ルヌラ × ハンター

ルヌラ ミッドナイト
lunula midniht
“you never know what
lurks in the shadows.”
a shadow out of the corner of your eye. a sudden presence at your back. the souls of the dead fluttering in warning as an evil twin appears at the side of the young shinigami already there for your head. it is kindly swift, soul stolen from your eyes.
silence in abundance. slow to speech and slower to anger. deference to others. the embrace of what others fear from her in an unrepentant desire to enjoy life. kind debts that she wishes to repay. an almost guilty greed to find more who too cares.
alias lunula
(pronounced loon-oo-lah)
lulu, lala, lunu, lula, nula, etc. dot the "cuter" versions of her name
luna dot her mom, aunt, and cousin's name for her, particularly when they are comforting her or themselves
age fifteen
birthday thirty-first of october
bloodtype ab
place of origin sloulyff, koumakia → areedae, kukan'yu kingdom (midwest continent)
faceclaim ai enma (jigoku shoujo)
height one hundred fifty three cm
a black seifuku for what could have been but wasn't. a black kimono with a bright, colorful pattern to let her stand out in the light but blend into the shadows.
hell girl enma appearance
more images of her clothes: 01 ; 02 ; 03
basic higanbana
personality fc
lawful neutral
infp-t: the mediator
pos dot calm, patient, protective
neu dot observant, honest, silent
neg dot passive, reserved, cynical
#lookslikeshecankillyou #butisacinnamonroll
#theawkwardchild #she'stryingherbestok
initially dot features that are almost otherworldly. stillness that brings unease. unnerving silences with words finally pulled from her lips like teeth. eyes staring into your soul that stay open too long to be natural. a beautiful doll but a cursed one, straight from a horror movie to haunt you.
obviously dot continuing silences with words saved up like precious jewels. an unchanging expression regardless of what comes. action and reaction without fanfare or shock or surprise. quiet footsteps perfect for her profession and soft, graceful movements speaking of prior experiences.
mostly dot going along with whatever life throws at her without complaint. letting others move her and indulging them with her assistance. a step removed from others, learning about others but little teaching about herself. a shadow of sorts, following and being but rarely leaving.
surprisingly dot refreshing truth given to boost morale and deflate egos without hesitation and, at times, tact. eyes that notice and register everything regardless of privacy or secrecy. generous use of emoticons when messaging, as if to make up for the expressions that she cannot use.
secretly dot stillness and silence unending. an eternity but a moment in persistence and pursuit. a care and love for others that cannot be seen and difficult too to feel. the desire to get closer, to close that gap, but the struggle in words and understanding and knowing what is too much.
personally dot knowing the darkness of the world. tensing and flinching instinctually from invisible scars. wariness of anyone new, yet wishing it wasn't so. words chosen with care then whittled into its shortest, simplest form. at the same time, seeing light in her loved ones and hoping.
summary dot the chill of something unnatural in her blood eyes and silent feet, but truly a girl who simply hasn't had the best life yet hopes (trusts) that there can be better despite living the contrary. the silence of an expert assassin learned from necessity and honed by choice.
insp: black widow (mcu), asui tsuyu (boku no hero academia), kuronuma sawako (kimi ni todoke)
trigger warnings: physical, verbal, and emotional abuse
prologue: plant your seeds
koumakia is a small land-locked country several countries above the kukan'yu kingdom, putting it firmly in the very middle of the land where the kukan'yu kingdom is not. as it has little to offer, most of its economy is based off of services offered to the merchants and travelers passing through. sloulyff is one such town just off of one of their biggest cities, mostly filled with the business offices and homes. there, appearance is first and deception is always expected. gossip — and information — is always a hot topic as are connections. the people within do not know hardship, and the dangers of hunters are but a dream.
chapter one: cut your own throat
your name is ravin, and you are simultaneously too old and too young. as a retired blacklist hunter, you've seen too much of the world, the ache of your arm and leg — phantom pains from a sacrifice you'd do again in a heartbeat — acting as reminders to death waiting around corners with adrenaline like an old friend. despite your age, you never thought yourself naive, not with what you've seen, but life proves you wrong (like it always does) with the birth of your daughter. she has her father's colors but your face, and she's undoubtedly the most important thing in your life, infinitely over yourself.
she becomes why you get up in the morning and do not sleep forever at night. when her father complains about earning money and caring for her at the home office alone while you work for poor pay, you agree to quit your job, especially with the risk of being a two-limb-down, nen-less ex-hunter with too many enemies. so you store your license and let your experiences remain memories as you love her — your lone joy as your marriage slowly dies. when your husband complains, you bear it. when he drinks, you ignore it. when he hits you, you think as long as he apologizes sincerely and does not touch her.
you repeat the mantra to yourself too often over time. your husband is the sole monetary provider, and he loves you despite your missing limbs, misshapen scars, and sleepless nights. (as long as it's not her.) and years pass. your daughter tends towards silence more oft than not, watching with intelligent eyes and swiftly picking up the hunter skills you can teach her when your husband is not looking — soft footsteps, speechless codes, comfortable stillness, even meditation to begin nen; if you teach her these to help her avoid her father's wrath, well, ignoring things is an old habit you no longer even notice doing.
interlude: fly your flag
kukan'yu kingdom is a large country that boasts maritime profit and has a strong hunter influence. (most people know someone who or have themselves tried to become a hunter.) areedae is a small town near one of the port cities facing jappon. people in this area live carefree lives with an emphasis on being friendly as everyone knows everyone. gossip is, of course, still prevalent, but most people use it as a way of figuring out who needs help and going to help them. in contrast to sloulyff, people are less about appearances or lip service and more about actions. it is, in a way, perfect for starting over afresh.
chapter two: cross the rubicon
your name is saber, and your family circle is too big yet so small. some days you still expect your many half and step siblings to appear at your door, but those are wishes from a time well passed. which is why when one early morning brings a polite knock at the door, you're struck speechless when your half-sister ravin stands there with a child she didn't have and without an arm and a leg she did have. your son comes down with a yawn and feigned laziness belying his wariness, and when she gives a wry smile, you're transported to age three and your discovery of mud pies that don't taste like pies. you invite her in.
so you hear her story — where she's been, who she's been with, and what she's been up to for nearly two and a half decades. you listen as the sun rises, her daughter and your son sitting quietly like sentinels. and finally, your sister's smile wavers, touching upon the past few years. it was bearable, she admits quietly, until she was hit with how it affected her daughter; quietly taking an undeserved beating? why? because mom does it, your sister repeats bitterly, choking on the barb. through it all, her daughter sits like your sister now rather than like the sarcastic girl your sister was. you offer without thinking.
your sister and her daughter fit into the home like lost puzzle pieces, connecting with both you and your son with surprising ease. your niece is still more passive and quiet than not, but it's obvious she still cares, especially when she trails after your son for an entire two days to wish him luck on his hunter exam and the near week after he returns home with his license in hand. (she's also adorable in her awkwardness, though no one dares say it to her face in fear of her scarily silent treatment.) you think she's finally settling into herself, which is, of course, when life throws her a curveball once again.
chapter three: the apple and the tree
your name is steorra, and you have too many worries but only one. your aunt and mom are ill, sneaking off to the hospital together as if you and your (half?) cousin won't notice the pill bottles hidden in the back of the cabinets. but as worried as you are about your aunt and mom, you know they're happy with their lives and have one main worry, which is the same as you — your cousin. as much as she's become more fearless and willing to talk over the years, she still quiets when anxiety holds her tongue. you visit as oft as you can, keeping her mind off of it by telling her stories of your hunts and teaching her skills.
your aunt and mom pass away within the same week while you are not home, leaving your cousin in your care and alone in a house that used to hold four. you try and stay with her, but after the funeral and a mini food tour in the city with your cousin in tow, your eyes drift to the horizon too often. the wind whispers of new adventure and your feet itch in an all-too-familiar way. but, no. you are going to stay. your cousin, too smart for her own good, notices. she demands stories and new skills. name a dish after me, she states in half-jest. she says to go but to visit. so you go but make sure to always come back.
epilogue: honest to goodness
your name is lunula, and the truth is that pain is a more familiar friend than kindness. your mother, for all that she has tried, could not shield you from much and hiding bruises is much easier than she thinks. she, your aunt, and cousin have given you more in every smile than they could ever know. their time in the hospital makes you wish you could do more for them. your mother and aunt talk often about the past, about siblings they've since lost contact with. if only, they say, they could all get together one last time. you can't give them much now, but maybe you can give them that one day — a full family reunion.
afterword: nothing ventured, nothing gained
it's a sunny day in areedae, a rare morning where two rooms are in use instead of one in the house at the edge of town. by the time the older of the two wakes, he finds the younger has already made breakfast, comparable to the world's greatest feast in his eyes knowing she made it for him. when they finish, she sits still, and he waits to hear what she's struggling to say. in the end, she says nothing at all. she slides a paper across the table, a pen beside it. he recognizes the document and matches eyes with her. he searches her for something and smiles when he finds it, signing the hunter exam registration form.
insp: sohma kisa (fruits basket), inuzuka tsume
(naruto), shiota nagisa (assassination classroom)
hums when happy
tilts her head to the side when confused
hangs her head so her bangs cover her eyes when upset
dot lunula is ambidextrous.
dot lunula has been home-schooled all of her life.
dot lunula has mild mobius syndrome, which hinders her from making facial expressions and blinking.
dot lunula writes letters to her cousin for him to read when he comes home. as a hunter, later, she sends postcards home instead. despite having his direct phone number, she only calls for emergencies and messages for fast updates and recommendations.
dot due to her cousin's job, lunula has an appreciation for good food. she is not as knowledgeable as a gourmet hunter, but she enjoys trying local cuisines and specialities or going to high-end places and trying food there. she has no problem with eating common food, however.
dot an all-purpose kitchen knife tucked away on her person. uses it for food-related combat only. a gift from her cousin.
dot a ring on her seifuku ribbon or tied on her obi knot that contains a fast-acting, homemade poison. a gift from her cousin.
trivia higanbana
relationships fc
ステオラ ヒンオン
steorra hihnon
to most people, steorra is the dessert of the gourmet hunter circle — a good-looking genius with a polite but reserved demeanor, the kind that stars in all the romance novels and has a single star ranking on top of that. in reality, he is very my-pace and only does what he wants or is asked to by someone he loves / respects. he has an obvious case of wanderlust with a love for travel only overshadowed by his love for food. most people are aware he has a little sister, but few know more about her than simply that. (two are fellow gourmet hunters who love food just as much.)
to lunula, steorra is just her older brother — the cool one who cares for her deeply and shows it through sharing / recommending food. if steorra's co-workers saw the two, however, they would remark on the frequency of steorra's smile or the gentleness in his movements. no one sees them in any romantic light, even strangers, but it's clear how much he does care for her, something that is reciprocated but only in the eyes of the observant — the way her attention is given to him without question and the way her trust lets her act without any defenses in his presence.
fc: ichimokuren (jigoku shoujo)
insp: nara shikamaru (naruto), kuchiki
byakuya (bleach), kurosaki ichigo (bleach)
in total, lunula's mother had thirteen stepsiblings and four half siblings. of them, her half sibling saber and razor (saber's blood brother) were the two she was closest to while growing up. in their teens, saber and razor's parents divorced, saber going with their mother and razor going with their father. it's been decades without contact since then. during her aunt and mother's tales in the hospital, lunula records all of their names in order to search for them as a lost hunter. (steorra hears of her goal and only reminds her to be careful, asking she keep him updated.)
of the many half and step siblings that lunula's mother has, razor is the most elusive to find. she finds most of her aunts and uncles within her first two years as a hunter: six of them dead for various reasons including hunting and revenge killings from enemies and another six single with no children, born out of wedlock or otherwise, and four married with zero to two children. razor, on the other hand, is quiet then prolific as a murderer who seems to then disappear in jail but is released into the custody of the very man who arrested him. (she is confused.)
nen fc
aura type manipulation
favored techniques
in dot out of habit, lunula walks around everywhere while using in. she releases it in certain circumstances, but may just release it partially, that is, conceal some of her aura but not all, which she uses to fool others. as a result, most opponents dismiss her battle potential / strength initially.
en dot when not using in, lunula is almost always using en. her circle has a radius of around fifty meters, and she can hold it for hours without strain. she can increase the radius of the circle for a decrease in time or vice versa. it is something she commonly does while in the midst of battle.
gyo dot activated one moment and deactivated in the next, lunula will use gyo in her eyes spontaneously and look everywhere. she, of course, uses it if she feels a person is using in or the like, but if she can get away with it, she uses it in spurts to keep her opponent wary and conserve aura.
nen abilities / hatsu
abyss dot lunula is able to sink into shadows and travel through them. she is limited to connected shadows and shadows other than her own. rather than a combat ability, though it has its uses there or in retreat, it is more of a spying and traveling ability, as she can move at the speed of light.
manipulation, conjuration
necromancy dot lunula imbues loose strands of her hair with aura, turning them into butterfly constructs that act as recording or listening devices. they can also travel through shadows like lunula, but are visibly red and unnatural. they can give written messages by "splatting" on a surface.
manipulation, tranation, emission
doppelganger dot lunula creates a "clone" of herself but with monochrome clothing mostly for combat purposes. it has all the abilities lunula has but is limited in lifespan to the amount of aura imbued in it vs the aura-using techniques it uses. she can only create one at a time and only at night.
manipulation, conjuration, enhancement
insp: morel mackernasy,
knov (hunter x hunter)
hunting style
is more of an information gatherer than anything else. is one of the weakest hunters in combat but knows about two to three fighting styles for hand-to-hand and kitchen knives from her mother and cousin. more than direct combat, leans more on the side of hit-and-run traps or quiet assassination.
lost hunter: a type of hunter who specializes in finding those from whom contact has been lost, including other hunters.
end higanbana
arc requests
family hunt arc dot steorra kidnaps lunula for a food tour and / or actual hunt for delicious food. basically, a family of hunters actually hunting.
lost family arc dot lunula looking for her various family members. finding all except razor. a lead-in into the greed island arc with the story cast.
last words hope you appreciate my misunderstood and dark child. she needs companions and a lot of love though she doesn't express it. looking forward to all of your apps! you can include lunula in your app for when you meet her at the hunter exams. if not, i'll just make it up.


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Finally it's done! I hope you like it!
wow i finished this a lot faster than i expected LMAO