Royally Screwed Giveaway Entry

Who’s your favorite character?

Honestly, I don't have a favorite character. All the characters are unique in there own ways, but since I do have to answer the question.

These 4 characters interest me the most:

1. Sora (of course, she's the main character after all)

I guess, personally, she's a character I'd like to be. A person who may at times be weak, but can also be so strong and patient. It's amazing how she's grown up to be that great woman even after all she's been through. Her bond with Sehun is also something I'd really like to have with my siblings. (albeit I don't have a brother) Though there are times when she may be a tad too frustrating, and I feel bad for Baekhyun XD But I guess being able to talk back to authority is another one of her great points.

2.  Baekhyun

​Baekhyun, Baekhyun, Baekhyun. . . At first I didn't really like his character, and I even wanted Sora to end up with Kai instead, but as the story progressed and I could slowly see the changes happening within him, I realized he isn't what he seems to be. His back story was so much more. I love Baekhyun's value for friendship. I love how he sacrificed for Chen. I love how he tries lighten up the mood, although he could have been breaking inside. But I guess it's cute how he tried to court Sora too, especially how he reacted when he was so frustrated with her.

3. Sehun

Sehun's character is something that I definitely have to add because I'm pretty sure all this started because it was him who Kai bullied out of all the students in their large school. He's sorta like the typical teenager with problems, but at the same time he's not. (Do I even make sense?) While he does act like a typical teenager going through puberty, the problems he faces are no ordinary ones, and I find it striking how he's able to juggle everything. And basically, Sehun just seems really human to me. Like while Kai is like the darkness of the story, and while Sora is usually so strong, and Baekhyun's a weird blurry mess I can't really understand, Sehun is like something that balances things: the character that is cheery but at the same time bitter, or something like that.

4. Kai

Of course, this list would not be complete without the most mysterious one of them all, Kai. I'm a er for dark characters, and although Kai isn't actually high on my bias list, I really like his character here. His imperfections are what makes me like him more. Kai is a coward, but I feel like this is the human side of him (?) As weird as it may sound, I like his cowardice because it might just be the key for him to open up. (that was quite contradictory XD)


Who’s your least likeable character?

If I were to choose a character that I don't really like, it would be Dara. I don't really don't like her, but I put a lot of value in friendship and loyalty, and what she did to Sora was really wrong. And I understand that she had her reasons, but I believe that betrayal from a friend hurts a lot more than a betrayal from an enemy. Her timing was especially bad because she did it at the time Sora needed her the most.


What is your favorite scene?

My favorite scene would definitely have to be "60 Seconds" when Baekhyun came to Sora's house at night like a modern Romeo and Juliet thing. These were the days when they were still being a lot more snarky to each other and Baek was being this cute arrogant dork who was courting her. And although their meeting started off light-hearted and joking, I like how it slowly shifted to a more serious mood talking about the pool incident. How Baekhyun apologized, how it showed Baekhyun's side of things, how it showed both Sora's and Baekhyun's vulnerability. And then it went back to teasing each other, and finally when he gives her his ring and his "symbolism crap" as Sora said. (And Sora fails at throwing it away :>)


Password: Drowning


Upvoter? Yes or no?

Yes :3


gosh, sorry for the word vomit XD


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LOL. I love your answers were contradictory and it totally makes sense xD

I feel you. Kai isn't even in my top five, and yet, I really love him in my story, and when I see him in videos, I thin of only the Kai in my story.

Haha, okay, I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you for your answers <3

"Word vomit" xDD lol, oh gawd.