Update - 160215

Hi everyone! How are you all doing? :)

Valentine's Day was two days ago, I hope you all spent it with someone important to you, be they friends, family or a special someone. Even if you spent it on your own, I hope you had a great time!

I'm putting this up here because I know I haven't updated my But Corpses Don't Drink Coffee story (I'm calling it Corpse Coffee for short) - I'm working on part two of it, but it's been really busy lately so I'm sorry that I'm taking up more time than I should. For those of you who have read it (and liked it, hopefully!) or subscribed to it, I'm sorry to keep you all waiting! ^^"

I'm also kind of working on something else too, I hope it works out because I'd very much like to share it up here and show all of you!

That's all for now, I hope to have good stuff for you guys soon :)



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