Lies and causes..

I don't mind being lied to, but just tell me why eventually. When you gave me hope I thought you were different from the others. I was wrong. In a way it was my fault, but you stayed silent made me think something was very wrong. I asked you, no response. I kept asking and you still said nothing. When I said 'do you hate me?', you said 'yep'. Didn't gave me a reason why or anything. Just unfriended and blocked me from everything. You said you wouldn't leave, you said you were different from the others. I was naive to believe that. I shared with you my pain and stories, guess you couldn't handle it. Never have I ever trusted someone with so much and left me with no reason. At least my my dad left because he had another family to take care of. You, you wouldn't say anything,  that was the worst thing you could have ever done to me. Take me for granted I don't care, use me to get stuff I don't care, I don't mind paying for attention, that's why its called 'pay attention'. But if you're gonna leave me give a clear reason. You don't pretend to care for someone and just abruptly leave without telling them why then proceeds to block them everywhere. That's the worst kind of person to me. After all this do I hate you? no. Do I miss you? yes. I'm just sad. I just thought you were a friend that I could always count on. I guess you were just here for a fun time, not a long time. 


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