2023 First Quarter



So January to March was a blur time... I mean, around that time I think I took quick breaks and got accepted in the crowdfunding thing and ignored it out of... fear again. I just had a lot of opinions about monetizing my work and I needed to debate with myself to really get that started. But other than that, I continued on. I think I started writing a lot more other stories and developed some sort of system for myself to keep a healthy distance from... not doing too much and burning myself out.


I also met cool people on here during this time, it was all fun and chill. Especially since during these times real life got hands and I just needed some escapade. I think during this times I did another granting requests and because I did set my foot down and was a bit scary on the last, I was quite nervous if people would still participate. They did, mostly my fave ships were requested which was fun. And like the last granting requests... I got attached to one (wheesun again, who woulda thought) and made another multichap about it.


This was the time I was thinking of long term stuff too. I mean, I like doing these but I just can't speak for my future self. So I kept my plans of long term ideas a secret. I also tried making a rewarding system for my crowdfund, even if I still havent finished debating with myself, I tried learning about it and making it worth while too.


I guess that was it... I mean my memory is pretty garbajio so...



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