스파이스 ₴₱ICE🔥 𝑻𝒂𝒆, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒂𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒌𝒂 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒍𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓 🌿

notes! mentioned of depression/a depressive episode following a bad breakup. but nothing too bad?


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             15b2d1 X header

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Kim Taeyeon

“Life is full of risks anyway; why not take them?”

NAME: Kim Taeyeon

 T, Tae, Tee : common nicknames

 old man : whenever anyone wants to tease Taeyeon about how long he’s been a trainee with YG Ent, this is the nickname they’ll use

 YG’s Dungeon Child : not so much a nickname as it is a joke name, and a cruel one at that, playing off the common knowledge that Taeyeon’s been in YG’s dungeon for actual years, over a decade, and it took him literally forever in order to finally debut

 YG’s Legendary Trainee : a nicer take on the Dungeon Child nickname, referring to the fact that Taeyeon became something of a legend among his peers, and the fact that despite being a rap focused trainee, he still managed to rank high across the board on all of his evaluations.


BIRTHDAY: March 22, 1998
BIRTH PLACE: Busan, South Korea

HOME TOWN: Busan, South Korea; Seoul, South Korea

 Korean : native language

 English : conversational, began picking this up from tourists and foreigners living in Korea, and retained what all he learned rather efficiently until he could get more lessons from trainees at YG; he's better at understanding than he is at actively speaking (grammar )

 Japanese : basics, like phrases and key words from animes that can help him navigate and survive if he's lost, but not much beyond that

ORIENTATION: demiual, panromantic
GENDER: cis male

BACKUP: Gyehyeon (Verivery), Kang Daniel (solo)

HEIGHT: 182 cm
WEIGHT: 62 kg

APPEARANCE: Taeyeon has a slender, lithe build, the sort of body type that one would expect not just from a long-time trainee within the industry, but also from someone that enjoys working out and activity. Taeyeon doesn’t have much in the way of body modifications, just a few ear piercings (two per lobe and a couple outer helix per ear) and occasionally the infrequent fake piercing for whatever concept Spice is currently going with. Taeyeon also has a handful of faded scars from his childhood, but nothing too major or obnoxious, nothing too over the top. In the future he wants a few tattoos, but hasn’t quite decided which tattoo to get first.


FASHION: While Taeyeon isn’t the most fashion forward member of Spice, he’s pretty high up there among his peers. Over the years, he’s developed an interest in fashion, both from his own experiences, and from his cousin Sungil’s promotions as an up and coming model. Taeyeon likes clothing, and he loves following and promoting fashion. When the group has concept photos, or photoshoots for brands or magazines, Taeyeon loves to ask questions of the stylists and share his thoughts and opinions. 


When out and about on schedules or at performances, Taeyeon is definitely more fashion forward than his peers. He invests his money into nice clothing and materials, articles of clothing that will last him a while, and he takes good care of them. Around the dorm, he opts for less stylish and more casual comfort, and practice attire is more for comfort unless the group intends to record something. Tayeeon has a fondness for caps and sneakers, and one could even go so far as to say he collects them. He’s also known for having a jacket with him, usually a hoodie, flannel, or windbreaker of some kind, no matter the temperature outside. (If asked, it’s because he says he gets cold easily, but in reality, it’s so he can pawn it off on one of the Spice girls if they’re stuck in a skirt or dress and are uncomfortable.

Taeyeon isn’t a big fan of jewelry or accessories, tending to opt for his caps and the odd piece of jewelry that has sentimental value to him. When on stage or doing photos, he’ll wear just about anything, but when on personal time, be it at the dorm or practicing or producing, he opts for less and tends to stick with the items that mean something to him. The one staple to his wardrobe whenever he can get away with it, however, is a watch, the style and type of which varies by outfit and where he’s going and what needs done. (His favorite is a plain black, sturdy digital watch because it’s survived years of practice room shenanigans.)


“The soul: I know what it is – it’s where I feel things, it’s what moves me, it’s what makes me a man.”






ESFP: the Entertainer.
Gryffinpuff, Valor, Airbender, Dauntless
Earth Tiger, Aries? 


optimistic, observant, passionate, charming, showmanship
sensitive, loyal, open, bold, stubborn
impulsive, trusting, unfocused, annoying, aggressive







Taeyeon is naturally incredibly upbeat, very much a glass half full kind of guy. He looks for the best in people and situations, and he believes in the best until he’s forced to accept and believe otherwise. It’s an admirable trait, but also a bit naive of him. Still, it is charming, how quick he is to look on the bright side of things, and it works well with Taeyeon’s own natural charm. He’s quick to laugh, quicker to smile, always ready with kind words, something flirty, something endearing and positive. It’s easy to feel close to Taeyeon; he has a magnetic allure. He’s someone you just want to know and be around.



Taeyeon is very much an entertainer. The world is his stage, and the people in it are an audience, and he aims to give them a show to remember. When the spotlight isn’t on, he does tone it down -- and even then, it’s there there, present in his magnetic charm -- but when he’s on stage, Taeyeon is unparalleled. He loves to try new things, and he isn’t known to hold back when there’s some new and exciting food to try or thing to do. (Huiyeon calls him an adrenaline junkie, and...well, she’s not entirely wrong.) He’s always looking for ways to stand out in a good way, not just individually, but for the entire group to stand out from their labelmates and their industry peers as well. 



Much like his cousin, Taeyeon is fiercely loyal, absolutely devoted to the people that he befriends and claims as his own. He’s quick to raise up his friends, speaking highly of them, and will jump to their defense without hesitation. And that’s great, that’s admirable. But unlike his cousin, Taeyeon is so kind, so well-meaning, so guileless and genuine that he gives chance after chance after chance to people that will do nothing but hurt him, and he lets them hurt him because they’re someone he treasures, and it isn’t until he’s picking up the broken pieces that he realizes that he’s made a mistake in putting his faith in them.



Taeyeon is so enthusiastic, and he dedicates himself so wholly and completely to whatever he’s doing, that it’s not surprising that people call him one of the most passionate members of Spice. But It’s more than just performing that Taeyeon dedicates himself to. All of his passions, his interests, and the things his friends love, they’re all worthy topics that he doesn’t hesitate to hype. But passion has a fine line, and sometimes while Taeyeon tiptoes along it, other times he steps across. On the other side of passion is aggression, and while Taeyeon rarely intends to come across as aggressive, sometimes his enthusiasm can be overwhelming. Not everyone is prepared for his vigorous or insistently energetic approach, as helpful as it’s intended to be.



Taeyeon doesn’t mean to be annoying. Really. Truly. But between his unrelenting optimism, his enthusiasm, and his passion, sometimes Taeyeon come across to others as an annoyance. As well-intended as he is, it can be annoying to be exposed to someone so cheerful all the time. Taeyeon knows that, and he tries not to let it get to him.



These were inevitable, perhaps, considering how Taeyeon grew up -- an only child, frequently left in the care of his uncle’s family with his quieter cousin. These traits were strengthened as Taeyeon aged, bouncing between his quiet family home where his parents weren’t quite sure how to handle a child, and his uncle’s home where he spent more and more time immersed in music. Then, they were strengthened further as Taeyeon joined an entertainment compay and was dropped into a trainee pool where he relied on what he’d noticed and felt in order to make friends with his fellow trainees.



Taeyeon is so honest and open, so genuinely trusting, that on one hand, it’s charming. But on the other hand, it’s so stupid. He’s so stupid. Taeyeon always wants to believe the best in people, even when they don’t deserve it. There’s a hope there, a genuine trust, a belief that if he extends his hopes and dreams and wears his heart on his sleeve, someone will return his trust. But in hindsight, what really happens is that Taeyeon’s trust and hope is often taken advantage of. He’s the of jumpscare jokes, and the one whose heart is always crushed underfoot when he dares to believe that someone will take care of it. And yet, despite that guileless, open nature being taken advantage of, he still continued, hopeful.



In a word, Taeyeon is persistent. He means well more often than not, using that tenaciousness in order to stand up for what he believes in, or to make a stand when someone needs support by their side. It’s not something he does for no reason. Taeyeon may be childish at times, but he’s far from being stupid. But he is stubborn, possessing a strong-willed obstinance that gives him the spine and backing to remain strong even when others might back down. (Even when, sometimes, he really should just step back and give up that fight.)


Unfortunately, Taeyeon is also still young, still just a youth compared to some of his peers. In being young, he struggles at times with his impulses, most specifically with doing things in the heat of the moment without pausing to think things through. It’s most obvious when Taeyeon is struggling to direct his focus -- his energy, his passion, his tenacity. When he can’t focus on one project or another, for whatever that reason might be, it shows in the way he struggles to remain on task. The thrill of new, fun things to do sometimes contributes to this, to Taeyeon’s impulses pushing him to a new task, a new project, a new person to check on. And he means well, he really does. But sometimes he just needs a gentle nudge in order to remain in topic.



“Find out what your gift is and nurture it.”

[ 1998-2002: the beginning ]

Born March 22, 1998, Taeyeon was the only child of Kim Sungtae and Park Yeonju in Busan, South Korea. Two business-minded individuals that spent more time at work than they did together, weren’t entirley sure what to do with their child after Taeyeon was born. It wasn’t that they didn’t love him -- they did love him, and quite fiercely -- but a child had never been a staple in their life plans. And for as much as they did love Taeyeon, he was also a precocious and curious child, one that needed near-constant stimulation in order to remain out of trouble.


For the first couple years of Taeyeon’s life, for as much as both his mother and father loved him, they simply weren’t entirely sure what to do with the child. They fed him, clothed him, and gave him as much of their time as they could, but ultimately they felt they were failing him because Taeyeon was alone, and they had no desire for another child. And then they and Sungtae’s sister-in-law -- Taeyeon’s aunt,  -- had a great idea: bring Taeyeon to the house for playdates with his cousins.


After the play dates began, Taeyeon was much happier, thrilled to have peers his own age to play with and family to spend more time with. But it was one such day while hanging at aunt Minhee’s and uncle Sungyeon’s home that Taeyeon stumbled across his cousin Huiyeon.


Huiyeon, the only female child of the family, very rarely roughhoused with her big brothers, even with her cousin was over for a playdate. It wasn’t personal, she’d explained to Taeyeon on one of the rare occasiona their paths had crossed, she just didn’t enjoy the sort of things her brother didl her interests lay elsewhere. And Taeyeon was okay with that...but he was still curious, often going out of his way to seek out his aunt and uncle, if not looking for Huiyeon herself in order to ask what she was doing.


Finally, bemused by Taeyeon’s interest, his uncle Sungyeon introduced Taeyeon to the small room that Huiyeon liked to hole herself away in, the room that Huiyeon herself was even then holed up in, messing with a computer and a complicated-looking board with numerous sliders and dials strewn across it.


Just as bemused as her father, Huiyeon conceeded and allowed Taeyeon to listen to the project she was currently working on.


And that was it, that was all she wrote.


That moment was the moment that Taeyeon decided

[ 2002-2004: the music ]


From then on, for as much time as Taeyeon spends with his male cousins, there’s always just as much or more time spent with Huiyeon and uncle Sungyeon in what uncle Sungyeon called their recording studio. (Huiyeon, perhaps just to be contrary, called it their closet, much to her brothers’ bemusement and her parents’ exasperation.) Name aside, the space wasn’t a terribly comfortable fit for the three of them, but the small space quickly became one of the places Taeyeon liked the most.

It was always comfortable there, with Huiyeon humming idly to whatever she happened to be working upon, and after the first few days, Sungyeon didn’t bother to linger and hover. If Huiyeon had questions, she sought out her father. But more often than not, it was just her and Taeyeon, with Huiyeon messing with the sounds and Taeyeon listening with the occasional bit of advice or question.


On some of the occasions when Sungyeon does linger, he tells Taeyeon stories -- of himself and of his band, of the grand and glorious Jeon Kiseok and the bands adventures as they toured and found their sound. Despite having heard them before, Huiyeon often paused in her mixing in order to listen, just as taken by her father’s stories as Taeyeon. 


On other occasions, Sungyeon lingered to explain some of the dials and bars to Taeyeon, aware of his hungry curiosity and feeding it however he could. Sometimes it also meant Sungyeon teaching Taeyeon little music things here and there guitar and piano lessons when they overlapped with Huiyeon’s, vocal tricks and techniques. Anything Huiyeon was actively learning, Taeyeon would join in without hesitation.


But more often than not, it was just Taeyeon and Huiyeon, with taeyeon listening and allowing Huiyeon to explain her process into the silence between them.

Taeyeon didn’t understand what she meant, not really, but he also never forgot the way that first song made him feel.


[ 2005-2007: the plan ]



The basis of Taeyeon’s reality changed abruptly in late September of 2005 when, while chilling with his male cousins and waiting for Huiyeon to return from a lesson, Taeyeon was introduced to the reality of music show programs and the foreign concept of performing on them. While flipping through channels in search of anything to occupy their time, eldest cousin Seungcheol stumbled across the grainy, blurred feed from a rerun episode of a music show.


Where Taeyeon had previously had a fierce admiration for music, that quickly turns to an unwavering fascination when, following that music show reruns, Taeyeon makes a concentrated effort to find and watch any other music shows that air. He becomes a regular viewer within his own home, and occasionally even drags Huiyeon into his viewings when he’s out visiting his cousins. He falls in love with the concept of performing, and with his cousin’s and uncle’s genuine encouragement, he starts imagining a future of doing just that.


Performing. An idol. Him.


Over the next few weeks, Taeyeon discovers a number of artists through the music programs he watches. His favorites, however are the groups with moving songs: intense dances, charismatic raps, and powerful vocals. In October of 2005, Taeyeon falls in love with TVXQ. In June, he finds their labelmates, Super Junior; then in October, it’s TVXQ again. Taeyeon is young, but his fascination with the groups is real. He learns the songs from the music show, learns the raps and teaches himself the dances, and even sings along despite knowing he’s far from the best.


Over the nest several months, Taeyeon falls deeper and even more in love with the idea of being not just a performer, but an idol.

Over the nest several months, Taeyeon falls deeper and even more in love with the idea of being not just a performer, but an idol.


[ 2008-2009: the move ]


2008 is the year of big change for Taeyeon and his family. Kim Sungtae is offered a position with better pay and more prestige. The only problem? The position is at a new branch that’s being opened up in Seoul. The Kim family will either need to relocate as a family, or Sungtae will need to move more or less longterm into either a hotel or his own small apartment for the foreseeable future -- because there’s no way he wants to drive over four hours every single day to work, and then another 4 hours back.


So they move. Taeyeon says his goodbyes to his cousins, promising to visit for playdates on the weekends if he can, and swears to write and email Huiyeon all the time so they can stay caught up.


But life in Seoul is a far cry different from Busan, and despite the youthful resilience that comes with the territory of Taeyeon’s age and optimism, it still hits him hard to leave everything behind. Sungtae and Yeonju ultimately decide to sign their son up for dance lessons, and then later for writing classes in hopes of drawing the boy back out of his shell through areas where he’d previously shown interest.


And it works. Taeyeon takes to dance with enthusiasm, eager for every class, and he approaches writing with a wide-eyed optimism that even his parents find endearing. They don’t understand his excitement for either, but they know to support him when and where they can. And when Taeyeon comes to them later, asking if they’ll let him apply to be a trainee at one of the city’s entertainment companies, they know to say yes.

Even though they’re wary – even though Sungtae knows the path of a musician is hard, and even though Yeonju worries about the industry crushing her child’s hopes and dreams – they agree. After all, they can’t do much else for him, how can they tell him no when he wants it so desperately?

[ 2010-2015: the "failures" ]


Taeyeon auditions for a number of entertainment companies over the next couple years before ultimately being accepted by YG Entertainment in 2010. He’s young, and one of the youngest, but not the youngest, though his age is consistently on the lower end of the spectrum as more and more trainees trickle into the building. 


Early on, Taeyeon becomes fast friends with Moon Sua, a trainee that had joined two years before him, and then with the more parental Jinwoo, who’d joined up in 2010 shortly before Taeyeon himself. The two even end up dorming together with a couple other male trainees. But for as close as Taeyeon became with his fellow male trainees, and even Sua, there was something about Jennie that put Taeyeon on edge.


2011 brought several boys and a couple other girls, with 2012 bringing even more. Taeyeon made friends with his peers to a degree, but there was always some sort of tension that prevented Taeyeon from dropping his guard. They were friends, but as new project groups were established, and as trainees came and went, those friendships turned into more like rivalries. And then in 2013, with Taeyeon’s three year contract coming to an end, with his choice to re-sign up in the air, and stuck in the “wrong” trainee project anyway – and when there’s already several “strong” rap trainees in the project pool, and he himself is still “so young,” Taeyeon is excluded from participating in the Win: Who Is Next program that YG ends up running.

It’s devastating, to say the least. Taeyeon’s just as good of a rapper as Jiwon and Hanbin, just as good as Minho, a trainee brought in just before the start of the survival program. He’s just as good as them, ranks high in his evaluations. And yet–


And yet.


It’s absolutely devastating. Taeyeon hadn’t considered the male trainees to be friends for months leading up to the program, not with how intense and cut-throat the competition had become. But the fact remains that Taeyeon is absolutely devastated to be not only passed over, but to not even be considered for the program when he’s just as good as his peers. 


The trainee group with Minho and Jinwoo is the one that wins, unironically debuting as Winner in 2013.  Jiwon and Hanbin debut two years later, with their trainee group and an additional trainee that still isn’t Taeyeon in 2015. But he’s not terribly sad to see them debut without him, not when he has his qualms with Hanbin and Jiwon – Bobby and B.I, as they’ve decided to call themselves. He thinks they’re conceited and egotistical, and Taeyeon also thinks they treat their members poorly.

During this time, Taeyeon is also considered for a solo debut, pulled more than one from his project group to take on extra lessons. But the Powers That Be change their mind. Taeyeon would be better in a group, offering experience to his peers, and YG really doesn’t do soloists anyway. YG himself says that it would be a waste of Taeyeon’s potential, and that’s that.


[ 2016-present: the renewal ]

Huiyeon joins Taeyeon in YG in  early 2016. Black Pink also debuts in 2016, marking new project groups for the trainees. Taeyeon’s trainee contract – this time a four year – expires in 2017. Unwilling to lose hope, unwilling to believe that his hard-work and determination will be scorned yet again, Taeyeon signs one last four year contract, promising himself that if he’s screwed over again, he’ll leave. (He has the years of experience, the high marks on his evaluations, the sheer willpower. Taeyeon knows any other company would be happy to have him.)


His trainee pool isn’t chosen next. In 2019, it’s a group of trainees that become Blackout, labeled Blackpinks’ brother group. The Haven, their rivals, debut next.


Taeyeon’s contract is set to expire in 2021 when his trainee group, the group he’s part of, a coed squad of trainees, a concept YG has never even considered, is finally given the clear and is put on the path to debut. And finally, finally, Taeyeon’s dream is on the verge of reality.




“I’m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”





LIKES: pizza (of all kinds), anime and manga, fashion, clothing shopping, bbq potato chips, dogs, spicy food, exercising, sports, Mountain Dew (all flavors!), skinship, hardwork, dedication, coffee, fruity candy, rock and alternative music, staying up late, games

DISLIKES: liars, laziness, people that don’t work hard but are rewarded/succeed, horror (books, movies, everything), pretty much all other shopping,  tea, most sodas (aside from Mountain Dew), chocolate, cute concepts, cutesy music, sleeping in, iKon, Winner, Jennie

HABITS: cracking his knuckles, running a hand through his hair, wrinkling his nose (especially when he’s thinking), skinship


HOBBIES: listening to music, dancing, writing lyrics, production, exercising/running, cooking


FEARS: failure, being unloved and unwanted


MISC TALENTS: dancing (he’s a quick study and passionate; it works for him), flexibility, strength & stamina (he can outlast just about anyone)


 instagram: stxrdvst

 twitter/tiktok: he uses the group accounts for a while
 personal (later) tiktok: stxrdvst



 favorite color: blues * gold
 favorite number: 3
 favorite food: pizza, bulgogi
 favorite drink: ice water and mountain dew
 favorite ice cream
 favorite animal: dogs 
 favorite word: hello
 favorite sound: cheering (of an audience)
 favorite season: spring
 favorite artist(s): Blackout, Haven, Itzy, Monsta X, Dreamcatcher
 favorite song(s)
 ideal type: Someone that loves him like he loves them, someone that takes pride in him

 He loves animals of all kinds, but has a particular fondness for cats and dogs.

 He enjoyes solo games: mostly strategy games, like Plague Inc and Bio Inc; and games that are relaxing and make him take a step back and calm down, like Neko Atsuma, Unblock Me, and Hay Day

 He likes watching game play throughs and has a fondness for survival and strategy games, as well as games that are music or rhythm-based. Despite disliking horror games, he actually really enjoys watching playthroughs of FNAF.

 He enjoys anime and manga, not just the ghibli moves everyone else knows, but also movies by Makoto Shinkai. His favorites are Howl's Moving Castle, Your Name, Demon Slayer: Mugen Train, and Fireworks. He also really likes the Sword Art Online series and spinoffs.

 Look, he's a romantic. It's cute, let him live.

 He doesn't like Jennie, Bobby or B.I, Mino, or most of Big Bang, but he at least tolerates Black Pink and the rest of iKon and Winner.





Taeyeon: Physically, yes, I could fight a bird. But emotionally? Imagine the toll.


Taeyeon: You wanna see how hardcore I am?
Taeyeon: *punches wall*
Taeyeon: Take me to the hospital.


Taeyeon: If you can’t beat them, dress better than them.


Taeyeon: Well, well, well... if it isn’t my old friend: the dawning realization that I ed up bad.


Taeyeon: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis.
Huiyeon: You're like 15 years old.
Taeyeon: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!


Taeyeon: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars.
member: If anyone, and I mean anyone, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life.


Taeyeon: I actually have a black belt.
Minju: In what, karate?
Taeyeon: No, from Gucci.


Minju: Three words. Say them and I'm yours.

Taeyyeon: Three words.


Taeyeon: Welcome, fellow idiots.
member: Hello, Taeyeon.
Taeyeon: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot.
member: You underestimate me.


Taeyeon: Am I in trouble?
Huiyeon: Take a guess.
Taeyeon: No?
Huiyeon: Take another guess.


Huiyeon: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Huiyeon: No! Four to five seconds!
Taeyeon: Too late!!!


MORE?: probably put songs here later, playlist style


“Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.”.


PLOTLINE (BACKUP): Paprika (Mace)
PERSONA: The Charismatic Rapper



rap        Joohoney Monsta X x x [bu: Yeonjun]

vocal     Yeonjun TXT x x [bu: Yeonjun]

dance    San Ateez x x [bu: Yeonjun]

speech   Yeonjun TXT x x 

variety   Yeonjun TXT 

TRAINEE YEARS: 2010-present: YG Ent (11-12 years)
TRAINEE LIFE: Taeyeon’s time under YG Entertainment has been an interesting one. He’s been in the company as a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed trainee-turned-tired dungeon trainee since 2010, something that hasn’t exactly done much in his favor aside from make him wary of the CEO and his motives. Taeyeon’s worked hard to prove himself in all the project groups he’s been placed in within the company. He consistently ranked high on the evaluations, and dedicated himself and all of his spare time to bettering himself in the various fields.


Taeyeon made friends with the trainees around him to a point, but there was always something of an edge between them. Taeyeon didn’t ever forget that they were all competing for the same thing: the confirmation of debut, and the other trainees didn’t let him forget, either. (Not that Taeyeon could: he was never allowed to forget that he wasn’t good enough.)


(More of his trainee time is detailed in the final sections of his background!)



 Features? Did you debut already? Model somewhere? Do CFs?  

  SMTM5, but didn't make it past the auditions [Apr/May 2016]

  SMTM9, passed auditions but failed 60 sec team trial [Oct 2020]



  He goes into fashion stuff: NYFW, modeling gigs for fashion brands, etc
  MC on a Music show
  future solo career (Joohoney's mixtape/solos, maybe Hyuk's songs for vocal variety): Psyche, Smoky, Boy With A Star, Winter Butterfly, A Long Night.

  Streetlight (orig Changbin)

  little tiktok/txt vids like these: Peaches


  Spice's Tae dating Billlie's Moon Sua? [true]
This scandal can come out any time after Spice's (and Billlie's) debut. Someone leaks old photos of Tae on dates with Sua, and even though the photos are blurry and hard to make out, no one can deny that the figures in the photos do look similar to Taeyeon and Sua. This would have passed the duo without an issue if not for the fact that almost immediately after this headlines breaks, Sua and Taeyeon breakup, because they had been dating. YG tells Taeyeon to cut it off, but he's willing to argue, to fight for her. The only problem is that Sua isn't willing; Mystic Story tells her to end it, and rather than taking pride in him, in fighting for their relationship, Sua broke up with Taeyeon and dropped him. And it was devastating. After this headlines breaks, Taeyeon goes through a brief spell of not quite depression, but something close to it. He's morose and his smiles are fake, and the world has lost some of its joy. YG and Spice do what they can to cover it, but it's obvious enough. 
YG eventually releases a statement that that had been dating once, but broke up before they debuted. A mutual breakup, of course. (And, they add, it would behoove the media to shut up about it, because if there's any slandar or libel going on, YG has the money and means to make their lives hell. Not that they will. They just want it out of the media long enough for the public to forget about it.)


  Spice Tae and Minju are dating? [debatable]

At some point, Taeyeon's protectiveness of Minju and her hypewoman tendencies will get attention. and Spoice is co-ed, and all co-ed groups (all groups, period) end up with inter-group dating scandals. So it's no surprise that eventually Spice gets them, too. But the difference here is that Taeyeon and Minju arne't dating. At least...not immediately. There's attraction there, but it takes them a little while to figure it out. They're dumb, okay, but at least they're cute. So depending on where the story is and when this breaks is what would decide whether it's true or false. 


  idk, if I think of any others, I'll put them here, but I feel like Taeyeon was a trainee for so long that aside from the mess with Sua and then eventually Minju, he probably stayed out of trouble because it was his dream to debut, and scandals would effectuvely bar that.


CONCEPT(S): Taeyeon would do well with just about any concept, honestly, aside from the cutesy concepts. Which, to be fair, are hard for more idols to successfully pull off. He'd definitely do well with like dance/performance based, or the more rock or alternative music stlyes that have been coming out. Boy crush is a yes, and even more sensual tracks. And I could even see something more mystical or fantastical. The only concept I can really see Taeyeon struggle with is something sugary and cute. 



“If you can do what you do best and be happy, you’re further along in life than most people.”



Welcome to... family & close friends!

Kim Sungtae (father, IT office worker; 5/10)

Despite the fact that Sungtae never had any intention to be a parent, and felt ill-prepared for having a child, he took as good care of Taeyeon as he could. But for as much as Sungtae and Taeyeon had a mutual parent-child love for each other, there was still an edge to their relationship that was lacking. Sungtae loved his son, but the fact remained that he didn’t intend to be a parent, and for the first several years of life, any chance that Taeyeon could be left with uncle Sungyeon and aunt Minhee and their cousins. It wasn’t that sungtae didn’t love him, but that he simply didn’t understand how to best support and nurture him, especially after Taeyeon chose to pursue music. In recent years, however, Sungtae’s become more open in the support of his son and his passion. But there’s still that edge of something between them.


Park Yeonju (mother, fashion boutique manager; 6/10)

Yeonju is similar to Sungtae in the sense that she wasn’t prepared for a child, and then somehow she had one and had no idea what to do. But where Taeyeon’s relationship with his father is more strained, he and his mother have a bit of an easier time. Yeonju is wary of Taeyeon’s passion for music and the industry, but she lacks her husband’s trauma to deter her. Yeonju is the one that agreed to let Taeyeon become a trainee, essentially overruling her husband’s misgivings. She’s also the one that, when Taeyeon began to doubt and before Huiyeon was there within reach, that reminded Taeyeon that he was chasing his dreams.


Kim Sungyeon (uncle, musician; 9/10)

Uncle Sungyeon is one of Taeyeon’s favorite people, not just for his easy-going demeanor and personality, but also for the way he openly introduced Taeyeon to music and gave him lessons, gently encouraging his nephew from the very beginning to follow his dreams. In some ways, Taeyeon is closer to his uncle than his own father.  Sungyeon is also Taeyeon’s definition of parent and relationship goals, thanks not only to his parenting techniques, but also his marriage to his wife and Taeyeon’s aunt, Minhee.


Ahn Minhee (aunt, grade school teacher; 8/10)

Aunt Minhee is another of Taeyeon’s favorite people, and he doesn’t hesitate to let her know. Over the years, Minhee became someone that Taeyeon viewed as a surrogate mother of sorts, due largely to his own parents not being prepared mentally for the needs of a child. In the most platonic way possible, Minhee was Taeyeon’s first crush, and as he aged, she became the ideal that he hoped for his own eventual partner. She and his uncle Sungtae are relationship goals, and Taeyeon admires them fiercely. Her practical nature makes her someone that Taeyeon looks to when he needs advice and a calm, rational head.


Kim Huiyeon (cousin, member of Spice; 9/10)

Huiyeon is Taeyeon’s cousin, and someone that he admires with an unrelenting ferocity. She’s stubborn and motivated, and she’s the reason he really started diving into music. It’s all her fault, and Taeyeon will never not thank her. Over the years of their childhood, Taeyeon sought her out frequently in order to talk music and share in their mutual passion. As they both went into the industry, they relied on each other to keep their spirits high, especially during moments of defeat and dissent. When Huiyeon was let down at JYP, Taeyeon was the one that prompted her to audition for YG, the one that pushed her to join him. In recent years, they’ve become even closer, with Taeyeon thinking of Huiyeon as more like a sister than a cousin, and she’s the one he speaks to first when he needs advice.


Kim Sungcheol (cousin, grade school teacher; 7/10)

Sungcheol was often the designated babysitter of the children during the days when Taeyeon would be dropped off to spend time with his cousins. Sungcheol didn’t mind at the time, and actually looks back on his youth as a chance to prepare for his dream job. While Huiyeon is someone Taeyeon views as a sister more so than a cousin, Sungcheol is the one male cousin that, above all others, Taeyeon views as a brother more so than a cousin. He’s responsible and patient, and over the years his calm demeanor has taught Taeyeon the importance of persevering and sticking to his guns despite the odds he may face. 


Kim Sungil (cousin, waiter, model, influencer; 87/10)

Sungil is refined and chic, and honestly the tiniest bit intimidating. Taeyeon admires his cousin for being so genuinely himself, even in the face of adversity. Sungil doesn’t give a about what others think, and Taeyeon admires that about him. They two are moderately close despite Taeyeon’s general intimidation and Sungil’s somewhat aloof demeanor. The two can usually be caught talking about fashion, a topic that Sungil lives and breathes and that Taeyeon enjoys. Any time Sungil does a new gig, or Taeyeon promotes a brand either through a CF or through concept shots and photoshoots with Spice, the two end up calling or textxing and talking about the clothing. And when Taeyeon has a breakup, or when he has something happen that demoralizes him, it’s Sungil that usually reaches out to remind Taeyeon that he deserves someone that will treat him like the treasure he is. (At endgame, Sungil really likes Minju and doesn’t hesitate to tell Taeyeon that she’s a treasure, too, and he hopes they’ll be happy together.)


Kim Sungjae (cousin, student, in a band; 8/10)

These two cousins are the closest in age, but also in their shared passions. With a shared love for music – with Taeyeon in the industry and Sungjae in a budding band with a handful of his friends – the two talk often. Sungjae’s still a student, of course, and he’s going through the labors of pursuing music on top of his school work. It’s hard, but Taeyeon has more than a few tips and tricks to help. After all, Taeyeon’s been in the industry for over a decade by the time he debuts, and he’ll help his cousin however he can.


Moon Sua (ex-girlfriend, member of Billlie; x/10)

Taeyeon’s relationship with Sua is an odd one. Initially, the two were friends, bonding over their young ages and their dedication to becoming idols. They were two of the youngest trainees in YG Entertainment, and that was something else they bonded over as a result. But they two did more than just become friends. Over the years, Taeyeon and Sua grew close, and when both were of age and felt they were a bit more in control over their lives, they began dating. It’s unfortunate, however, that the two were never meant to last. **see l/i for more details!


Welcome to.... YG Ent!


iKon (labelmates; 3/10)

From the beginning, Taeyeon viewed most of the members of iKon as rivals in one way or another. Jiwon and Hanbin – Bobby and B.I, as they were later called – were the worst due to their shared focus in rap, but even the other members were rivals of a sort due to them making it into the Win: Who Is Next program and project groups when Taeyeon was somehow still “too young,” much to his disappointment. Even after their loss on the program, and then their eventual debut, Taeyeon remained disheartened and even somewhat bitter, hurt by the choices YG had made. Over the years following their debut, due largely to Sua and the influence of the trainees around him (many of which would eventually go into the eventual Spice project group), Taeyeon learned to let go and move on.


Winner (labelmates; 3/10)

Tayeeon’s rivalry with Winner is similar, in a way, to his rivalry with iKon. There’s a lingering bitterness there as well, directly largely at Mino for his late arrival into the company followed by his immediate acceptance into a program that would mean his debut sooner rather than later. It’s sad, too, because before Win, Taeyeon considered himself close to the vocal and dance trainees that would eventually debut in Winner due to their shared training periods. After a couple years to grieve, in the same way that Taeyeon gradually let go of his bitterness for iKon, he also gradually lost his anger at Winner. There’s still a bit of a divide there, as well, a sadness at the loss, but he’s been healing. Slowly, but surely. They’ll never be best friends, but Taeyeon can at least look at them, greet them, listen to that music, and not hate himself for his failure.


Black Pink (labelmates; 5/10)

Taeyeon was never super close to any of the Black Pink girls. They all joined after him, except for Jennie, but they were never really quite enough to demand his focus. They were cute and enthusiastic, and they seemed nice enough when their paths happened to cross. Mostly. But there was always something about Jennie that Taeyeon never liked, and while he managed to have something of a good, working relationship with the other girls, Taeyeon’s relationship with Jennie never moved beyond civil comments and stiff greetings. As his sunbae, they are afforded Taeyeon’s respect, but their music isn’t really his cup of tea, and the dances are ones he learns out of labelmate obligations. (If ever asked, Jisoo is his favorite member, and he praises her relentlessly for how far she’s come and her vocal skills.)


Black Out (labelmates; 8/10)

Blackout is a completely different story, however. Taeyeon trained with a number of them over the years before the boys were all divvied into different project groups. He was not surprised that the Blackout project was the next to go, and he quickly became one of their most steadfast supporters and fans. Taeyeon’s closest to Sion, Seulki, and Junyeob. As a rapper, Taeyeon admires Junyeob, and Seulki’s personality is too genuine and good to not be friends. And Sion is one of Huiyeons’ favorite people, as well as someone that Taeyeon occasionally met growing up.


Haven (labelmates; 7/10)

Haven is a special case of sorts due to the fact that many of them were training with Blackout before they were pushed into a different project so the Blackout boys could debut. Despite the animosity that it created between the groups, and between the friends that were torn apart, Taeyeon maintained a good relationship with most of them – that is, the ones he wanted to stay friends with. Of the boys of Haven, Taeyeon considers himself closest to Yong, Charlie, and Min. He’s one decent terms with both Deshi and Bolin, but their personalities tend to rub him the wrong way sometimes. Yong is the easiest, of course, due to how much time he spent with Seulki and his generally positive personality. But Charlie and Min are right up there due to their more soft-spoken, sweet demeanors. 


Spice (groupmates; 9/10)
Spice are a breath of fresh air. They’re chaotic and messy, but they mean well, and over the years that they’ve been training together, Taeyeon’s come to view them as more than just groupmates, but as friends and even siblings in some cases. There’s some that he’s worried about, some that he fears won’t stand up well to the hazards of idol life, but he thinks that if they’re all there in support… If they’re all there, they’ll be okay. (Of all the Spice members, Taeyeon is happiest to have Huiyeon, Minjnu, and Spencer by his side.)




“Truth is like the sun: you can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t going away.”


NAME: Moon Sua
OCCUPATION: member of Billlie

DOB: Sept 9, 1999

CURRENT STATUS: dating at start of story most likely

PERSONALITY: can i come back to this

FIRST MEETING: Sua and Taeyeon first met back in 2010 when Taeyeon joined YG Ent as a new trainee. They got along awkwardly at first, because they were both so young and because Taeyeon wasn't quite used to interacting with girls outside of his cousin, Huiyeon. At the time, they bumped into each other in the practice room shortly after Taeyeon was brought into the company on his trainee contract. 


Their first meeting was a bit awkward, mostly on Taeyeon's part because he wasn't sure how to handle it. But Sua treated him kindly, introducing herself and their fellow trainees, and allowing Taeyeon to respond in kind. She was big and bold and larger than life despite her young age, and Taeyeon was instantly enamored (in a completely platonic way). He thought she was so cool, and within YG, she became his first friend.

DEVELOPMENT: Over the years, the two of them trained together off and on based on their project groups, their mutual rap focus, and then in whatever free time they had. They became closer than just friends, relying on each other both physically and emotionally. And as they matured, came of age, they agreed to try for more, finally putting a name to themselves in late 2018 after Sua had turned 19.


The two of them were dating, a tentative change in their relationship, and for a short while, they were happy. Even when Sua left YG Ent in 2019, and then signed under Mystic Story. They were happy...and then, somehow, it all changed, and they weren't.


Sometimes in early 2022? the two are caught, and after pressure from both companies, Sua breaks it off with Taeyeon, unwilling to even pretend they're not together. 

INTERACTIONS: After the two breakup, Sua and Taeyeon are awkward af together. When their promotion cycles happen to overlap and they run into each other backstage, they're awkward, like to the point that even the most oblivious members of Spice and Billlie notice and comment.


Taeyeon works hard to avoid being left along with Sua, or even left in small groups, because they're both leaders in some capacity, and Taeyeon feels responsible for making sure their groups are civil, particularly in front of the cameras.


To avoid this, Huiyeon makes it a point to stick close by and not wander, and probably doesn't even hesitate to enlist the other Spice members or friends with overlapping promotion cycles.


ENDING STATUS: exes, and not really on polite or civil terms


 Huiyeon is convinced that Sua let them be caught. Based on Taeyeon's reports of the night the photos were taken, it's Sua's fault they were spotted. Huiyeon thinks Sua was caught earlier on by Mystic Story, and rather than risk punishment, she chose to break it off. 

 Taeyeon did briefly undergo a bit of a depressive episode following the breakup because it revealed to him that despite their friendship, their relationship, it wasn't something Sua considered worth fighting for.



i know i love you

“Your regrets aren’t what you did, but what you didn’t do. So I take every opportunity.”


NAME: Song Minju [x]
OCCUPATION: member of Spice
FACECLAIM: Haseul (Loona)

BACKUPdo I gotta-- uhhh i'll come back to this?


TITLE2.Wake up in day one




TRIVIA: here






Ariel. CreateTheSound. 7.5/10. 


COMMENTS: And here's Taeyeon! Originally I intended for him to be Mace because it fit his character (and I found the mace-nutmeg connection to be fittingly hilarious) but then Sien, Booty, and like 3 other people were all suddenly gunning for the Mace plotline (including one that went for mace-nutmeg and I just hah nope and noped right out of that) and I ultimately decided that instead of dropping Taeyeon (and ultimately Huiyeon), I'd drop him into the Paprika pot since there weren't any apps for it yet.


Taeyeon and Sua being awkward, and then Huiyeon, Minju, any other Spice kids being all suspicious and protective and "leave? no, we're good here"

uhhh idk I'll come back to this dkjfksd



PASSWORD: tough choice, honestly, but either this or this (depending if he goes the rap or a more vocal route)


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