Being compared

Sure, having a Big brother or Sister is fun... But not when everyone always compares you to your Big siblings. When your nothing like them. Sometimes you just want them to see you for your own person and not always as The Baby sister/ Brother. It's no fun When all everyone does is compare you with your brother. Your teachers who had your big siblings before you always give you a hard time, or easy time. Based on what your Big siblings did in class, But even though it's a easy time most of the time; It still feels sickish. When Everyone always feels the need to always compare you to them. Like They say, "Why can't you be more like your Brother/Sister"  

or They say "I just want you to be sucessful like your siblings.". They question your likings and dislikings when you don't agree with them. They want you to be exactly the same as your siblings. I Mean I don't know if you guys go through this (If You have a sibling, It doesn't have to be a Big sibling it can be Little siblings also. If your the older one.)

I should know what it's like, Because I go through it... Everyone is always comparing me to my brothers, I have four. (Yong Yeol, Daeyeol, Min Yeol, Jongcheol). While Kangyeol is to little. So I don't get compared to him. But to the others yes.

As You know, Jongcheol is my baby bro right?, Well His 14 now.And he is mostly really good in math, sports and stuff. And I'm not good in Math. But I'm more into Music, Writing and Art. I'm the Creative one and they mostly compilan how I'm not good in sports and Or I'm not good in math. Of Course, I play Hockey and I Box. But that is the only sport I play. They want me to get into every sport or what don't know. But he is my baby brother, By two years. But it feels like his older than me sometimes. (-_-)

Now back to My big brothers. First let me talk about Yong Yeol Oppa.
So Yong Yeol Oppa is 21, His the oldest. He is in the US Military, Under specail forces. But I still find myself getting compared by my family when it comes to him. Even if I'm way younger than Him. I'm 16 and his 21, We are six years apart. So I don't know why they always feel the need to do that, But of course. When He was younger, He was known in school as the "Smart One" But he was in the football team, Much like Jongcheol. And I mean "American Football", Not Football in Korea and other countries who call Soccer football. They mostly talk about how he is so sucessfull. Of course, Daeyeol Oppa is the one who is Mostly compared to Yong Yeol. Since after all Daeyeol is the second oldest. But I do find myself getting compared to him.

Secondly, The Second oldest. I annouced Daeyeol as the "Second Oldest". Right? Well his Mostly known for his Karate, Wushu and his been in matches and won. Well I'm compared to him in a way. As the Teachers are sometimes to overwhelming after I come in with my gym bag and backpack. They always feel the need to get in my face. And ask why I Don't trophys, when I say "I play for fun." They tell me to go and "Make it Usefull." But I don't want to be known for only Hockey or Boxing. Heck, I don't even want to be anything having to do with Hockey or Boxing. Even If I love doing it. I love doing it for fun, Not as a career path.

Now on to Min Yeol. Minyeol is 5 Minutes older than me... And Sometimes it feels like he could be years older than me. But he isn't... So his the straight out smarter one of the two of us, And People compilan that my Creativeness, which I'm known for "Good or bad". Good in meaning classmates always complete my art or my songs when I sing or show it on display in the halls. But They compilan that I'm not that good in "Being Smart." They complain that I'm being creative isn't usefull. And I have to be smart to move in my path to my future. Like being an artist is a bad thing.... Cause it isn't.


But thats it... Overall I feel like I'm useless, Sometimes. And good enough.. Because everyone always says stuff about how I'm not like "This" or "That" and they compilan, About me being so different and why I can't be like My brothers. I'm sorry this is so long.

Thank you for reading~

Slyent - Yehet.


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I know what you mean. I have 2 older brothers. My oldest brother is 7 years older than I am. He is a mechanic working an 8 hour job. Now he's going to college and he already graduated and he's going to continue his education, even though he is 44 years old. I get compared with him by my dad all the time. He tells me "Why can't you be like Warren and continue your education so you can get a Bachelors or a Masters degree. An Associates degree isn't going to get you anywhere." I may love my dad, but seriously, when is this going to stop with comparing your children. My dad loves my brother the most because Warren and my dad play video games, they watch Nascar, they do things with cars. So, they're always talking to each other. My brother doesn't really do much with me anymore, because I can't stand listening to him about how I should continue my education, instead of working in a lame job. My dad wants me to work in the medical field, but I don't want too. I'm 37 years old, and he treats me like I'm 15 years old. I've already told my dad that out of the 2 parents, my mom is the ONLY one who is supportive. My dad says he is, but he's just bull ting me. My brother could care less. I've already announced to my brother and my dad that when I get my Associates degree, I'm not going to continue my education, unless I want too. My dad is a pain in the because all he wants to do is have me get a good paying job, so he can out ALL my money. He wants me to pay $400 in rent because he says, "That's how much you'll be paying if you living by yourself." Yeah, right. I don't even make $400 working in retail. My middle brother, Dennis, is living with my aunt and cousin, because he doesn't want to listen to my dad about going to school. Dennis isn't supportive, and now I can't stand talking to him because he sounds just like Warren and my dad. I'm so fed up with being compared and not being listened too. So, I know where you're coming from.