A Few Writing Tips I Learned in Screenwriting Class

Hey, everyone~ o/

Well, as most of you already know, I haven't update my stories in months and years. I highly apologize for that. I really am. orz

Anyways, my school offered Screenwriting this year and I decided to take the class. Well, I honestly love it so much! My teacher taught me so much about writing (well, mainly for writing plays but it works for writing too!). 

First of all, I recommend you guys read Story by Robert McKee. This book gives great advices about what to do and what not to do when writing. Well, again, it's mainly for screenwriting. But it also contains a lot of tips and examples about writing and getting over writer's block!

Okay, I thought about giving you guys some basic tips:


Write a paragraph about your story. Note that if you could catch a reader's attention in 2 minutes then you're doing good! Also, don't reveal too much! You want to "tease" the reader a bit, because if they're curious about what happens in your story then they'll have to read it!


Write a least a page describing your character(s). Write about their looks, posture, personality, hobbies, family background, and etc. Note: one paper (or more) per character. 


Take some index cards and write down your story in a sentence or two or more, but don't include dialogues and don't write more than the space provided on one side of the card. You may include the character(s)' thoughts. On the other side, write it's chapter number or whatever. Pretty much this a summary about what happens in each chapters of your story. Note that you'll come up with a lot of ideas but at least one would work and it's okay to start over. 

Alright, guys. Unfortunately, that's all the tips I have for you. But I might add more!

Also, if you noticed, these tips are mainly for screenwriting, but I summarized it as best as I can so it seems like these are writing tips (which they are, but it's not written like this in the book).

Also, these are a few tips to get over writer's block! I've seen and known many authors who suffer this (including me). So, I thought that if I gave some of these simple tips, it could help many others write better stories without suffering writer's block!

Anyhow, I'm going to start using a few of these tips from now on when I'm writing my stories! I hope these tips helps you and if you have any other tips, post it in the comment box below! I'd love to learn more writing tips! Besides, why keep them to ourselves? 

-kyutesomate ^o^



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