So Tired

I am so tired today, I don't really know the reason why. I slept during orchestra today, and that's never happened. I also slept in the car and even then I'm still really tired. This isn't normal, I know it's normal to be tired but this is not the normal 'i should sleep earlier next time' kind of tired. I am exhausted, and I've been feeling this way for quite some time now. One of my clarinet teachers keeps telling me that I just have too many things in my schedule, but that's something I really can't do anything about, being a musician and a student. I know I'm only a freshman in highschool and I really shouldn't be this tired but I really don't even know myself why I'm like this. What's worse, my hip bone has started to hurt a lot, and it hurts even when I'm just walking. I don't want to tell my mom because she's sick herself and I don't want to burden anyone with my stupid problems when they have bigger problems. I honestly don't see the point in me posting this because what can you guys do right? And I know this is really random(well cus my ADHD) but I realize I've been looking forward to nights often and going to bed. I don't know if it's just  a normal thing everyone feels but I used to be very lively and skinny now I've been putting on some more weight and I wouldn't say lazy but less active and more tired. I really don't know what wrong with me, and a bunch of random parts of my body(mostly my bones) are starting to ache, like my ankles, my knees, my hips, etc. I know my ankles and knees hurt because of the sport I did before but I really don't know what's wrong with my hips. Well, let's just hope I don't passout before/while I'm piano practicing. I'ts 8:25 pm right now and I'm barely half done with my bio powerpoint that is due tomorrow. I'm supposed to finish that before piano practicing.

Kill me now.

Thanks for listening to me selfishly blabbering about myself.




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I think you should go see a doctor darling..^^
Leah_Rose #2
Hello there :) Have you been taking any medication? Because that can cause drowsiness. Maybe it could be your monthly thing coming (could also have early cramps). It could be because of the sport/s you play as well. Exercising in general can make the average human extra tired than a normal one. As for the hips, I have no clue on what that could be but if you have sharp hipbones maybe your jeans or bottom wear are causing the pain. I hope I have helped in some way, good luck and I hope you become less tired as the days go on :)