ICARUS app: Jung Hye-Mi

Jung Hye-Mi


USERNAME — Geeky4ever




NAME — Jung Hye-Mi

NICKNAME — Hyemi, Mimi

BIRTHDATE — May 5th, 1996. 

BIRTHPLACE — Kyoto, Japan

HOMETOWN — Kyoto, Japan until she was 3 years old, then lived in Seoul, South Korea

ETHNICITY — Half-Korean, Half-Japanese

LANGUAGE — Korean (fluent), Japanese(semi-fluent, from small teachings with her mother and school)







APPEARANCE — Hyemi's height is 161 cm and her weight is 55kg. At first glance, she looks like someone who's really shy and very sweet, and you'd be right on the latter. Her hair is usually long and black, but she wouldn't mind if it changed as long as it didn't look ridiculous. Sometimes her friends squeeze her cheeks because she looks so cute, and Hyemi doesn't mind.

FASHION STYLE — Hyemi's style is very casual, but always tries to look fashionable while doing so. She usually wears a cute white top with jeans(sometimes ripped), and heels. During the winter, she wears fluffy ugg boots, a red beanie hat, and a warm coat.


PLOTLINE — Main Vocalist

TRAITS — She's outgoing with a great sense of humor and is really sweet to anyone she meets. Though, she's a little bit naive so she can get herself into bad situations at times.


Hyemi is friendly to people who want to get to know her. She loves making new friends. She has a good amount of aegyo, but it isn't too much so that it annoys anyone. Her friends love her cuteness. Hyemi's usually the person to go if they want to vent or cry. She's there to listen and help her friends feel better in any way that she can.



Hyemi was born on May 5th, 1996, in Kyoto, Japan. She lives with her mother, older brother and twin brother. Since she's the only daughter, she was treated as a princess. Her father divorced her mother when she was only three so she has no clear memory of him. Her mother raised her and her brothers and she's completely grateful to her for doing it.


She doesn't like to play most sports, but she played soccer when she was in middle and high school. Ever since she was young, she's loved to go out into the forest and explore, which led to a terrible incident involving getting lost. But she loves to do it for anyways. It helps her think when she sits by the water, surrounded by the beauty that is nature. Hyemi once had a pet bunny named Chu she got when she was seven. She loved and took care of greatly before it died when she was 15.


She's always known that she would go into the entertainment business when she was older. She thought about going to SMEnt because of the popular groups that came out of them(aka SNSD and f(x)). She knew that she would endure a painful process, but that it would be worth it to debut. She auditioned in early 2011 and got in after one try. There, she befriended a lot of trainees, most notably, Sehun and Jai.


Although surprising, not many people would think that she liked girls instead of boys. She's never thought of love as anything, that is, until she met her crush. She then realized that she liked girls in a whole new way. Her mother and brother's were very accepting when she told them about ual orientation. She's sometimes scared that when she makes friends, that they will accept her being gay and not leave her.


Singing Twin - Nine Muses' Sera
Dancing Twin - Kara's Hara
Rapping Twin - n/a

LIKES — Singing, family, friends, her crush(down below), the outdoors, music, strawberries and bunnies.

DISLIKES — Not being accepted, being ignored, brusselsprouts(allergic), most sports, feeling alone.

HOBBIES — Singing, doing nature walks, photography.

HABITS — Bites her knuckles when angry, teasing her twin brother(though he does the same), 

TRIVIAS — She's more outgoing then her twin, but Hyunwook is more sporty than her; She once got lost in a nearby forest with her twin for 2 hours before her older brother found them; 



— Father, Jung Jae-Sung  | Since being divorced with her mother, Hyemi doesn't have a clear memory of her father.

— Mother, Jung Rika  | Hyemi is really close to her mother.
— Twin Brother, Jung Hyun-Wook | Only a few minutes apart, they're almost best friends.
—Older Brother, Jung Sung-Min | Treats Hyemi like a little princess and cares for her deeply.



— Close friend, Oh Sehun | They trained together in SMEnt until he debuted in EXO. She brings out the sweetness in him when he puts on his poker face. She would love to duet with him in the future.

— Friend, Isaree Jaiukul | Hyemi befriended Jai when the latter was sitting alone in the dance studio. Hyemi likes her sense of humor ans sarcasm and is there when Jai needs someone to talk to.

The girl who will never know her undying love






LOVE INTEREST — Krystal from f(x)



PERSONALITY — Shy, adorable, cute, funny, introverted

RELATIONSHIP — They met when Hyemi accidentally bumped into Krystal in the halls at SMEnt. As she was falling, Krystal caught her by grabbing onto her wrist. Hyemi looked up and swore she saw an angel. Krystal smiled at her and asked if she was alright. Hyemi nervously said I'm fine, sorry, and left. Usually, Hyemi is very calm when talking to her friends, but she immediately becomes flustered when around Krystal. Hyemi would do anything for Krystal, even if she was a shoulder to lean on. She just cares that Krystal is happy, even if it meant that her heart could break in the process.



SCENE REQUESTS — Some sort of interaction between Hyemi and Krystal. One of which could be that Hyemi listens to Krystal's problems and helps her feel better. And one romantic scene. I don't care how you'd play that out, but one scene where they show mutual romantic feelings.


Persona: Very friendly and who's vocals are as sweet as her.

Jammin' Song: It isn't really a fist-pumping song, but it's really sweet and relaxing to listen to.



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juniperdays #1
Will review soon :)