I don't want to go to school... No, not because of homework. It's because of my guy crush. ARGH! I swear I am going through way too much with drama. 

Okay, first problem is that nobody knows K-Pop at my school. Well, except one of my friends who's half Korean. He hates it though he has never listened to it. >.> WHAT KIND OF LOGIC IS THAT?

Okay, back to my guy crush. He kind of looks like Junhyung from BEAST. Except he's German. ASDFGHJKL

And you know what ? I HAD to be zapped, and get him from my friend. WHEN I SPECIFICALLY TOLD HER NOT TO.  

If you have no idea what zapping is, just google middle school zapping. Use it, Google is your friend.

Yeah, so a couple of guys from my Band Class tried to force persuade me to ask him out. 

That is impossible. 

I have a really bad fear of people. Social Anxiety Disorder. Since I can't self diagnose, let's just say I'm irrational fear girl. I can't even talk to someone on the phone if it's ordering something. Like pizza, I can't do that. Alos, I have germaphobia... It's weird. And I have stage fright, zoophobia, mottephobia, and a fear of the paranormal. 

I sound so fun don't I? 

Well, anyway my crush, let's call him Junhyung for now, okay. 

So Junhyung likes nobody at school so I got a rejection without him knowing it. And I had a fear of him saying yes since my parents would kill me if I dated before I finished college. Yeah, my parents are nutjobs.

Junhyung is like the 'emo' dude at school, kay. He can play guitar and bass guitar. He's also in a heavy metal band. 

Thing is, he's not my usual type of guy.

I guess he's my first serious crush. That's what my two best friends say. EXCEPT THAT HE'S A FREAKING JERKFACE.


  1. He slammed a door into my face.
  2. He insulted my best friend's school by calling it 'ghetto.'
  3. He avoids me.
  4. He just ignores me even when we are paired up for something.

What the hell dude?


If you actually read this, then help me on what I should do.

Should I just say I like him and leave school without regrets? Or should I just be a chicken and live with the fact that a guy will never like me? Or should I just leave things as they are, and see what fate brings?


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FuyumiMairen #1
Well, this is the last year I'll see him so he won't have an effect on me anymore. Hopefully... Thanks, you're really nice. I've always wanted a big sister~ I've been the oldest so I always wanted to have somebody who can help me. I can't really go to my parents since a lot of personal things happened that I really don't want to remember. It left us feeling awkward around each other so I can't really go to anybody for advice.
*IT'S really cringe-worthy
lol what's the use of being friends here if I can't even be bothered reading blogs? I always read blogs. I just don't comment most of the time. This is an exception, though, because you're asking for advice. I experienced what you're feeling, so I understand you.

We're growing up and whether we like it or not we won't get ourselves sometimes. You know, if you pay more attention to your feelings towards him, your curiosity will grow, and it will lead to some serious problems in the future. I did things I regretted even now xD It's not really that much, but it really is cringe-worthy. Heh.

And no problem! As an older sister, I should watch over the younger friends I have here. Remember that I'm just a PM away ^^
FuyumiMairen #4

Thanks for the advice. I didn't think anybody read my blogs.
Yeah, I guess you're right. I should just leave it alone and let life go on. My friends don't give out this advice that's good as your yours.
But seriously I wonder what's going around my head sometimes. He's just a jerk, so I'm just going think he's a jerk, and then this will pass.

Thank you again for the wonderful advice.
I guess the fact that he has a rebellious spunk makes you feel attracted to him. But then, to be honest, if I were you, I'd rather not tell him I like him. Why? Because let's face it: guys have egos.

The moment they hear that someone likes them, chances are they'll play around with them. And I wouldn't want to have a boyfriend who insults my friends or who slams a door in front of my face. js, js. All I'm saying is he might look attractive in your eyes now but trust me, he'll get old one day and look like a stale bread. All of us will.

Oh, and your parents not allowing you to have a boyfriend until you finish college? Kudos for them. Trust me on this one you'll thank them one day. They love you, that's why they're restricting you.

You might like him now but that'll fade away. When I was thirteen I had a crush on someone. It lasted for almost five years. He's a gangster and he drinks alcohol. Now I wonder why I even liked him. Ew.

Be a chicken and live with the fact that a guy will never like you? Pft, yeah right. Here, exactly how many guys are there in this world? Who knows a Korean might be destined for you. Heh. I advise you to leave things as they are. Don't confess. There are many fish in the sea.