Time Has Gone By ;;

I've just come to realize that while I was gone I have lost touch with so many people I held near and dear. One of many, as probably all of my friends know him as my Teddy, I am kind of going through a bit of a.....how do you call it, withdrawls? lol Yeah that. I'm currently missing him like crazy. It's been so long since we last spoke and I now have no other way to speak to him. Ugh the paaaaain. It's the oddest thing but after so long of having him to go to....every time I go through a breakup now I always gravitate back to AFF because that was where Teddy was. I miss him a lot. Seriously this hit me like a ton of bricks, out of nowhere, and it so so so badly.
In case I've lost touch with any of you guys comment below just to remind me of who you were...I'm kind of starting to forget a lot of things, as in the other day someone actually had to remind me that I knew them at all and it was scary but it's very real with what I've been diagnosed with so forgive me if I go lol who are you again? Pretty please take the time to remind me so we can get back in touch okay? I miss being around the people I met here ;___;


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Laymedowninabedofexo #2
I'm nobody special, but I like to see how you are doing every now and then when you come on....I hope you're alright ^-^

I used to be Thaiprincess43 tho...