原田 愛莉



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Can't promise anything but
request away!

I will respect these the best 
I can, if I can't due to story 
reasons I will contact you 
about it.

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                      0:00                                 0:00





about me! HARADA AIRI!

FC profile photo



why are you hiding away?
are you afraid of being laughed at?
don't you want to meet anyone?
do you really mean that?

cast down in a sea of ambiguity
it's too painful for me to even breathe
i just wanted to hear some voices
really weak, aren't I?

hello / how are you - nightcord at 25

Citizenship: JAPANESE

ethnicity: JAPANESE

plotline: the joker

faceclaim: fukutomi tsuki

hometown: tokyo, japan

height: 163cm

back-up: the heart


 STAGE NAME   AI: airi thought that using just 'ai' would somehow make her more memorable to the public in an effort to stand out more among her members, as she believes herself to be way less talented than them. 'ai' means love, and airi thought it'd be nice and cute to make it her stage name.

 BIRTH NAME   harada airi ( 原田 愛莉 )


୨ৎ AIRI-CHAN / AI-CHAN: it's famously known that 'chan' is a very common honorific added at the end of girls' names in a form of endearment in japanese, and her members started calling her 'airi-chan' instead of just 'airi
, so she's very used to being called 'airi-chan' instad of the korean honorifics. she likes this nickname a lot, and it makes her fel connected to her culture. fans also call her ''ai-chan'' from time to time.
୨ৎ ROLLING GIRL: airi has been a fan of vocaloid since she was around 8 and had unrestricted internet access. for as long as she can remember, her favorite song has always been rolling girl, which has a lot of interpretations, but one of the most popular ones is about a bullying victim. she feels a very deep connection to this song, and she talks about it constantly. her username back when she posted dance covers was rollingai, and both members and fans refer to her as rolling girl from time to time.
୨ৎ POLAROID UNNIE: younger members of reel girls started calling her polaroid unnie as airi is always carrying her polaroid camera with her, always ready to takes pictures of everyone and everything. this extended to fans as well and it's not unusual for people to refer to her as 'polaroid unnie'.

 BIRTHDATE & DEBUT AGE   june 23, 2002 + 17 years old


୨ৎ NATIVE JAPANESE: self-explanatory, as she was born and raised in tokyo.
୨ৎ FLUENT ENGLISH: airi attended an international boarding school in tokyo from the time she was 9 until she moved to korea, and a lot of the curriculum was focused around learning english. as an avid internet user, she practiced the language constantly and she has a very good grasp of it. 
୨ৎ SEMI-FLUENT KOREAN: airi knew absolutely nothing about the language when she first got to korea, but she got enrolled in korean classes by the company and tried her best to learn the language. she can speak normally now, but still has a few mistakes, mainly in grammar and writing.

 APPEARANCE  airi stands at 165cm and has a very thin frame, weighing only 45kg. she used to weigh around 53kg, but as soon as she entered the company she was forced into a diet so she would reach the so-desired 45kg. still, airi is normally regarded as ''too flat'' due to her naturally thin frame, so it isn't unusual for the stylists to place hip pads and pads in an effort to achieve more of a hourglass figure. 

 FASHION & STYLE  her fashion style borrows some silhouettes and elements from the well-known sweet lolita style, but overall, her style is very cute and filled with every hue of pink that you could imagine. airi loves frilly dressed she can twirl in, pretty skirts and anything that gives her that little serotonin boost that can only be given through cutesy outfits. still, she does wear more casual clothes when needed, such as airport fashion and practice outfits.



New Note                                      Aa  B  U »


inspo: akiyama mizuki and hanasato minori from project sekai, a blend of the two tbh

POSITIVE: loyal, enthusiastic, fun-loving, intuitive, curious, bubbly, empathetic, generous, resilient
NEUTRAL: absentminded, emotional, whimsical, impressionable
NEGATIVE: melancholic, disorganized, manipulative, vulnerable, rowdy, obnoxious, paranoid, people-pleasing

Who is she as a person? What is her internal world like? How does she present herself?

At least 3 positive and negative traits.
At least two paragraphs.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu.

Mental health

How was her mental health before debuting? What about after? How would what's in her plotline affect her? What about the struggles of her members?
How would trauma affect her? Would she go into flight/fight/fawn?

                           📄 New Doc - Edited                        


harada yuta and ogawa kimiko married in 1997, at the ripe age of 25. both of them had been enjoying their double-income, child-free lifestyle as behind-the-stage workers in the entertainment industry. kids were never in their plans, so when the pregnancy test showed two lines instead of just one, panic ensued. neither kimiko o yuta wanted to have the child, but abortion laws weren't particularly open at the time, and they didn't want to risk their reputation if anyone found out, so it seemed like carrying on with the pregnancy was their only choice left. kimiko hated every single of second of being pregnant, and she hated how her life would be forever changed. she considered giving the baby for adoption, but yuta was reluctant. thus, when airi was burn on a sunny june afternoon, her mother barely spent the needed time with her, and yuta, though not ill-intentioned, just didn't know how to react to the sudden fatherhood. kimiko grew extremely resentful of airi and yuta, and she got back into work when airi was barely one month old, immediately hiring a full time nanny for airi. so, with both parents as full-time workers, airi spent all of her infant years being cared for by a variety of nannies, who never seemed to last more than a few months because of her mother's almost unbearable temper.

airi was a rather quiet child and she didn't cause much trouble, instead focusing on watching tv and playing with the toys she had. airi's childhood was, thus, pretty lonely. whenever she wanted to play with her parents or show them drawings she made in class, she'd bee inmmediately turned down if not completely ignored. this obviously took a toll on airi's confidence, who coudln't quite grasp the concept of her parents not loving her as much as she loved them. instead of love, she was given endless toys and anything material she'd ever asked for. this, of course, wasn't enough and wouldn't replace actual care and affection from paternal figures, but airi somehow got used to it, even if her heart stung whenever she'd be rejected by her parents. as soon as she was old enough to use and understand how to use electronics, she was inseparable from them, and thus her 8-year-old self found some sort of solace in the internet. at the start she spent her days on online worlds and sites where kids could play games, and eventually, she stumbled upon nico nico douga, a video-sharing website that was and is rather popular in japan. scrolling through the videos, she found the song 'world is mine'  by hatsune miku, and that was her first vocaloid song and the start of a life-long hyper-fixation. 


now, airi hadn't really excelled at school by this point. she normally spaced out during lessons, and her notes were low to average at best. she'd spents most classes spacing out, drawing instead of doing her school work. airi didn't really grasp the concept of paying undivided attention, instead going into her own fantasy world where she'd create stories with her as the main character in worlds other than her own. her classmates didn't really like her that much, as she'd usually be talking about her stories that no one really understood besides her. airi had always been pretty isolated from the world, so it was expected that she wouldn't know how to socialize with other kids. her teachers, in  usual concerned teacher form tried to talk to airi's parents so that airi could have a professional evaluation, in case anything was wrong. kimiko agreed, though not lacking of eye-rolls and incessant remarks of how useless this was on the way to the psychologist's office. 

airi doesn't remember much about this, but she remembers filling some little dots on questions being made by the nice psychologist, as well as little tests and games she played with her. that day airi was diagnosed with adhd, and though it's not an uncommon condition, japan isn't particularly knon for its open-mindedness towards mental health. there's a lot of stigma, and kimiko wasn't willing to accept that there could be something wrong going on with airi's brain. airi was given a prescription of atomoxetine, and as soon as she could, kimiko transfered airi to a boarding school in kobe. kimiko didn't want to deal with airi anymore than she already had to, so sending her away seemed like the most sensible decision. yuta, in his lukewarm and non-confronting nature, just agreed to send airi away. airi wasn't particularly surprised when her parents transferred her to a boarding school, though she was young, she has already gotten used to being lonely and knew that her parents didn't particularly love her the way parents were supposed to love their children. still, it stung, and airi cried all the trip to kobe, wishing that she were a different person, if that mean that her parents would actually love her.

at the boarding school, airi wasn't particularly loved by her classmates. though she tried to talk to them and stablish conversations, it always seemed to go south. she didn't really understand how social relationships were formed, and her boisterous and hypr nature always rambling about vocaloid just seemed to creep out any students she came near to. at the start, it was just dumb jokes cand being called a weirdo, but it started scalating. other students just started z

What was her childhood like? Her schooling? How did it shape her as a person?

At least two paragraphs.

Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet. Curabitur consectetur orci sed nunc sodales, quis tincidunt orci ultrices. Suspendisse quis placerat ante. Donec ac imperdiet elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi ullamcorper, ligula at consectetur elementum, lorem erat iaculis enim, quis dignissim magna velit vitae felis.

her story moving forward... 
If you want to expand on any ideas you have around your characters storyline. More important if you choose the Joker plotline. 

   - At least 3
   - Here
   - Here
   - At least 3

   - Here
   - Here

   - At least 3
   - Here
   - At least 1
general trivia 

   - At least 3
   - Here
   - Here


Fears ~  
- At least one
Dreams ~
 - At least one
Career Aspirations ~
- At least one
Regrets ~
- Optional

Special talents:

Optional. I like to create playlists when make my characters :)


Relation groupmates
Age or DOB 13-18
Occuptation idols


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occuptation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occuptation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occuptation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occuptation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occuptation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occupation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occupation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occupation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 

  < >                        https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Ai                      

FC Wikipedia Photo
   Occupation Singer
Musical Career
   Origin South Korea


   Years Active 2020–present

Real Media


   Member Of Reel Girls
   Talent Twin  miyawaki sakura
   Back Up  fukutomi tsuki
   SNS Handle @rollingai
   Trainee Years Here

    Ai       ______________  __________________
           Article    Talk          
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Romance here *Max width 300

This is a section all about ~romance~ The first part should be removed if you don't already have a love interest in mind

Faceclaim Here
Backup Only if it's an OC you've created, rather then someone in the established cast.

Name Here
DOB Here
Personality Sit amet. Curabitur consectetur orci sed nunc sodales, quis tincidunt orci ultrices. Suspendisse quis placerat ante. Donec ac 

Love Story Beginning, middle.... and the ending is up to me ;)

Status At the start of the story.

How would they react to them going missing? Here.

 - Here

Backup Do you have someone else in mind? Have her stay single? Or should I match make?

Even if you have a planned LI, the section below could still be useful for me. But is very much optional. You can change the information here if you like, for example, if your character is aromantic or aual, you can adjust it to fit the info you want to put. 

Do you want a LI?
Keep in mind the young age of the cast and the limited time they're  active.  A 13 year old doesn't need a relationship, but it's also very normal for a 13 year old to have crushes and romantic daydreams and I still want to know all about that!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat 

Ideal type
Sit amet. Curabitur consectetur orci sed nunc sodales, quis tincidunt orci ultrices. Suspendisse quis placerat ante. Donec ac 

Attachment Style
Sit amet. Curabitur consectetur orci sed nunc sodales, quis tincidunt orci ultrices. Suspendisse quis placerat ante. Donec ac 

Sit amet. Curabitur consectetur orci sed nunc sodales, quis tincidunt orci ultrices. Suspendisse quis placerat ante. Donec ac 

Sit amet. Curabitur consectetur orci sed nunc sodales, quis tincidunt orci ultrices. Suspendisse quis placerat ante. Donec ac 


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