「 hot issue 」: Liu Jinjing


full name: Liu Jinjing
other names: Adrian Liu - his english name. He prefers it that people call him this (though they don't, except for media and on-camera purposes).
swivel - hanbin's nickname for him, after the former thought that jinjing looked rather cool doing it.
birth date: 07/23/1992
blood type: B
birth place: Jeju Island.
hometown: hong kong.
ethnicity: half Korean half Chinese.
languages: Chinese - fluent, his native language.
Korean - while it's been only two years, honestly his skills of Korean aren't so bad either, at least he could talk with a decent pronounciation.
height: 179
weight: 60
faceclaim + back up: Zhang Yixing + Evan Yo
appearance: physical attributes/style
- Jing is nowhere near a very idealised kind of body, but he gets an average-to-low kind of height and an idolized weight. All of them are just fine for him, because he is content with what he has right now. He has two dimples on both of the side of the faces. Body wise, it deems to be suited for dancing. However, he can usually be perceived as 'high' with low-droopy eyes. He may look a little bit more laid-back and a non-enthuasist (a little bit friendly too), but this guy is a no-no in laziness and had a bad case of being a clean freak. he prefers his hair to be in a dark dye, because he experienced the terror of looking awfully bad in red or blond. Also, he keeps his hair a little long (covers his eyebrows and swipes a little to his right).
personality: at least two paragraphs, important character traits bolded.
Jinjing is one of the easiest for being viewed by first timers as a delightful person, likening the idea of interaction with people because with it, he will be able to view people with the shifting points of view, trying to understand them in the best ways he can go with the way they perceive the world as, so at least he can try to persuade them or just judge them if their opinions are a little bit reasonable than him, so maybe he can change his views on them.
but jinjing isn't always the guy like that. first timers will be surprised that, if he gets offended, he will start snapping himself into a secluded shell, out from people. because in so many ways, when he tried to reason with them, they didn't want to understand his opinions, and thus pushes themselves further (usually the more daring ones, soft-hearted people got his message across that he won't get them at all). you just can't change his opinions if there is no understanding from the other party (aka shoving things down his throat). it usually takes a long time for him to literally get off from that grudge. but if actually necessary to print his values off to them (usually because they crossed the line) he will made a comeback that will either made people nod in fear, or clench their teeth in humiliation. only if they went too far. and too far is saying a lot, because he will try to understand their views first.
but he isn't always perceived as a cold bastard either, because it's trus that first timers (on-screen camera) will get his bright, eccentric side. eccentric, because, when he isn't with people (which is frequent), he gets his time to daydream about things, to take his mind off, and be a little lost. his frequent self-isolation does make him a little more than clueless on how the idol world won't take his morbid jokes or his odd interactions, but he has shaped himself to be cautious of the interactions with the camera or acquaintances, because a horrible first impression is a scarring one. still, he couldn't help himself to feel that it restrains him (though at the end he thinks its better for the future). he knows that they only want the things from him that can be perceived as acceptable, and thus his uneasiness that he has more in his mind, because, as much as he restrains it, a part of him wants it to be unleashed (most noticeable in his strange ways of making lyrics).
when he realized the part of idol world is to be nice, you can leash him to be nice, but you can't keep on doing it forever.
he just can't stop a freedom for thought (and thus his frequency of speaking outrageous comments when already  pushed too far). and thus his other weakness is to let his problems left off the road, to think for the distant future (thus his daydream).
however, the reason why he feelt so free is because he feels no one literally controls him. or for a better way, no one is very willing to be his friend. as much as an eccentric he is (and a curious one), he can't stand shallowness (in which the idol world is). he prefers people who can actually get along with him, talking about deep phylosophical arguments or debates (his self-isolation stem from this; being with himself rather than a group of shallow thinkers). even if he is put in the same place with other deep thinkers, he can become more than talkative to share his ideas, because it has been long before he can pour it out.
but there is one thing that he wants more than a way to share his ideas; family. ever since his restrained contact with his parents and death of his sibling, he felt detached against so many people, and he craves for the love that is of a family coming from anyone; and the life of a trainee he is now, the boy from hong kong, not an idol named minute, is what he wants his family to accept, because it's been so long that he felt so empty in the inside, as the saying goes, "the cheeriest are the saddest." It wasn't surprising at all to see him working hard to get his wress off, honestly.
background: Jinjing was born in Jeju Island, on 23 July 1992, over a very poor family. Liu Jinhuang had strived to feed their family by working a lot of low-paid jobs, but with little success to keep the ends meet. He longed to return to his homeland instead of being stuck in an island of unfamiliarity. So, he set out to Shanghai, his original homeland.
For three years, Jinjing experienced the life of any country boy; but he missed a father figure for three years (though he started discovering his talent of being a dancer. After two years though, his father started sending money towards his family, and a year later, he returned home and took the family to Hongkong (Hongkong's exempted from the one-child policy). Jinjing also started his life in a great school, and until he's seventeen, life is an easy thing. But he kept something under his parents knowledge; after he started school, it forced him into choosing any extraculicular activity, and he choosed modern dance, keeping it secret when they discovered his grades are getting lower. Only Chengjing knew about it. He also developed a close friendship with his sibling; chenjing would playfully snark jinjing and the latter would start getting a payback. But their relationship would be best described as a talk or heart-to-heart.
However, when he's seventeen, bad news struck his family. Both siblings were struck with dengue fever, but Jinjing survived and Chengjing died. the news affected his family badly; Jinhuang became an increasing workaholic and abandoned his wife and child. Yoomi fell down into grief for a period before she control herself, and Jinjing started to ask himself why is it happening.
But he remembered the last words of Chengjing, when he said, "I'm proud of you. Don't stop your dancing."
Jinjing finally continued to dance again, but he decided the risk to tell his parents. The response was a little more than what he expected, as while Jinhuang was rather enraged when he heard it and Yoomi was a little surprised, both realized his oldest son's last words and let him take his own chance. Jinjing left Hongkong for South Korea.
- He went to Seoul to search for a suiting entertainment, but numerous rejects frustrated him. he ended up at an underground dance group named AKSueet* that he came by. he joined them for one and a half year before one of the YG staff saw his performance and recruited him as a trainee, and he accepted without further doubt. 
When Jinjing first came by, he was pretty much a little more than overlooked; even if Chinese idols are getting increasingly common in many companies, him being a biracial person isn't very looked upon, and plus his rather quirky tendencies and a hardened shell does scare people away, but training for two years had made him familiar with a lot of people, and thus a friendly attitude towards many. he had waited patiently after WIN and mix and match, and though many deemed him not to be very strong in the survival show, YG seemed to have some kind of hidden cards of his own.
*fictional. Is it okay?
father | Liu Jinhuang | 50 | although he begrudgingly allowed jinjing to continue being an idol, he still despised his son's choice and wished he had taken a safer route of being a businessman. they were never close since jinhuang became a workaholic and jinjing felt very little love he needed.
mother | Jang Yoomi (Zhang Liumi) | 49 | yoomi allowed jinjing to continue his career while trying to think over the dilemma in which one is the best for her son and her, because although she loves her son dearly, she still want Jinjing to think over the career he chooses, frustrating him and restrained their relationship even more.
Older Brother | Liu Chengjing| 19; deceased| the main reason (or the sole reason) why Jinjing didn't want to give up against his  dream, even if people had thrown rocks at him to stop climbing the mountain. he wants to make Chengjing proud, and to also remember a lot of his brother's support, even in his last moments.
closest friend in yg | kim hanbin |  one of the closest friends (found out by common likening for being workaholics) when they first met by two years ago.
- puns - don't even ask. It starts just because he wants to get a girl back in hong kong with cheesy pick up lines, but it just start to became a race of who puns the best.
- tea - mostly herbal.
- sunny days - perfect for outdoor activities.
- cycling - he can go daredevil all he wants, but cycling is just one of the all-time favorites.
- working - it seemed odd, but jinjing prefers it that he works on bad days; so at least he can forget whatever bad thing that caused it.
- ice cream - as long as it's cookies&cream.
- morning walks - he's lame but he feels fabulous in the morning.
- letters - he knows he's lame (again), but he doesn't care. he likes receiving letters, because he just likes the feeling of waiting for the letters to come by. and he feels he can just do a conversation that is already settled well.
- dark chocolate - too bitter.
- measles - he suffered a case of getting red spots all over his body twice; and he swore to his life to keep his body clean.
- dengue fever - more like a fear, i know, but i guess he hates it.
- rich coffee - too bitter, too strong, too... oh shut up jin.
- rude people - "yeah i get you're angry, but you're the smart homo sapiens, not a parrot."
- silver with nickel - he is allergy to nickel.
- nu metal - "you don't combine hydrochloric acid with nitric acid, do you?"
- airplanes - he has a fear of heights and will start vomiting the minute he's allowed to do that. it's severe.
- swears off "bloody" because he thinks british swears are cool.
- almost always found never making it out to the bed when drunk; always in the bathroom.
- he can't and won't daydream in a stressed out episode, and the length depends on the reasoning. but it kinda ends with him getting a nightmare where he remembers his parents told him to give up and his brother's final. it will end with him waking up (yes, he usually sleeps his stress off) and hugged his knees, tearing up (and the trainees would ask him why but he doesn't answer them, so the least they do is giving him tissue or warm water to drink before he completely calms down).
- His five pen pals (yes, he still use letters) are spread through five continents; one was a German teacher that teached in jakarta (but planned to go to frankfurt halfway 2016), an aspiring in her mid-20s studying in California (and originally came from warsaw), a young boy of 15 in age living in chile, a 17 year old student in johannesburg, and the last one was a k-pop fan living in kaunas. He only know them through random searches in internet and his father's acquaintances.
- like said before, he still uses letter as means of communication (only for his friends, though), because he felt it was better than an awkward conversation.
- jinjing came up with the name, 'adrian' when he read a... yes, an accidental fanficition read.
- there is a reason why YG wouldn't use jinjing's lyrics for a long time... there was an accident when YG asked it, and it, there were awful morbid jokes and puns everywhere, strange ual descriptions, and at the end, he quietly closes the book while saying, "next." privately to his staff. it became a renowned insider's joke.
- has a past experience of being a DJ in two nightclubs before.
stage name: Minute
stage persona:The Workaholic Punner
strengths: a b-boy and played the guitar bass and can dj like it is nothing. and smart wits to add.
weaknesses: his singing isn't the strongest (at least he can go with R&B), he still suffers from the korean language, and his wits are a little too far sometimes. oh, and his lyrics... just... no. And for being a workaholic.
singing/rapping/danging twin: Infinite's Dongwoo/-/Jay Park

username: alcyonen
comments/questions/concerns: none. Uh, I hope you're fine with him having no love interest. and it's almost nighttime, i'm forced to sleep. uh.
scene suggestions: later. i'll add.


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