ICARUS app: Lee Yoon-Sung

Lee Yoon-Sung


USERNAME — Geeky4ever




NAME — Lee Yoon-Sung

NICKNAME — Yoongie

BIRTHDATE — June 12th, 1995. 

BIRTHPLACE — Gangbuk, Seoul, South Korea

HOMETOWN — Gangbuk, Seoul, South Korea


LANGUAGE — Korean (fluent), English (learning)


FACE CLAIM — Park Hyung-Seok





APPEARANCE — Yoonsung stands at 177 cm and weighs 59kg. He has short black hair, though he sometimes changes it to dark red or light blue. He has a scar near the top left of his forehead for when his head accidentally slamed into pavement as he was riding his bike. He covers the scar up with his bangs. He's sometimes called "Little Yonghwa" because of his similar looks and because he plays the guitar.

FASHION STYLE — Yoonsung is more of a reserved guy when it comes to fashion. He usually wears a nice pair of skinny jeans, a T-shirt with his favorite leather jacket over it, and comfortable sneakers. He can also be seen wearing a black fedora.


PLOTLINE — Lead Rapper


Positive: He's committed to his work, whether it's for school, family, friends, or his music.

Negative: He gets distracted sometimes and drifts ino his mind. He doesn't let his feelins out directly.


Yoonsung is usually a quiet guy who sometimes gets lost in his own thoughts. He's more into his music than any other course in school, though he still does well in them. When's he's angry or sad, he doesn't and stays too quiet for comfort. Sometimes, he lets his emotions out in song. He loves to bike ride when he wans to clear his head. He loves spending time with his parents and hanging out with his friends. Yoonsung gets really cranky if he doesn't get enough sleep, or if you wake hum up during his sleep. So if you wake him up, watch out. 



Yoonsung was born in Seoul, Korea and has stayed there for most of his life. Yoonsung loves his mother dearly and is sometimes called a "Momma's Boy"(see below). His favorite flower from his mother's shop is the Pink Rose. Everytime his birthday comes, he receives his gifts, along with a pink rose. His father is a simple man who loves his son and Yoonsung loves him back. His father studied in the United States during college, so he's fluent with the language. With this, he's given lessons of Basic English to Yoonsung.


He had always loved music, whether it was helping him at doing work or if he was relaxing and needed something to listen to. He begged his parents to get him a guitar and lessons. One of his favorite songs to play is CNBlue's Love Light, not only because it sounded great musically, but he could also relate to the lyrics.


When he was younger, he used to visit his uncle's place and hang out with Donghae, his cousin. To him, he was like the older brother he'd always wanted. Yoonsung looked up to him(figuratively and literally), and Donghae loved him to. Sometimes, Yoonsung would hear about Donghae's tales about his life as a trainee at SMEnt. Yoonsung was really fascinated and started to become interested in being an idol. After Donghae debuted in Super Junior, he began to see less and less of him, which saddened Yoonsung.


As his love of music grew, so did is passion for becoming an idol. He decided, at the age of 15, that he would audition at SMEnt to become an idol as a rapper. He auditioned in 2010, and got accepted after two tries. He befriended trainees within SMEnt, most notably, Red Velvet's Irene. He's excited that he might get a chance to be in a group like ICARUS.


Singing Twin - CNBlue's Jonghyun(ironic, huh?)
Dancing Twin - B1A4's Jinyoung 
Rapping Twin - Infinite's Dongwoo

LIKES — Playing the guitar, strawberry ice cream, singing, rapping, bulgogi, hanging out with friends, music, and sleeping.

DISLIKES — Being mocked, feeling doubtful of himself, oranges, feeling alone, math, drawing(he can't really draw), sports, and turtles(bad experiece as a kid).

HOBBIES — Bike riding, rapping, playing the guitar in his free time, and writing songs.

HABITS — Bites his lips when in deep thought, not letting his feelings out, and softly humming to songs.

TRIVIAS — He loves making acoustic versions of songs; He and his dad both biked up a mountain and back; He has played the guitar since he was seven years old; He occasionally composes and writes songs.



— Father, Lee Jin-Wook  | Akara and Jai are very close. 

— Mother, Lee Hyun-Mi | Always calls him momma's boy, but he doesn't mind it.

— Cousin, Lee Dong-Hae | Cousin on his father's side, Yoonsun loved to play with Donghae. He almost felt like a brother to him when he was younger. Though, since his debut in SuJu, Yoonsung hadn't seen him much.



— Best Friends, Kim Jiumin | His childhood best friend. He's very protective of her since she's younger then him and treats her like the sibling he never had.

— Friend, Bae Joohyung(Irene) | He met Irene when he was auditioning for SMEnt. He was waiting to audition when a couple of SM trainees came by to tell him about the process. Irene talked to Yoonsung to calm his nerves and eventually became friends.

The one who strummed into his heart


LOVE INTEREST — Choi Junhee(Juniel)



PERSONALITY — She's a very cheerful person who can make you smile and laugh even if you're having a bad day. She's also down-to-earth and can be laidback at times. Her favorite flower is the cherry blossom. When she isn't working on her music, she goes hiking with her friends. And if she isn't doing that, she's just lazing around at hime. She wants to show people the real her and her personality, and not just from her songs.

RELATIONSHIP — Yoonsung was listening to the radio, when all of the sudden, Juniel's Illa Illa came on. He completely fell in love with her voice and guitar playing. If he was stressed, he would listen to this song and feel more relaxed. He saw Juniel perform Illa Illa live on a music show. After the performance, he was luck enough to get her signature. He was really shy around her and hesitantly asked for her autograph. He talked about how he knew how to play guitar and Juniel smiled and was impressed. After she left, he looked down at what she wrote. "Juniel. Hope to hear you play someday ^__^"



SCENE REQUESTS — I would like to see Yoonsung and Juniel interact. 


Persona: He's the lead rapper who looks confident and suave on the outside, but is acutally a quiet guy who has a lot of softness within him.

Jammin' Song:



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