
Okay.. so, i buy some donut just now.. about 6 donut.. 3 chocolate, 1 white chocolate and 2 coffee flavour.. 

then, i out all of them in the refrigerator cos i have to take a bath.. only me in the house.. so after i done taking bath and dress, i take my donut but.... the problem here is there are only 5 donuts left.. 1 of the chocolate flavour is missing.. lol.. 

does anyone see it? *scratch my head*

i remember that i haven't eat any of them.. 

ehh? *keep thinking*

...and thinking...

...and thinking...

...continue thinking...

...stop thinking...

Now i remember that i only buy 5 donuts.. the 6 one is only on the picture of the box.. the decoration of the box i mean.. *really, i buy 6.. this is the only way to think right now.. positively k*


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You're crazy!
*I want some myself along with cappuccino maybe :/* lol!!