shoulder closest in appreciation.
a gives "rides" to the "younger" and / or smaller pokémon on hyunwoo's team.
a forever exasperated by the team's antics with a permanent sigh on his figurative lips.
found as a beldum in a cave four and a half months into hyunwoo's journey with their supposed siblings. the other beldum were ignoring them, which caught hyunwoo's eye since he could not tell why. once closer, they wanted a battle and refused to let them run away / not battle. the other beldum left as the battle ensued, and a long battle and hard-earned knock out later as they would stand again and again, he asked them if they'd like to come with him, because he liked their grit.
night grass
LUXRAY: the gleam eyes pokémon. it can see clearly through walls to track down its prey and seek its lost young.
type: electric
height: 1.4 m
weight: 42.0 kg
gender: female
nature: quiet
ability: intimidate
pcharge beamtm
item: shell bell
a hyunwoo's seventh pokémon.
a has scars hidden under her fur.
a besides hyunwoo, is seen most with ri.
a has a habit of staring at other trainers and their teams, even if through the walls.
a gets embarrassed when called cute / adorable / etc and cleans the person's face (most of the time, hyunwoo's face) until they stop talking.
nine months into hyunwoo's pokémon journey, he came across her sleeping outside a pokécenter. according to the nurses there, she was released in front of the center as a luxio two years ago for being "worthless since [she wasn't] cute anymore" by a coordinator. she hung around in hopes that her coordinator would come back and ended up being challenged by passing trainers. from there, she had improved in battles until she evolved and, now certain that she wasn't "cute," refused to move or fight. (the scars were from trainers who were goading her to battle, and the nurses had to bring her food for her to eat; they were worried she'd stop doing even that soon.) hyunwoo, upset that someone would just throw a pokémon away for not fitting their aesthetic, slowly won her over and proved to her that he believed she had value beyond "being cute, which [she] still obviously is" via an incident with another passing, also prejudiced coordinator, nine poffins, a pinap berry, and a bucket of glue. when he left, she followed and agreed to go with him when asked. was told she didn't have to battle to have worth, but she wanted to train with him.
moon desert
nidoqueen: the drill pokémon. its entire body is armored with hard scales. it will protect the young in its burrow with its life.
type: poison, ground
height: 1.3 m
weight: 60.0 kg
gender: female
nature: sassy
ability: poison point
ppoison jabtm
item: black sludge
a hyunwoo's third pokémon.
a enjoys naps out in warm sunlight.
a generally unimpressed by things or others.
a shows annoyance by knocking said person / pokémon off their feet with her tail.
a enjoys physical affection but always double checks that her poisonous barbs are tucked away.
six weeks into hyunwoo's journey, ran into the team as a nidorina literally. had accidentally poisoned roa but did not run away. made sure he was ok, acting like she didn't care all the while. seeing her care subtly, hyunwoo asked if she'd like to come with them.
blue moon rising
swablu: the cotton bird pokémon. its wings bring cottony clouds to mind. it grooms with spring water and loves to sit on heads.
type: normal, flying
height: 0.4 m
weight: 1.2 kg
gender: female
nature: bashful
ability: natural cure
pdisarming voice
item: soothe bell
a hyunwoo's tenth pokémon.
a loves being on hyunwoo's head.
a hides when stared at long enough.
a second-favorite perch is rel's head.
a if she had the choice, would spend hours in the shower.
traded as an egg with his mother for his meowstic after his mother's altaria passed away. hatches a little bit before the search for professor kim but after hyunwoo's time at the resort.
pokemon rain
ace trainer b2w2 battle?
a seadra; male.
a hyunwoo's fourth pokémon.
a rejected the name "sea" because the team so far all had names starting with "r" and, thus, started the trend of hyunwoo's team's nicknames.
caught during hyunwoo's fishing class by the instructor, three months into his journey when pulled up in the grasp of a mean tentacruel as a horsea. after the rescue, basically asked to be caught. is hyunwoo's sole contest pokémon (has a preference for the beauty category) and gets upset when called for battles.
(not pictured)
a meowstic; female.
a hyunwoo's sixth pokémon.
a currently in hyunwoo's mother's possession.
came into hyunwoo's camp for food six months into his pokémon journey and refused to leave. has a personality quite close to hyunwoo's mother but more calm and less expressive.
a minun; female.
a hyunwoo's eighth pokémon.
a creates sparks when overexcited, which is more often than healthy.
half of the prize of a randomly paired double battle tournament a little over a year into hyunwoo's journey, where his partner for the battles got the other prize half, a plusle. because hyunwoo had a full team and she preferred cheering to competing in battles or contests, she stayed a cheerleader.
a phanpy; male.
a hyunwoo's ninth pokémon.
a loves it best when hyunwoo pats his head and compliments him for finding things (aka his ability pickup).
hyunwoo visited a pokémon nursery during his time in alola to ask them questions about pokémon breeding to be a well-rounded teacher. while there, he noticed a phanpy alone. apparently, a trainer's donphan had bred with a different trainer's lucario, but neither trainer wanted the egg. the daycare had raised the resulting phanpy, but clearly, he wanted to go and explore the world. hyunwoo offered to take on the baby pokémon, and the phanpy nearly "ran" him over in childish excitement, which solidified his new nickname.
night silhouette hand
brawly b2w2
pokérescuer seo hyunsik
wants to
type: fighting
gender: male
"be whatever you want. i'm already proud."
bright, positive, and a lover of pokémon. apparently easy to please but with a heart of gold who believed in the best of everyone. had a bit of a temper when he saw an injustice, but never let his anger control him. never was afraid to take risks, like - according to stories - asking out people "above his class."
a first responder who died in the line of duty when hyunwoo was four years old. born in a different region than gracidea, but found work in sinnoh. eventually met, dated, and even married seo jihyun aka hyunwoo's mom, though she rejected him thrice for a date in the beginning. followed her after her retirement back to gracidea where he transferred his job office. despite only being present for four years of his son's life, left behind the impression of unconditional love and pride for his son and wife.
night silhouette
clair b2w2
seo jihyun
wants to
type: dragon
gender: female
"if i'm a queen, you're my little prince."
the epitome of the strong, independent woman who need no man. tough yet not a tomboy - a feminine bamf, if you will. is a literal queen and knows it. on the proud side but has definite reason and can back up any bark with plenty of bite. does have a playful side though, mostly seen when bothering her loved ones to see their "cute reactions" and laugh at them.
an ex-champion for the sinnoh league who was beaten by kim won. did not expect to fall in love, but did and even married. after her retirement, moved back to gracidea to have children. had a hard time being pregnant though, so stopped at one child. after her time at the resort with her son, decided to go to the alolan resort and compare it with the hanakala one for no reason other than she could.
kim yerim aka yeri (red velvet)
candice b2w2
kim sun
wants to
beauty, grace, will punch you in the face
gender: female
partner: eevee
"finally, someone sane."
his mom and her dad are sort-of friends (aka his mom barges into her dad's lab and talks to / teases him but occasionally he has her do stuff or asks her questions), so they've met and even hung out every so often. he was the cool, older neighbor who always let her tag along with him around town despite being four years older and, according to child-age logic, cool. (her peers were jealous whenever he greeted her with a kind smile, at the very least.) he very much supported her in her journey (and pointed to his own mom as a strong female role model). chooses to not touch her problems with her dad, since he has such a good relation with his own parent but knows about it and will listen if she talks / rants to him about it. calls her sunshine as a slight play on her name and temperament.
night silhouette
hilbert b2w2
wants to
type: ???
gender: ?
partner: ?
"who are you?"
night silhouette
hilbert b2w2
wants to
type: ???
gender: ?
partner: ?
"who are you?"
"anything for you, sunshine," he returns, lips pulled into the kind smile her peers had squealed over back when they were kids. it gives her a second of nostalgia even with his drastic change in hair. (he notices two heads of hair semi-behind her: jungkook - spying on her meeting a childhood oppa she's fond of - and taehyung - dragged along by jungkook - though he hasn't met the two yet. he smiles a little brighter and hides a laugh when he sees one of the two boys scowl fiercely.)
he frowns in such a way that most would immediately feel guilty for, like breaking a serious promise, but she knows he uses it on his students when they've forgotten their homework and only feels a twinge. (he forgets about the two boys for a second, focus drawn to her words.)
"i know mom visited your dad's lab before leaving to alola, and she had mentioned that your dad was out, but he's missing?" he questions, the frown more prominent and angry now - like she' djust kicked a shaymin and he happened to see - before he starts to chew on his bottom lip at her confirmation. "for a month? i know he sometimes goes out without warning, but for a whole month? i'll send my mom a message. she might not see it until she gets back from her vacation, but if she does see it, having an ex-champion on the investigation could help."
he smiles for a second, a flash of pleasure.
"of course you would figure that out," he comments off-handedly, never doubting in her ability for anything. he pauses, gathering his thoughts.
"i was on my way back to the resort room. mom had gone in first when i saw him. he was frantic and kept looking behind him, like something was chasing him. he asked me questions about ri but wouldn't come with me to talk to mom about whatever had him so freaked out," he recalls, glancing to his partner. "ri and i offered to walk him to wherever he was going after, but he refused too firmly."
he scowls now, frustration in the slope of his brow.
"i should have been more insistent."
he smiles wryly, silent.
"others?" he repeats, surprise and confusion an interesting but discernable mix in his voice.
his smile is smaller and a little sadder, but no less kind.
"anything for you, sunshine," he replies, drawing her casually into a one-armed hug. (he remembers the two boys again and, curious if it is what he thinks it is, presses a quick kiss onto sun's head. one of the boys lunges out of his hiding place, only to be dragged back by the other. ah, it is.)
b2w2 ace trainer
i hope you like hyunwoo! i put a lot of work into him, and i may or may not have a second app in the works that i hope you will also like. (ok, there is totally a second app in the works. you can see it.) please scroll sideways on the text boxes for the pokéteam and relationships. the sprites in relationships don't work at times. i don't know why. hopefully they do though. also, i swear i did not mean to overlap pokémon with other people! i didn't look at the other characters' teams until i hit the relationship section, and by then, i had already chosen and done his team so...anyways, excited! i'm looking forward to your story!
a hyunwoo and his pokémon.
a hyunwoo in his teacher mode.
a hyunwoo accidentally teasing the boys just by being close to sun.


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