
Hey guys, I need some help with something personal. Me and one of my closest friend are having a cold war. I don't know what to do really. Before this "fight" he and I would always stick together, like all the time, he's like a brother to me. This is actually the  first time he and I ever had a "fight". This how it all started, the two of us are classmates. In the group that he and I are in, I was assign as the leader. This guy i'm closed with had a habit of relying to others in which I have tried to change it, by giving him tasks in the past. He had done most of them and not disappoint me. Those tasks though are nothing major. Since he had done an exceptional job with those little tasks, I thought Oh maybe he changed.

All of us in the class with different groups were given an activity. It was the first activity and he was not around. Our teacher limit the group with 5 members only but we had 6. 2 were not around He and my other classmate, I told them to have my other classmate join the another group and let my close friend stay with us. Then on that day we had to pass our activity. All four of us did the activity. Then the next activity he was present, so I asked him to typed the activity and just pass it on me and answer everything. All he had to do was typed, he had the weekend to do it. It wasn't even that long. I asked him to do that because in our first activity I added his name although he wasn't able to contribute anything at all. It was unfair to the others who were with me that day.

Long story short, he wasn't able to typed in the activity and I wasn't able to answer it so we got 0 for our activity. The thing that got me disappointed was his excuse. I called him and ask for the soft copy, all he said was that his laptop was broken, I got really irritated. If his laptop was broken then how could he not informed me about it. I would've assign the others or did it myself. If I hadn't called, he wouldn't tell me. I told him that the deadline was already today and that he was the only one who had a photocopy of the activity. He wasn't even in town when I called him, he was in his hometown.

I'm not that petty though, I planned on shrugging it off. When I got to school, I saw him. He was avoiding me. When he would never look in my way or go near me. At first I admit, I got hurt. He and I were always together with everything. We even sat together! I had to sit with my other classmate to avoid the awkwardness. I thought maybe he needed space, that he'll come around somehow. It's been 2 weeks since we last talk with each other and most of my classmate keeps questioning me if he and I fought I would tell them no. We didn't but I guess they noticed how he and I haven't talk for a while now. 

He's the quiet type of guy, he has been alone most of the time when he's in school. I see him talking once in a while with someone but most of the time he would just have his earphones on while resting his head on the table or desk. He would often exclude himself from everyone. Since he and I started being friends, he was never like that. He would talk to me with everything, to the point I have to bluntly tell him to shut up, he would but would still back to bother me. I had his back while he had mine. I was going to move on and go taengsic like with him lol but my friend whom i'm always with nowadays would always poke me when she saw him being alone. 

I don't know how to end this though. Should I wait for him to come up to me or should i go to him first?



I don't know if anyone is reading this but i hope you'll give me an advice. :(


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I would like to say, let him be and maybe let him reflect on his actions and as I see it, he should be the one apologizing to you and make it up for it. But I guess, your friend means a lot to you and I don't want to say he's having issues with 'Pride' but I can't see anymore reason to why he had been ignoring you, unless he felt shameful and didn't have the guts to face you because he let you down.

Anyways, it seems like your friend is a type of person who doesn't open up easily or say what he feels. But things don't always work that way though, he needs to step up if your friendship means a lot to him as it is to you. But if you want to know why, you ask him and maybe punch him too for being such a drama queen lol, jk XD
Well up to you...but i prefer you make the move first...ask him whats wrong or does he need a sure if you keep asking he would open up to you...everyone is like that...its just need someone to talk with