Thoughts *Couldn't think of a title ^^;*

I've taken quite a long break from roleplaying as of late.

It has been....whoa I believe since the end of December to the beginning of January since I'd put myself on a long hiatus. Most of you know that roleplaying has been a big thing for me but for some reason the last few months, it had been kind of wearing on me or however you'd put it? It felt like more of a chore trying to reply to people or keep my character active and just blah basically.

Although it has only been a two or maybe three month hiatus, I think a break really did me some good ^^ I was able to focus on other things I love doing as well besides just roleplaying. It was beginning to concern me actually how much I'd truly been focused on the site so yeah.

Even if it's something you may love doing breaks from what you love are nice as well I believe.


Oh! And before I end this...

To fanfiction writers, artists, whatever you may be have a happy International Fanworks Day! <3 *It's been for a few days I think but just now saw the notice today ^^;*


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