COLORS  #779988   #996655   #bb8877   #ccccbb   #443333 




BIRTHNAME Hsiao Jiāróng, 蕭佳蓉, 샤오자롱.
OTHER names
 ∗ So Gayong, 소가 ≀ Jiarong's official Korean name, directly translated from her birth name.
 ∗ Juno Hsiao, 朱诺蕭 ≀ Jiarong's English name that was given to her when it was decided as her stage name.
 ∗ Jia, JuJu, Rong, JiaNo ≀ General Nicknames.
 ∗ Juguang's Pride & Joy ≀ Juguang is not known for much... except for Jiarong, obviously. When Pandora debuted, Juguang took pride in the fact that she was a Juguang native, even to the point that the fact that she was a native was a selling point for Juguang's tourism.
 ∗ Pandora's Blanket ≀ Despite not being that skinship friendly, the members voted Jiarong as Pandora's best cuddler. It was on a livestream that she gained the nickname as the blanket of Pandora where she was being extra affectionate.
Boomer ≀ Rarely having anything for the time growing up, Jiarong has been called a boomer as she doesn’t know much about trends and memes. The members joke that they’re teaching Jiarong all the trends and memes, but she just doesn’t get it.
 ∗ Rongzel ≀ Jiarong is said to resemble Rapunzel as she lived rurally and rarely has cut her hair before coming to Korea. Her online friend, Eunwoo started to call her this after learning that she lived in a secluded place.

BIRTHDATE August 28th, 2001.
BIRTHPLACE Juguang, Lienchaing, Taiwan.
HOMETOWN Juguang, Lienchaing, Taiwan.
ETHNICITY Han Chinese.

 ∗ Mandarin
 ≀ Jiarong's native tongue, has spoken in a Fuzhou dialect all of her life. ≀ Native.
 ∗ Cantonese ≀ Nothing really to note, but Jiarong wanted to speak Cantonese as well, as she had read up on the language in her free time and considers herself to be self taught. ≀ Proficient.
  Korean ≀ Jiarong has been living in Korea for the past year, so she's pretty confident in speaking Korean, but still gets confused at times. ≀ Intermediate.
 ∗ English ≀ As English is an universal language, Jiarong's English skills was bound to happen. However, she doesn’t like to speak it and finds the language difficult. ≀ Basic.
 ∗ Japanese ≀ Jiarong started to learn Japanese as a language class at Dal. As of Pandora's debut, she only knows how to introduce herself. ≀ Beginner.


HEIGHT 167cm.
WEIGHT 45kg.

APPEARANCE Jiarong looks no different from her faceclaim. However, Jiarong has cheek dimples as well as hand dimples. She wears little to no makeup as she thinks that she has a whole new face when she has makeup on. Jiarong has never cut her hair before moving to Korea, her natural black hair has never changed. But, she is willing to slightly dye her hair a lighter color, but nothing too drastic for her.
STYLE With Jiarong, there is no one style of fashion that she really follows. However, it is clear through her choice of clothes that it's more of a girl next door style because it's exactly what Jiarong is: a girl next door. She tries to gear towards her more feminine side and by this, dresses more feminine than most.
Juno's Closet.


ISTP ≀ The Virtuoso, Virgo, Ravenclaw, Chaotic Neutral, Earth Bender.
 ∗ Practical, Rational, Relaxed, Spontaneous.
 ∗ Eccentric, Judicious.
 ∗ Tactless, Impatient, Detached, Private.
Hsiao Jiarong is most likely the most practical person that you could possibly meet. She had always been a goal driven person; whether that be training hard to debut or just doing daily chores, Jiarong believes that if you truly want something in life, you have to work hard to achieve it. With her practically comes her rationalism. Jiarong is described by many as being a book-smart person as opposed to being street-smart. Her decisions are guided logically and rarely has a gut instinct, she thinks thoroughly about her choices. Though one might think that Jiarong is an extrovert by her spontaneousness, she is actually relaxed. Being raised in a secluded place where she rarely had anything in world, Jiarong tends not to get stressed too much. She fully knows that the universe will provide you with ups and downs so she takes one problem at a time. On the contrary, Jiarong can be spontaneous. She is open to new ideas and loves to explore them. Jiarong is a spontaneous planner; meaning she is goal driven but would take the strangest routes to achieve that goal. She is adventurous, willing to go anywhere, anytime.
Unsurprisingly, Jiarong is eccentric. Due to her spontaneity. Jiarong does things that make her feel comfortable with herself. However, from an outsider's perspective, she may come off as weird and most people are not likely to approach Jiarong first, it's up to her to make friends. Jiarong can be observant at times, which also makes her judicious. She can deduct words and actions and find meaning to them, setting up a clear narrative for herself. This can also unfortunately lead to Jiarong being seen as judgemental rather than valuable.
Despite being friendly and acceptable, Jiarong can be tactless. She is not always good with people she has just met, especially when it comes to their emotions. She tends to say the wrong thing at the wrong time and place without even realizing it. While being curious can be great, it could also lead to Jiarong's impatience. Her spontaneity allows her to go from one thing to another, she doesn't allow herself to get bored even when it benefits her. Also, Jiarong's impatience is a gateway for her to actually get stressed. Jiarong can be detached from people, she doesn't know how to connect with people. One big thing from this is that she hates commitments as Jiarong is afraid that the relationship won't last long and will be betrayed by them. Because of this, Jiarong is selective when it comes to making friends and creating new relationships. Unsurprisingly, Jiarong is private, as again, she grew up privately. Jiarong rarely shares her feelings and her experiences. She has nothing to hide; though people would find her suspicious; but that's not true, she just doesn't like talking about certain things. Jiarong just doesn't need others to validate her feelings; she knows her feelings.


Hsiao Jiarong was born on August 28th, 2001 in Juguang, Lienchaing, Taiwan to her parents Hsiao Baihan and Li Yafang. Jiarong is the youngest of four siblings and the only daughter; Hsiao Junjie, Hsiao Zhiwei, and Hsiao Yanting, who are 7, 6, and 4 years older than her respectively.
The Hsiao family owned a small produce store in Juguang called Benzhi Store, a county in Matsu Islands with a population of just over a thousand people. More specifically, the Hsiao family resided in the Daping Village of Juguang's Dongju Island with as little as two hundred people. Baihan and Yafang wanted to basically live off the map, something different than the busy Taipei city life that they were used to.
Because of this, they raised their kids not so modernly as parents who raised their kids in the new millennium. Of course, the family had things like a phone, TV, and computer, but Jiarong's parents limited the kid's time on it. Jiarong being the most curious about every little thing would often sneek onto the family's computer to surf the internet. There, she found her love for Korean music, especially from a Korean-Chinese boy band, EXO.
Her extent for having an interest in Korean music or any modern music for that matter had been cut off with EXO. Jiarong never found an interest to seek out any other groups and didn't know that she herself could become an idol. Then again, that thought never crossed her mind, Jiarong just assumed that she would stay in Taiwan until the day she died. But the universe had different plans.
While visiting family members in Taipei when Jiarong was 17 years old, a businessman had come up to Jiarong, saying something about an entertainment company and gave her a card. Her parents shooed off the man very quickly, but later that day she found out that she just got scouted from Dal Media. She didn't know what to think of it, on one hand she loved her secluded life with nature, yet she always wanted to do something more with herself.
Taking her chances and very long conversations with her parents, Jiarong moved to South Korea to train at Dal Media in mid 2020.


Nature ≀ Her favorite thing in the whole world, as tacky as that might seem. If she wanted to, Jiarong would live out her dream as a hermit.
 ∗ Animals ≀ Dogs, cats, cows, chickens, horses, goats, you name it, Jiarong loves any type of animal.
 ∗ Witchcraft ≀ A stranger one for sure, but Jiarong likes the idea and aesthetic that comes with witchcraft. She doesn’t actively practice witchcraft, but would be willing to do so.
 ∗ Scented Things ≀ Mostly woody and herbal scents, but not too strong. Her signature scent is Queen Bee by Good Chemistry Eau de Parfum.
 ∗ Studio Ghibli ≀ Her favorite movies comes from Studio Ghibli: The Wind Rises, When Marnie Was There, Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Ponyo, etc...
 ∗ EXO ≀ EXO is the band that got Jiarong into K-Pop. Her favorite song is EXO-M's 365 and her biases are Suho, Lay, and Sehun.

Bugs ≀ Despite calling her fans bugs, Jiarong hates the site of them, unless its a ladybug, butterfly, firefly, grasshopper, rolly polly, or a dragonfly.
 ∗ School ≀ Jiarong was an okay student, but school wasn’t something Jiarong was ever interested in.
 ∗ Traveling ≀ One of the reasons why the Hsiao family stayed on Dongju Island was because Jiarong's parents hated traveling by boat to mainland Taiwan. By this, Jiarong was conditioned to hate traveling as well.
 ∗ Dieting ≀ Jiarong never knew why idols had to be on a diet. When Pandora is on one, she will try to cheat her way through them.
 ∗ Talking About Herself ≀ It’s kind of a no brainer, but Jiarong would try to avoid questions about her childhood, people don’t need to know every detail about herself.
 ∗ Awkward Situations ≀ Jiarong would try to lighten up a situation if it ever became awkward, it’s not interesting enough.

Aromatherapy ≀ Aromatherapy is similar to witchcraft, but Jiarong became interested in essential oils through her mother. She has a essential oil diffuser and incense sticks in her room.
 ∗ Making Crafts ≀ Jiarong tends to find all sorts of crafts online to do it herself. Half of the things in her room are DIYs.
 ∗ Baking ≀ She learned the art of baking at a pretty young age. She is most comfortable baking bread and cookies.
 ∗ Writing ≀ Jiarong has tons of journals in her room back in Juguang full of stories and poems of whatever was on her mind.

Petting Animals ≀ If Jiarong sees any type of animal, she would ask the owner if she could pet said animals. This goes beyond dogs and cats.
 ∗ Language Switching ≀ It’s mostly in between Mandarin and Korean, she would use Mandarin in the middle of a sentence if she doesn’t know the Korean word.
 ∗ Playing With Her Hair ≀ She has always done this when she was little, mostly mindlessly braiding different parts of her hair.
 ∗ Humming To Herself ≀ She doesn’t do this all the time, only when she’s doing chores. It’s not one song as well, usually the song that’s stuck in her head the most.

 ∗ Losing Her Loved Ones ≀ Jiarong values her family and friends, and wouldn’t wish ill will for anyone that she loves.
 ∗ Animal Impressions ≀ She is great at any animal impressions, specifically cows and horses.
 ∗ Splitting Fruits And Vegetables In Half ≀ Jiarong doesn’t deem herself as a strong person, but she is able to split fruits and vegetables in half with her bare hands.

 ∗ Her favorite color is green and purple. Her favorite animal is a cow.
 ∗ Jiarong’s favorite number is 2, it’s her angel number.
 ∗ Jiarong has never thought of her uality before, but she is most likely aual-aromatic.
 ∗ She is left-handed but right-footed.
 ∗ Jiarong is allergic to pollen, but that has never stopped her from smelling the flowers.
 ∗ Always has a notebook with her and writes ideas and drafts for lyrics.
 ∗ Tries to avoid speaking English at all costs.
 ∗ The Hsiao family store is Benzhi Store, the essence store. They sell herbs, milk, eggs, and other miscellaneous items.
 ∗ She watched a lot of K-Dramas when she first arrived in Korea. Her favorite series is the Reply series.
 ∗ Despite being aroace, she tends to be some kind of love doctor when her members have relationship problems. She knows how to deal with them from observing her parents and from dramas.
 ∗ Will add more!

-蕭朱诺- ≀ On Weibo. It’s Jiarong's only social media, and even then she doesn’t post as much.


蕭㗑翰 + 李雅芳

AGE 56, 51.
OCCUPATION Owners of Běnzhí Store.

 ∗ As Jiarong is the youngest and the only daughter, her parents cater to her the most. Of course, they took care of her very well yet as the youngest, Jiarong got off easily whenever she was in trouble. She had true youngest child syndrome as her parents kind of just got less stricter as more kids came into the world. When Jiarong wanted to go to Seoul, her parents had a weird reaction; she suspected that they had negative connotations about the city and went to live rurally instead. But after much long conversations, they reluctantly let Jiarong move to Seoul to become a trainee.


俊杰 + 智偉 + 艳劏


RELATION Brothers.
AGE 27, 26, 24.
OCCUPATION Veterinarian, Urban Planner, Assistant Teacher.

 ∗ Jiarong has always been the type of sister who wanted to do whatever her brothers were doing. But, there was a pretty sizable which caused her to feel left out. As they got older, Jiarong got less interested in their hobbies and interests, and all four children ended up going their separate ways. She still talks to them, especially with Junjie, but all of their schedules doesn't allow them to communicate as often as they would like



RELATION Childhood Friend.
AGE 20.
OCCUPATION University Student.

 ∗ Guanyu had been Jiarong's friend since they were basically both in diapers. The two were the only kids their age in the village for a good while, so it was only natural that they grew close. Of course, if two people of the opposite genders are good friends, people are going to expect them to be together in the end. But that wasn't the case for either Jiarong or Guanyu, they just had a platonic relationship. After graduating high school, Guanyu moved to Taipei to continue his studies. The two friends talk often just to catch up and if Jiarong was ever in Taipei, she would make sure to visit her childhood friend



RELATION Online Friend.
AGE 21.
OCCUPATION University Student.

 ∗ Jiarong met Eunwoo through an EXO forum online when she was 13 years old. Thankfully, the two girls were able to communicate with each other easily due to the fact that Eunwoo had vast knowledge in Mandarin. They grew apart as life got busy, especially when Jiarong moved to Seoul. When Jiarong made her debut, Eunwoo had recognized her name and realized Pandora's Juno was her old online friend. Able to go to a Pandora fanmeet/fancall, Eunwoo surprised her friend as Jiarong also recognized her. Since then, they became real life friends.



RELATION Groupmates.

 ∗ Jiarong grew up with predominantly male figures around her, so it took some time adjusting to her new life with other girls. It took a long time for her to actually open up, and even then she doesn't talk about her feelings and emotions much. But at the end of the day, she has no choice but to get along with them. Jiarong truly loves her Pandora members, even though she may not show it.
Sage Wen ≀ Sage and Jiarong's relationship is nothing to specially note. Jiarong didn’t know that much about Sage, so she hasn’t created an opinion of Sage's place in Pandora yet.




 ∗ Jiarong never knew how she gained such a large fanbase, she didn't even know that fanbases existed in the first place. Her fans believe that she is the most underrated person on the planet and urges Dal to treat her as a lead vocalist rather than having Sage being the only lead vocalist in the group. They are led to believe that Jiarong has the "Foreign Idol" syndrome, where foreign idols aren't given enough attention or favoritism to show what they are capable of because most people assume that they don't know one of Korean, so Jiarong's fans rally against the phenomenon. And while that's nice and all, Jiarong's fans tend to be overprotective and don't believe that she has any flaws and often make up excuses if Jiarong does anything wrong. However, Jiarong is oblivious to her fans' behavior, as she doesn't go online as much. The members sometimes have to tell her when her fans go awry, but she gives her Jubugs the benefit of the doubt instead



 ∗ Dal Media's Chinese group chat. As of Pandora’s debut, the group chat consists of: Rose's Junqi and Lixue, Twilight’s Willow and Xiao, and Sage and Jiarong. The group chat's name is Kae Bo, a Chinese slang that means aggressively noisy.



 ∗ here.

 ∗ here.

 ∗ here.



STAGE NAME Juno, 주노 ≀ Derived from Greek mythology goddess Juno, the queen of heavens. After looking up the meaning of the name, Jiarong thought it was a fitting stage name for a group called Pandora.
PLOTLINE The Underappreicated, (Lead) Vocalist. The Free, Vocalist.

 ∗ fromis_9's 규리 ≀ Loona's 현진.
 ∗ fromis_9's 규리 ≀ Loona's 현진.
GWSN's 소소 ≀ WJSN's 선의.

TRAINEE LIFE 1½ Years at Dal Media.
 ∗ Jiarong never knew why she got scouted by Dal, but she knew she wanted something different from her country life. Arriving in South Korea was a huge culture shock, more than what she had anticipated.
Speaking Korean was difficult, but luckily there were many resources to help her with her Korean. And unbeknownst to her, the trainers had praised Jiarong for her vocal skills. Jiarong never knew why she was a vocalist, she barely had any past practice in any of those criteria. Maybe it was beginner's luck.
But nevertheless, Jiarong also had her moments of doubts. Despite wanting to move to the city ever since she was young, Jiarong had terrible homesickness. She deeply missed her parents and brothers everyday, contacting them whenever she could. But Jiarong didn't want to accept defeat, otherwise she would be constantly hearing from her parents "I told you so!"
When Pandora was formed and Jiarong was chosen as a member, most people thought that she was going to be a lead vocalist. But much to everyone's surprise, she was just a vocalist. But Jiarong is Jiarong, and she really just didn't mind her position, she was just happy to be a part of the group.

I Dream
 ≀ Jiarong released a song that she co-wrote called “I Dream.” Be as that may, it really wasn’t something she thought of doing before, doing solo activities. The song was a result of Jiarong’s fans pushing the company to do at least something with Jiarong and her abilities, hence, the result of this digital single. 202X.
What is Pandora's Juno Hiding? ≀ Whenever a new group is announced as well as the members, the public are quick to find out any information that they can on the up and coming group. And that’s exactly what happened with the members of Pandora, with Sage being the sister of Twilight's Wil and being thrown in the group last minute, The Undesirable having an extensive training period, as so on and so forth, there was little to no trace of Hsiao Jiarong that was available to the public.
As a result of this, people had been quick to assume that Jiarong or her family was hiding something. They came up with ridiculous theories such as: being in witness protection, being tied to illegal things, or being in a straight up religious cult.
Neither Jiarong or Dal had anything to say in response to this, what would they even say in retaliation to the ridiculous accusations? They just let the theories run its course into the ground and fade out as Jiarong mentioned little bits and pieces of her childhood.


COMMENTS Here's Jiarong 1.5! I’m so glad that Pandora is back, and I hope you like her!

GFriend ≀ Apple, Mago, Sunrise, Time for the Moonlight, Fingertip.
Nature ≀ I'm So Pretty, Oopise My Bad, Girls.
Weki Meki ≀ Oopsy, Cool, Dazzle Dazzle, Siesta.
 ∗ Cherry Bullet ≀ Really Really, Love So Sweet, Hands Up, Aloha Oe, Love in Space.
Oh My Girl ≀ Nonstop, Dun Dun Dance, Coloring Book
 ∗ The group celebrating things like their first wins, birthdays, and anniversaries.
 ∗ Chaotic livestreams! And Jiarong being confused as with modern things.
 ∗ A variety show on Pandora's YouTube channel, think Going Seventeen and Time To Twice.
 ∗ Jiarong showing the members around her hometown.
 ∗ Jiarong and Guanyu being shipped together after Guanyu's SNS post about her goes viral.

Dōron ≀ The Greek word for gift. Before the group fandom name is revealed, fans could call themselves Fandora, kind of like EXO fans and Exotics, Seventeen and SM17E, or Loona and Loonatic.


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Hey Jac! I noticed you added the newer groups to your past applications. Please let me know when you add their relationships with them because I would love to read them!
Hey Jac!

Thanks for being the first to apply for Pandora! I really love Jiāróng and I think she could be a nice edition to Pandora. I really love the idea that she was kinda just thrown into this situation without really knowing much and I feel like she could me a really fun character to write and to grow! I wan't to keep your review nice and short as it has been delayed for a while and will let you know that Jiāróng has been accepted! Thank you so much for submitting another great character to the DAL Media universe!
Hey Jac! Just letting you know that your password links back to this blog!
Hello again Jac!

I'm gonna start off by saying I love Arin. I am yet to see a character by you that I don't like. I can really see her being a good fit for Eclipse if she is chosen! I feel like I keep giving you short reviews but there is never anything wrong and your character never fail to be wonderful. So I will also keep this review short and let you know that Arin has been accepted! Thank you for applying!
Hi Jac! I am so excited to see that you have applied to Eclipse as I obviously love your other Dal Media characters, so lets get right into it!

I think Kihyuk is a very interesting character. I really like his back story and like how it shaped him into who he is. I honestly dont have much to say except that he is really great and I cant see anything wrong with him, so, Kihyuk has been accepted!

(Sorry for the short review, I recently started classes so my brain is fried)
Hi Jac! Thanks for submitting another character to Twilight.

I find Kenji really interesting. I really like him as a character and I like that you gave him a unique reason for wanting to become an idol. I feel like DAL Media would be a great company for him if he was in it for the money as the company would have a lot of financial backing (due to the CEO's family) so the trainee debt would be little to none. Overall, I really enjoyed Kenji and thing he would be an interesting character to play around with if chosen for Twilight. I also enjoyed his relationship with Sage and would love to also explore that if he is chosen.

I think by now you may have realised that Kenji has been accepted! Thanks again for applying!
Hey there Jac! Thanks for applying for Twilight. Let me preface this with saying that I am on some pretty strong pain meds so I am sorry if this is short or doesn't make much sense but I am trying my best! That being said, I am really excited to review Mishil so let's get right into it!

I really love Mishil. There is something about her personality that I just really enjoy and makes her feel real. I strongly identify with being a smartass and i feel like that could be really fun to write. I also enjoyed how you have written her background as I have found that some people tend to be a little over dramatic when writing about anything similar to what you have written, but you really have a way of making it feel realistic and not overly fake or dramatic. I am happy you have decided to leave lots of things open since it will give me a lot of chances to explore Misil through writing if she is chosen!

I really do like everything about Mishil and think you have done a wonderful job so I will keep this review short before I start rambling and making little sense and let you know that Misil has been accepted! Thanks for applying again and sorry for the short and not very detailed review.